My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1211: Extra chapter, sending a woman to dad’s bed

Chapter 1212: Extra Chapter, Send a Woman to Dad’s Bed

It is said that there is a huge difference in physical strength between men and women. Jirou often doesn't realize it. She only understands it when Qin Yinze pulls her to do this.

She is a healthy young woman who can recover from colds without taking medicine. However, her fighting ability at this time is far inferior to Qin Yinze's medicine jar with old injuries.

Sometimes Jirou feels aggrieved when she thinks that she can't beat a medicine jar.

After the "battle", Qin Yinze got up without catching up on sleep, but he looked radiant and energetic, not like someone who had worked hard.

Look at her again. After being tormented by him, she still slept for a few hours and didn't get up until noon. However, she was still as tired as a defeated peacock, downcast and without any energy. People who didn't know thought she had slept last night. Become a thief.

For example, the two little guys at home looked at her with very curious eyes. Their four eyes were full of curiosity and they almost asked her: "Sister-in-law, what did you steal last night?"

Being watched as a rare animal by two little guys was ultimately caused by Qin Yinze, a beast who didn't know how to control himself.

Ji Rou quietly gave Qin Yinze a sad look. Didn't he promise to fall in love like a normal person, but he still skipped all the other steps and went directly to the last step.

"Sister-in-law." After staring at Jirou for a long time, Zhan Limo squeezed in and sat next to Jirou, put a piece of her favorite braised pork knuckle into her bowl, "You worked hard last night, you should eat more Replenish your body.”

The little guy Zhan Limo is still considerate and lovable. Jirou can't help but get close to her and lower her head to rub his young face: "Xiao Limo, thank you!"

"Sister-in-law, you're welcome." Zhan Limo smiled, slyly and cutely, "I'm not giving it to you alone, I'm also giving it to my nephew in the future."

Ji Rou was confused when she heard this: "What nephew?"

At the end of Zhan Li's life, his bright eyes looked at Ji Rou's belly: "Sister-in-law, it is very likely that your elder brother has already planted a little baby in your belly. That little baby will be my nephew in the future. So sister-in-law, you have to eat more in the future. Only then can I have two chubby little nephews to play with us.”

Hearing Zhan Limo's words, Ji Rou spit out the soup she just drank in her mouth, choking and coughing... Are all the people in the Qin family human spirits?

"Xiao Limo, eat your food obediently, and don't talk nonsense at the dinner table." Qin Yinze patted Jirou on the back to cheer her up, and warned the little guy, "And I will pick up the food for your sister-in-law. There’s no need for you to bother me.”

Zhan Li Mo Nu pursed his lips and said naughtily: "Brother, I'm not yet twelve years old."

The implication is that he is still a child and there is no need to guard against him like a love rival.

He admitted that he liked the little sister, but the little sister was the eldest brother's wife, and he would never compete with the eldest brother for his wife.

The eldest brother is already very old. He will be old in a few years. It is really not easy to find a wife. But he is still young and will have plenty of time in the future. No matter what the reason is, he has no reason to steal his eldest brother's woman.

"You're not even twelve years old and you're full of messy intestines." Qin Yinze pinched Zhan Limo's immature face, "Well, let me call my little aunt and ask her to come and take you back to Jiangbei."

"Brother, I don't want to go home." Zhan Limo shook his little head like a wavy drum.

It hadn't been long before Qin Xiaobao knew about it. If Qin Xiaobao knew about it, Qin Xiaobao would definitely spank him until his ass blossomed, so he planned to live with his eldest brother for a year. After Qin Yinjian, a black-bellied man, and old man Zhan had forgotten about the incident, He goes home again.

"We must go back." Qin Yinze said.

"Sister-in-law..." Zhan Limo pursed his lips and tugged on Jirou's clothes pitifully, "Sister-in-law, I promise not to talk nonsense again in the future. Can you let me stay and take care of you?"

Jirou was reluctant to let go of the two little guys, and Zhan Limo pretended to be pitiful. She couldn't resist it at all. She also tugged on Qin Yinze's clothes: "Qin Yinze, Xiaoli Mo If you don’t want to go back, just let him play for a few more days.”

Just when Qin Yinze was slightly shaken, Qin Yinjian, who had been eating silently, suddenly said, "Brother, Zhan Li made a big mistake at the end of the war. He should not have the guts to go home."

Qin Yinze looked at Qin Yinjian: "Xiaojian, tell brother, what bad thing did Xiaoli do at the end?"

Zhan Limo warned: "Qin Yinjian, you are not allowed to say anything. If you do, you will no longer be my friend at Zhan Limo."

"That's good, I don't regard you as a friend." Qin Yinjian smiled, with a dark and deep smile, "Zhan Limo went behind his little aunt's back to introduce his girlfriend to his uncle, and also sent the woman to his uncle's bed. Went, luckily my uncle found out in time, otherwise..."

Hearing Qin Yinjian reveal all the bad things he had done in one breath, Zhan Limo felt that the sky was about to collapse. He lamented in his heart: "I am not careful in making friends! I am not careful in making friends!"

"Xiao Limo, it seems that your little butt won't work if it doesn't blossom." In Qin Yinze's view, Zhan Limo's mischief skills were all taught by his little aunt who made trouble all day long.

I'm afraid their little aunt never dreamed that her son would use the tricks she taught them on the couple.

"Qin Yinjian, I will never believe you again. Wuwu...sister-in-law, I'm so pitiful, they bullied me together." Zhan Limo pretended to be pitiful and threw himself into Jirou's arms. Howling.

Qin Yinze lifted Zhan Limo out of Ji Rou's arms: "Little guy, be more honest from now on. Don't think about the advantages of fighting your sister-in-law. Brother can still consider not sending you back to Jiangbei."

Ji Rou said depressedly: "Qin Yinze, he is just a child, what do you care about with him?"

Qin Yinze said: "This guy is young, but he has a lot of tricks. I can't believe it."

Zhan Limo cried with tears: "I am still a child, I don't understand anything, you all bully me... Wuwuwuwuwu... No one loves me, no one pities me..."

Seeing Zhan Limo crying so miserably, Ji Rou's heart almost broke. She was so anxious that she snatched Zhan Limo back and protected him in her arms: "Qin Yinze, you are not allowed to bully him!"

"This guy is acting!" Zhan Limo's acting skills deceived Ji Rou, but he definitely couldn't deceive Qin Yinze, nor could he deceive the sinister Qin Yinjian.

"It's so small, why is it just acting? If you have the ability, why don't you cry and see?" Jirou wants to protect Zhan Limo anyway. As long as she is here, Qin Yinze will never bully him.

"Wow wow wow... My father and mother don't love me, and my elder brother also bullies me. I'm so pitiful... Wow wow wow..." At the end of Zhan li, he hid in Ji Rou's arms, but the corners of his mouth were raised slightly as he cried loudly.

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