My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1206 Extra chapter, the forces behind them

Chapter 1207: Extra chapter, the forces behind them

"Little guys, are you not children anymore? Do you have one more head than other children?" Qin Yinze showed his eldest brother's majesty and forcibly changed the subject, "It's so late, let's go back to the room to rest. The future matters for adults. "Leave the kids alone."

Zhan Limo Nunu said: "Brother, I'm not talking about you. You took my sister-in-law out, of course you have to bring her back. Now you come back alone, what will happen?"

If Old Man Zhan takes Qin Xiaobao out and leaves Qin Xiaobao to go home alone, Old Man Zhan will probably not be able to sleep peacefully for a long time.

Qin Yinze pinched Zhan Limo's face: "Little guy, go back to your room and rest immediately. If you say one more word, I will send you two back to Jiangbei tomorrow."

At the end of the war: "Brother, how can you threaten people?"

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

At the end of Zhan li's life, he quickly reached out and covered his mouth. If he didn't say something, he wouldn't say it. Why are you so fierce? This is a typical manifestation of guilty conscience.

"Brother, are you really okay after drinking so much?" Qin Yinjian is still worried about his eldest brother's health. As for whether his sister-in-law has come back, it is not what he is most worried about.

"Brother is not nice to you." Qin Yinze smiled and rubbed Qin Yinjian's little head. "Xiaojian, take Xiao Limo back to the room to rest. Don't worry about eldest brother."

Qin Yinjian said sensibly: "Brother, let's go back to the room to rest first. You should also rest early."

Qin Yinze nodded: "Well, good night, little guy!"

"Good night, brother!" After saying goodbye to Qin Yinze, the two little guys returned to the room. As soon as they closed the door, Zhan Lim shouted loudly, "What's wrong with brother and sister-in-law?"

Qin Yinjian said: "Eldest brother said we don't care about the adults' affairs."

At the end of the war: "When did you become so obedient?"

Qin Yinjian: "Since you want your sister-in-law, then give him a call."

At the end of Zhan Liming, he immediately took out his mobile phone: "Fortunately, I was smart enough to leave my sister-in-law's phone number."

Qin Yinjian: "In addition to leaving the girl's phone number, can you think of anything else?"

"Normal people want to get close to a beautiful woman, let alone one as beautiful as a young lady." Zhan Limo immediately dialed Jirou's phone number. As soon as the call was connected, he said sweetly, "Sister-in-law, it's me, I’m Xiao Limo.”

Jirou had just arrived at Dai Li's house. Before she could change her shoes, Zhan Limo called. When she answered the call, she heard the little guy's sweet voice: "Xiao Limo, what's wrong?"

"Sister-in-law, why don't you go home?" Zhan Limo on the other end of the phone said pitifully, "Sister-in-law, if you don't go home, I won't be able to eat or sleep."

"Xiao Limo, my sister-in-law is busy these two days and can't go back. You guys have fun at home." However, after spending a day with the two little guys, they are not familiar with each other, but as soon as she heard the little guy's voice, Jirou I'm worried about them. If the relationship with Qin Yinze hadn't been so tense, she would have rushed back to see them.

At the end of the war, he said dullly: "Sister-in-law, don't you even miss us?"

Ji Rou said: "I think so, my sister-in-law misses you."

At the end of the war: "Then why don't you come back?"

Ji Rou said with a guilty conscience: "Sister-in-law, I don't have time. I'll go back to see you when I have time."

At the end of the war, he asked again: "Sister-in-law, if you can't come back, how about we go find you?"

Ji Rou hesitates: "But..."

"Sister-in-law, let's do this. You go to bed early tonight, and Xiaojian and I will go find you tomorrow. Sister-in-law, good night! I hope you dream about me." After saying that, Zhan Li hung up the phone at the end, and Jirou helplessly said He shook his head and said, "Little guy, there's really nothing I can do against you."

"Who is it?" Seeing Ji Rou answering the phone with a gentle look on her face, Dai Li was very curious about who the person over there was.

Ji Rou smiled: "Two very cute little cuties."

Dai Li became more and more curious: "A very cute little cutie? Who is she?"

Ji Rou thought for a while: "Just one look at them will make you fall in love with their little cuties. They will come to me tomorrow and I will introduce them to you. I guarantee that you will like them too."

"Forget it if it's just a cutie. I don't like cuties, I only like rich men." Dai Li took off her coat and walked to the room, "Little girl, I'll find you a pair that you haven't worn yet." Put on your pajamas first."

Ji Rou said, "I'm going to trouble you here these days."

"You are indeed in trouble." Dai Li added, "So, you have to think carefully about your feelings for Young Master Qin, and then do whatever you want to do when you figure it out. I am now The salary is so pitiful that I can barely support myself, and I don’t have enough time to support you.”

"Dai Li, why am I a wounded woman? Can't you say a few nice words to comfort me?" Ji Rou glared at her, "A woman without a conscience."

Dai Li shrugged: "Mr. Ji, I think you should understand that I am a woman who can bend her waist for money, so don't talk to me about my conscience. If you want me to have a conscience, then you have to show me your conscience first." See."

Ji Rou looked at Dai Li who was talking nonsense seriously: "Miss Dai, please tell me, what do you want?"

Dai Li slightly raised her lips and said with a smile: "You are my boss, what can I do to you. But I want to tell you, if you want to stay with me for a long time, you have to give me a few thousand yuan extra salary first. I promise to serve you comfortably."

Ji Rou poked Dai Li's forehead: "Little girl, wait for me for a month. Once I feel comfortable, I will ask someone to increase your salary."

Speaking of company-related matters, Dai Li suddenly thought of something: "Jirou, the person in charge you chose is quite capable. Our Qianshui company has made great progress in such a short period of time. By the way, you gave him How many shares pay dividends?”

Jirou doesn't understand: "What dividends?"

"Don't pretend to be like me." Dai Li glanced at Bai Jirou, "Such an outstanding talent helped you manage the company and made your company develop so much in such a short period of time. If you didn't give him any dividends, would he be willing to help you?"

Jirou: "I really didn't give him any dividends, and he never mentioned this issue to me."

"Ji Rou, we are friends now. Are you worried that I am trying to trick you?" Dai Li still didn't believe what Ji Rou said, "Many companies in our Minluo City are vying for talents like him. . You said you didn’t give him more dividends than other companies, so why should he work so hard to help you?”

"But he really agreed to help me without asking me any conditions." If Dai Li hadn't mentioned it, Ji Rou wouldn't have thought of the idea of ​​dividends.

Dai Li asked again: "Then why did he help you?"

Ji Rou thought for a while: "Maybe it's to repay a favor. He said that my father funded his college education."

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