My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1207 Extra chapter, the real reason for helping her

Chapter 1208: Extra chapter, the real reason for helping her

Dai Li poked Ji Rou's forehead: "Little girl, you are still too naive and believe everything others say. The world is so impetuous now, and few people really know how to write the word "repay kindness"."

"You mean Zeng Yunwei has another purpose for helping me?" Ji Rou waved her hand, "Zeng Yunwei can't do that. Dai Li, don't tell me anymore. I'll let him take care of Qianshui for me. The company will trust him 100%.”

Dai Li: "I didn't tell you not to believe him, I just wanted you to understand why he helped you?"

Ji Rou explained: "At first, I thought he had other purposes for helping me, but then I thought, except for the empty shell of our Qianshui company, there is nothing else to make people think about. And I also carefully observed Zeng Yunwei, he doesn’t seem to have other intentions for Qianshui Company.”

However, it can't be said so absolutely. Ji Dongchen or her uncle could do something to rob their company, let alone someone she didn't understand at all.

Dai Li added: "I'm not saying that he wants to own Qianshui Company. I'm wondering if there are other reasons why he works so hard to help you run Qianshui Company."

Jirou was a little confused: "What other reasons? Apart from repaying my father's support back then, what other reasons could he have?"

Dai Li said: "Such as being entrusted by others."

"Entrusted by your lover?" The first person who flashed in Jirou's mind was Qin Yinze, but at first thought, she felt that the chance of this was very small. At that time, Qin Yinze didn't even know Zeng Yunwei, but he still helped her Zeng Yunwei has been tested.

But if you think about it carefully, it's not entirely impossible.

It was Qin Yinze who told her that Zeng Yunwei was trustworthy and asked her to trust Zeng Yiwei to take care of the company, and she was completely relieved.

Could it be that Qin Yinze is the person controlling the fate of Qianshui Company behind the scenes?

"Have you thought about your Young Master Qin?" Dai Li patted Jirou on the shoulder, "To be honest, a talent like Zeng Yunwei would stay in Qianshui Company to help you, except for the high dividends you gave him. The only other person I can think of is Young Master Qin. In Minluo City, there is no one else who can direct Zeng Yunwei to do things at will. "

"Is it really Qin Yinze?" Ji Rou couldn't believe it, but she had to believe that only the Qin family behind Qin Yinze could bring the dying Qianshui Company back to life in such a short period of time.

It's just that she was too stupid, stupid enough to think that everything was the result of her own efforts, stupid enough to think that God saw her efforts, so she sent an angel like Zeng Yunwei to help her.

In fact, the real angel is her pillow, the Qin Yinze who she thinks does not pay attention to her at all and only treats her as a toy.

Dai Li said, "I think you know better than me whether it's Young Master Qin or not."

"Well, I know!" Jirou picked up the bag and turned around and walked out, "Dai Li, thank you, I have it first!"

Dai Li chased after her: "Ji Yatou, where are you going so late?"

Jirou: "I'm going to find Zeng Yunwei. I must know immediately the real reason why he helped me manage Qianshui Company!"

Dai Li said: "Baby girl, look at what time it is now. People have already gone to bed at this time. Can't you wait until tomorrow?"

Ji Rou: "I have to know right away, I can't wait a moment."

Dai Li couldn't stop it: "Then be careful!"

After leaving Charming, Dr. Tong did not return to her residence. She took a taxi and traveled to several places, and finally got off the car in front of an ordinary residential area.

After getting off the car, Mr. Tong first went to the supermarket outside the community and checked several times that no one was following her. Then she entered the community and walked towards the innermost building of the community.

She came to the seventeenth floor and knocked on the door of Room 1703. After a while, the person inside opened the door. She walked in and the person closed the door.

Dr. Tong said: "I want to tell you some good news today. Your beloved woman proposed to..."

The man didn't wait for Dr. Tong to finish. He interrupted her: "Our operation failed today."

"Failed?" Dr. Tong screamed when he heard the news, and his face was deformed with anger. "Aren't those people claiming to never make mistakes in doing things, but they can't make two little kids? Why do they have the nerve to accept so much money? cost of?"

"The two killers who went today have never had a failure record before, and today is the first time." The man sighed, "It's a pity that the two little brats you want to get rid of are not only living well now, but also... Not a single hair was hurt.”

Doctor Tong still didn't want to believe it: "Xiang, you lied to me!"

The man added: "The agency came with news that it was not just the two little kids. The man named Chu next to Qin Yinze showed up in time to save the two kids. I'm not surprised that Chu Yuan would show up. I'm just curious. What is the background of these two little guys? They were able to let Chu Yuan go free. "

"They caught the killer and then released him?" Dr. Tong wondered, "Could it be that the killer was deceiving?"

The man said: "I hope they are deceiving, but that is not the case. The power behind those two children is very powerful. We have already alerted the snake. It is not easy to do anything again in the future."

"You mean we can't touch those two little boys?" Dr. Tong looked at Qin Yinze coldly, "Xiang, let me tell you, even if those two children are the king of heaven, I will have to remove them." You can’t drop them.”

The man said: "The two little boys asked Chu Yuan to let go of the murderer just to find out who was behind the scenes. If we act rashly again, Qin Yinze will find us sooner or later."

Doctor Tong sneered: "Find us? The killer we hired doesn't know about us. How is Qin Yinze going to find me?"

Man: "Calm down."

Dr. Tong shouted: "I don't want to care about anything. Anyway, if you try to arrange for people to get rid of those two little guys who don't know how to live or die, as long as you can get rid of them, even if they are found out, I will admit it."

The man said: "If you want to die recklessly, I have no interest in accompanying you. If you still want to continue to cooperate with me, please give up this idea for the time being, otherwise we will definitely die."

He has experienced Qin Yinze's power personally. He knew how ruthless Qin was in doing things, and that he was so powerful that he would not reveal any clues.

Doctor Tong said angrily: "You won't help me?"

The man was still very calm: "I am analyzing the pros and cons with you. Don't die easily."


The main reason why Dr. Tong wanted to get rid of the two little guys was that they always caused trouble for her. But if she thought about it carefully, as long as she didn't hold back, the two little guys couldn't do anything to her.

After thinking clearly, Dr. Tong added: "I heard that they were called Brother Qin Yinze. They should all be children of the Qin family. But I have never seen Qin Yinze contact his family once in these years. I thought he I don’t have any relatives, and I don’t know where these relatives came from? What kind of power is behind them?”

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