My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1209: Extra chapter, let’s fall in love

Chapter 1210: Extra chapter, let’s fall in love

Ji Rou affirmed: "Mr. Zeng, I know everything. I know that Qin Yinze is controlling all this behind the scenes. Don't continue acting with me."

Now that Ji Rou already knew it, there was no point in him not telling the truth. Zeng Yunwei said again: "Mr. Ji, yes, I admit that I was sent by Mr. Qin to help you manage Qianshui Company, but his purpose He is just helping you. He has never had any idea of ​​​​Qianshui Company. On the contrary, if he had not provided funds to Qianshui Company, I think Qianshui Company would have gone bankrupt long ago, let alone what it is today."

"It turns out it's really him!" She had already guessed that Qin Yinze did all this, but Ji Rou was still shocked when she heard Zeng Yunwei admit it with her own ears, "He has done so much for me, why didn't he say a single word?" Don’t want to tell me?”

If he had told her, she wouldn't have thought he was just joking with her.

If he had told her, she would not have thought that he was only with her to satisfy his physical needs.

He knew clearly that she was slow to react and had a dull mind, but he still didn't say anything. How could she know that he had quietly done so many things for her.

"Mrs. Qin..." Now that everything has been said, Zeng Yunwei still thinks it is more appropriate to call Ji Rou this name. I guess his boss is also happy that he calls her this way, "Why didn't Mr. Qin tell you? Think about it carefully." You should be able to figure it out.”

Yes, she can figure it out as long as she thinks about it carefully. Qin Yinze didn't tell her because he didn't want her to always feel that she owed him, or that she always thought that the relationship between her and him was unequal... He was carefully maintaining the relationship between the two of them, but she didn't want anything to happen. I didn't feel it, and I hurt him with words again and again.

"Mr. Zeng, thank you for telling the truth. I'm leaving first." After hearing the truth from Zeng Yunwei's mouth, Ji Rou confirmed what she was thinking. She couldn't wait to see Qin Yinze and she wanted to tell him , she has thought about it, she will choose him in this life, does he also have to be her?

"Mrs. Qin, what my husband has done for you is far more than this. I hope you can see how good he is to you."

Zeng Yunwei's advice came from behind. Ji Rou turned back and smiled at him: "Thank you!"

After seeing Zeng Yunwei, Jirou took a taxi and rushed to Qin Yinze's villa. When she got home, it was almost dawn and the gardener was already pruning flowers and plants in the yard.

After Ji Rou entered the house and changed her home shoes, she rushed straight to Qin Yinze's room without stopping. She wanted to see him as soon as possible and ask you clearly the questions she wanted to ask you, but she was full of enthusiasm when she saw that his room was empty. It cooled down half when no one was around.

Qin Yinze's bed was neatly made and untouched at all.

What about others? Did he not come home or went somewhere?

Ji Rou was a little flustered, turned around and ran out. She came to his study, which was also empty.

Not in the room, not in the study, did he really not go home?

Unable to find him, Jirou quickly picked up her mobile phone and called her phone number. After the call was made, a cold computer voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone - I'm sorry! The user you dialed has turned off the phone, please call again later.

Qin Yinze's phone is turned off. Ji Rou can't think of anyone else to contact him, and panic slowly rises in her heart. At the critical moment, she suddenly thought of her room.

Will Qin Yinze be in her room?

Ji Rou took a deep breath, gathered her mood and went to her room. When the door opened, she smelled the smell of alcohol.

As expected, Qin Yinze was in her room and sleeping on her bed.

It's just that he didn't open the window and the room couldn't be ventilated, so the smell of alcohol was heavy.

And he didn't even take off his clothes. The man who always paid great attention to his image just lay on her bed without any image.

Ji Rou came to his side and looked at his frowning eyebrows while sleeping. She felt a little pain in her heart: "Qin Yinze, what made you frown? Is it me? I make you sad. Right?"

It must be because of her. She broke his heart, so he frowned even when he fell asleep, as if he had some unsolvable knot in his heart.

"I'm sorry!" Ji Rou gently held his hand, "I will never make you angry again, nor will I make you sad again."

"Qin Yinze, why do you help me so much? Do you really like me?" He closed his eyes tightly, and Ji Rou thought he couldn't hear her, so she asked the question that she longed to know but was afraid of.

"I like it!" Who knew that just when she asked him, Qin Yinze suddenly opened his eyes and looked at her with deep eyes, "Ji Xiaorou, I just like you!"

He said he just liked her!

He said he just liked her!

He said he just liked her!

Ji Rou was so shocked by his words that her ears buzzed and she was in a semi-dementia state for several minutes. It wasn't until Qin Yinze's hot lips pressed against hers and kissed her domineeringly and forcefully that she realized that she was not Not dreaming.

What Qin Yinze said just now about liking her was true. He really liked her. He didn't treat her as a doll or a tool to vent.

After being shocked, Ji Rou was dizzy by his overbearing kiss. After a while, she pulled away from his kiss that almost suffocated her.

After adjusting her breathing, she gently bit the red lips that he had just kissed, and said shyly and nervously: "Qin Yinze, my head is not clear and I have a bad temper. What do you like about me?"

She was obviously full of flaws and not very smart, so how could she get his love?

It was rare to see Ji Rou's nervous and shy appearance. Qin Yinze found it very cute and couldn't help but kiss her face again: "I like that you are self-aware!"

"Qin Yinze, I'm serious, don't be careless with me!" Hearing him hurt her, the shyness and nervousness in Ji Rou's heart disappeared instantly, and she turned into a cute little tigress again, "Hurry up and tell me Me, otherwise I will never be done with you."

"What do you like about you?" How do you want him to answer this question?

Can he say that he paid attention to her in the beginning just because she looked like the girl he had liked for many years?

Just when Qin Yinze was in trouble because of this, Ji Rou, who had always been very savage, suddenly became considerate: "If you can't answer, don't answer. As long as I know you like me."

Qin Yinze: "..."

Ji Rou approaches him and rubs her face against his: "Qin Yinze, please answer the question I asked you last night."

Qin Yinze drank a little too much last night and was not very sober. In addition, he still had a slight fever. He forgot what questions Ji Rou asked him.

He forgot the question, but she was still looking forward to his answer. She blinked her two beautiful eyes and looked at him: "Answer me!"

"Ji Xiaorou, I'm sorry! I was drunk and forgot about the problem." He decided to tell the truth and was ready to receive her fist.

Unexpectedly, Jirou didn't "show off her power". She smiled and said, "It doesn't matter! You forgot that I will ask you again. Do you have to be me in this life?"

It turned out that this was what he was asking. Qin Yinze hugged her and kissed her again. When she was breathless from the kiss, he said, "Ji Xiaorou, in this life, I have to be you!"

Ji Rou pursed her lips and leaned on his chest: "Qin Yinze, let's fall in love."

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