My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1210 Extra chapter, I want a child

Chapter 1211: Extra chapter, I want a child

"Falling in love?" Qin Yinze has never been in love in his life, and he doesn't know how to fall in love. When he suddenly heard Ji Rou bring it up, he was looking forward to it but a little at a loss.

Negotiating business with others is his absolute strength. No matter how powerful the opponent is, he will win overwhelmingly in the end.

Falling in love is much more difficult for him than talking about business, but as long as Jirou wants to, he is willing to give it a try no matter how he doesn't understand.

"It's just like an ordinary couple falling in love normally. From getting to know each other, and then from becoming familiar to each other, they gradually develop a good impression. Slowly, the two of them start dating, watching movies, holding hands and so on." Ji Rou looked at it expectantly. Qin Yinze said softly, "Qin Yinze, are you willing to accompany me for a while?"

In fact, what Ji Rou wants to do is not to fall in love, but to normalize the relationship between her and him. It is not because of the sale or the contract. She is with him and he is with her, just because of pure love. Want to be with each other.

He likes her, and she also likes to be with him. They like each other and are happy together. Shouldn't they have a normal relationship?

Qin Yinze understood what she was thinking and nodded solemnly: "Okay. I'll accompany you!"

"Qin Yinze, then from now on we are serious boyfriend and girlfriend." Jirou reached out to her, "Give me the contract you forced me to sign before, and I will destroy it."

The contract he forced her to sign was the most direct evidence that the relationship between the two of them was improper. Since she wanted to live a good life with him now, Ji Rou would never tolerate the existence of that evidence.

Qin Yinze said: "That contract does not exist at all."

Jirou raised her eyebrows: "It doesn't exist?"

Qin Yinze said again: "I destroyed the contract the same day after you signed it."

Similarly, what he wants is not a contract marriage. He not only wants her person, but also her heart.

As long as she has him in her heart, where else can she escape in this life?

It turned out that he had already destroyed the evidence that their relationship was unequal. He had always regarded her as his wife, but she was still kept in the dark, foolishly thinking that he never valued her.

Ji Rou rubbed into his arms: "Qin Yinze, why didn't you tell me?"

Qin Yinze: "You didn't ask me."

Jirou: "..."

All right.

What else could she say?

Qin Yinze reached out and plucked her hair: "Ji Rou, I am serious about you, from the beginning."

Otherwise, he would not have paid attention to her silently for so long, and only decided to take her as his own until he could no longer do anything.

"I'm serious too, otherwise I won't take you back to see my mother." Since she wants to start over with him, Ji Rou feels that there are some things she must say, "Qin Yinfa, before we officially start dating, there are some things I want to tell you. say clearly."

Qin Yinze: "What are you talking about?"

Ji Rou said: "I have liked boys before."

Qin Yinze nodded: "I already know."

"He and I grew up together, and we also dated for a while. I once thought that I would only marry him in this life and be happy with him until we grow old. Who knows, just a few of the first few times you and I met? "Yue, he suddenly disappeared from my life. I couldn't find him no matter how hard I looked. I didn't even know whether he was dead or alive. I only knew that I had completely lost him." He said that Xiang Lingfeng was someone Jirou once loved wholeheartedly, and when she mentioned him, she still felt sad.

Speaking of this, Ji Rou's voice was a little muffled: "The photo you tore off last night was a photo of me and him. That photo was also the last one left in our photo, so I was like that angry."

"I'm sorry!" After calming down, Qin Yinze also knew that it was childish to do so. He can tear up a photo, but he can't erase the man from Jirou's heart. There is no point in tearing up the photo.

"Well, I accept your apology!" Ji Rou lay in his arms and continued, "Sometimes I always suspect that he is just a figment of my imagination. Only when I saw that photo did I know that he was real. appeared in my life.”

Qin Yinze understands Ji Rou's mood because he has also had the same experience.

Ji Rou added: "Qin Yinze, he is not only my first love, he is also the friend who grew up with me. He is also the big brother who loves me, loves me and protects me. He is the most beloved one besides my father." My I shouldn’t forget him, and I can’t forget him. Can you understand what I’m thinking?”

She can try to accept Qin Yinze wholeheartedly, but she should be grateful to the person who loved her and cared about her in the past, rather than forgetting him.

Regardless of whether Brother Feng abandoned her or not, Ji Rou still sincerely hopes that her Brother Feng is still alive, sincerely hopes that he will live well, and that he can find the woman he truly likes.

Jirou told him all about her and Xiang Lingfeng's past, which proved that she had let go of her past relationship, and the tight string in Qin Yinze's heart was also loosened.

He hugged her: "Except for your father, the man who loves you the most will be me, and it will never be another man."

His tone was still as domineering as ever, but it sounded so warm to Jirou's ears, and she would still have a thick chest for her to rely on in the future.

Jirou smiled and said, "Then tell me, have you ever liked anyone else before?"

"Yes... but it's all over." Qin Yinze didn't want to mention it more, and couldn't mention it more.

"Well, it's all over." Jirou took a deep breath and exhaled it again, as if saying goodbye to the past, "Qin Yinze, let's start over."

Life is only a few decades, and it goes by in the blink of an eye. While we are still young, while we are still together, we should cherish every day together and live each day as the last day of our lives.

"Ji Xiaorou..."

"Huh?" Hearing him calling her in a deep voice, Jirou raised her head and met his kiss. His sexy lips gently fell on her eyes, kissing her tenderly.

When the kiss reached the depths of love, Qin Yinze reached out to pull the drawer of the bedside table. Jirou grabbed his hand and said with a blushing face: "Qin Yinze, don't wear it. I want a child, one for you and me." child."

"You are still in school. When you graduate, it will not be too late for us to have children." Because of her health, she cannot have children now. Qin Yinze will never allow accidents to happen, so no matter how anxious he is, he will never forget it. Use birth control measures.

"I'm not worried, what are you worried about..." Because he was unwilling to let her have children again and again, Ji Rou complained in her heart.

"Be good! Be obedient! Let's have children in two years!" Qin Yinze insisted, and Ji Rou had no choice, because later she was so tortured by him that she couldn't think.

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