My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1225: Extra chapter, school beauty Xie knows the clues

Chapter 1226: Extra Chapter, School Beauty Xie Knows the Clues

Before school, the prince and the monkey worked together to list all the great people in Minluo City. This list also included the most mysterious man in Minluo City, "Mr. Qin".

The monkey looked at the words "Mr. Qin" and thought of Master Qin, who had met them several times: "Prince, should we remove this Mr. Qin?"

When writing Mr. Qin, the prince also thought carefully: "We all know that Mr. Qin cannot possibly touch Senior Feng, but what we have listed is a list of great people in Minluo City. If he is not on this list, then this list Can you still be called a great big shot?"

Monkey said: "What you said makes sense, but I don't want any unnecessary trouble to arise between the boss and Young Master Qin. After all, our boss is able to come out after Senior Feng, and Young Master Qin is indispensable. It caused conflict between them.”

The prince hesitated: "Then let's write a new list?"

"Don't think too much." Ji Rou, who came back from the bathroom, took the list and took a casual look at it. "I can still tell who is the good guy and who is the bad guy. I won't do it because Mr. Qin is on this list." I had a conflict with Qin Yinze."

The monkey said: "Boss, Mr. Qin is very kind to you. Anyway, you should cherish him and don't make trouble with him. Men are most afraid of women who make trouble for nothing."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Ji Rou is now thinking about who the murderer is. How can she be in the mood to discuss Qin Yinze? ​​"Now you will accompany me to analyze the backgrounds of these people on the list. You can't let them go." There are clues about the intersection.”

Xiang Lingfeng usually spends a lot of time with Jirou. They go to school together and go home together. Their relationship is so close that they are like the same person. Jirou has never seen Xiang Lingfeng interact with any big shot, so she can only use This is the stupidest way to check.

Although the method is stupid, Ji Rou believes that as long as you are willing, you will be able to find clues, and you will be able to find clues!

"Okay." The prince and the monkey responded, and they wholeheartedly accompanied Jirou to analyze the great people on the list. This analysis could not find any clues until eight o'clock in the evening. "Boss, it is rumored that the big people are looking after the enemy." Could it be that what the senior drove away was just a rumor, or was it a smoke bomb deliberately released by the murderer? "

"Your guess is not impossible." Ji Rou rubbed her sore temples and said feebly, "Prince, monkey, it's getting late. We'll check here tonight. You go back first."

The prince asked: "Boss, you won't go back?"

Ji Rou leaned on the seat: "I'll be back in a moment, you go first."

"Let's go together." If Jirou doesn't leave, how can the prince and the monkey rest assured leaving her alone in school.

Ji Rou smiled bitterly: "The murderer of Brother Feng has not been caught for a day, and I have not been able to avenge him. I will never let anything happen to me. Don't worry."

Prince and Monkey: "Boss..."

Jirou waved her hand: "Please let me calm down and think about it, please!"

"Okay." Knowing Ji Rou's stubborn temper, the prince and the monkey stopped trying to persuade her, "Then you should go back early. If anything happens, you must call us as soon as possible."

"Well, thank you!" The prince and the monkey grew up together with Jirou. Later, something happened to the Ji family, and they never left her. They are still by her side now.

Ji Rou often thinks that it is a very happy thing to have such two die-hard buddies in this life.

Not long after the prince and the monkey left, a strange phone number called. Jirou answered without thinking: "Hello? Who are you?"

"Jirou, it's me!" came the voice of Xie the campus belle from the phone receiver, "It's just a long time since we last met. You don't remember me again, do you?"

"What's the matter with you?" The last time the school beauty Xie came to her was because of the Principal Tang incident. This time the school beauty Xie came to her for a purpose.

Xie the school beauty said with a smile: "Jirou, you must have seen the photo of Xiang Lingfeng lying in a pool of blood."

"Are you the murderer?" It was completely beyond Ji Rou's expectation that the school beauty Xie knew about this, so her first reaction was that the murderer must have something to do with Xie the school beauty.

"Me? Hahaha..." Xie, the school belle on the other end of the phone, laughed exaggeratedly, "Ji Rou, you think too highly of me. I'm just a woman who can be played with. How can I kill you?" Brother. Besides, it’s too late for me to like Xiang Lingfeng, so how can I be willing to hurt him?”

She would doubt Xie the school beauty, that was Ji Rou's first reaction, but after calming down a little, she knew that Xie the school beauty should not have this ability. Even if she did, Xie the school beauty would not take the initiative to bump into her network: "Xie Meimei , you are not the murderer, but you know who did it, right? "

"I don't know much, hahaha..." Xie the school beauty continued to smile exaggeratedly, "Ji Rou, seeing your beloved man lying in a pool of blood, it doesn't feel good at all... Oh no, say Maybe you are happy, after all, you have found a new love. The powerful and handsome eldest son of the Qin family is accompanying you to eat, drink and have fun. I’m afraid you don’t remember who Xiang Lingfeng is. "

"Xie Meimei, tell me what you know." Xie the school beauty said a long list, Ji Rou didn't care, she only cared about the first sentence, the clue that Xie the school beauty knew.

Ji Rou believes that as long as she gets a few clues, she will be able to find the real murderer and avenge Brother Feng, and she can also let Brother Feng rest in peace.

"Ji Rou, you bitch, what are you pretending to be in front of me?" Xie the school beauty snorted coldly, "You have already fallen in love with other men, so just live your life well. The men of the past are the past. The past has passed. Whether he lives or dies seems to have nothing to do with you. "

Ji Rou was so angry that she wanted to smash her phone: "Xie Meimei, since you fucking called me, didn't you just want to provide me with clues? Now you are lying to me and you are not doing anything? Can't believe it, I will kill you. .”

Ji Rou knew about the school beauty Xie. The school beauty Xie called her because she wanted to tell her the clues, but she was unwilling to give her a break and wanted to hang her up.

"Yo yo yo... hooking up with the eldest young master of the Qin family, what you say is much more powerful." School belle Xie is very satisfied that her phone call can make Ji Rou so excited, "If you kill me, how can you kill me?" ? Jirou, let me tell you, I am barefoot, am I still afraid that you can wear shoes? "

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