My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1226: Extra chapter, there are infinite possibilities when you are alive

Chapter 1227: Extra chapter, there are infinite possibilities when you are alive

"Xie Meimei, what do you want from me so that you are willing to tell me who the murderer is?" Yes, Ji Rou admitted that she wanted too much to get clues about Brother Feng's murder and wanted to avenge Brother Feng. Xie, the school beauty, had spotted her. weakness.

"You asked me what I want from you?" Xie, the school belle on the other end of the phone, was still laughing exaggeratedly. After laughing for a long time, she suddenly said fiercely, "Ji, I want you to die. Show me your death immediately and I will kill you." The clues tell you.”

"Ha... I'm afraid Xie Meimei will disappoint you. I still want to keep my life well and live a good life." Her life was given by her parents, who worked hard to raise her. She doesn't want to She will make fun of her own life, and Ji Rou also believes that if Brother Feng has a soul in heaven, he will not be willing to see her not cherishing life.

Many years ago, when she was a teenager, she was kidnapped by a kidnapper. The vicious kidnappers tortured her in various ways and she almost lost her life.

At that time, she always remembered what Brother Feng said to her - death is a very easy thing. You can die by stabbing yourself with a knife twice, or you can die by drinking some poison. The difficult thing is that no matter where you are, you can die. You can survive well in difficult and dangerous situations.

Just because she remembered Brother Feng's words, those vicious kidnappers threw her into sub-zero ice water until she almost froze into ice cubes. However, she still gritted her teeth and survived until her father and Brother Feng took her there. Call for someone to rescue her.

After that incident, she was so scared that she hid in the room alone and dared not see anyone. It was Brother Feng who broke into her room, took her hand and told her: "Xiaorou, as long as we are still alive, what we have experienced before It’s not a big deal. From now on, live every day wonderfully, so that when you leave this world in a few decades, you will be able to smile.”

Yes, as long as you are alive, there is hope for everything. Even if the school beauty Xie doesn't give her a clue, Ji Rou believes that she can find the murderer with her own efforts and avenge Brother Feng's tragic death.

"Haha..." Xie the school beauty sneered, "Bitch Ji, you have to live well, which means you don't want clues and you don't want to avenge your brother Feng."

"Whether I want to avenge my brother Feng or not is my business. It has nothing to do with you as a woman. Don't call me again to harass me. I don't want to hear your disgusting voice anymore." , Ji Rou no longer expected to get anything from her, and was about to hang up the phone.

"Ji Rou, if I don't give you clues, you will never find out who the murderer is." The school beauty said something before Ji Rou hung up the phone, successfully stopping Ji Rou from hanging up the phone.

Knowing that Ji Rou on the other end of the phone was still listening, Xie the school beauty said again: "You woman, you are obviously doing Pan Jinlian's thing, but you still pretend to be like the Virgin Mary. I feel so sorry for Xiang Lingfeng. Why did he blindly fall in love with a flirtatious woman like you? Just a few months after Xiang Lingfeng disappeared, you climbed into Qin's bed. Oh, by the way, Xiang Lingfeng and Qin's bed skills. , who is better?"

"I want to know who is better in bed among them. You have the ability to experience it yourself." Ji Rou understood that Xie Xiaohua didn't make this call to give her a clue. There was no need for her to continue talking to Xie Xiaohua. I gave Xie a chance to talk and hung up the phone.

Jirou hung up the phone, but Xie, the school beauty, still didn't give up and sent another message to Jirou: "Jirou, you don't need to worry about how Xiang Lingfeng died. Just live your life well with your young master Qin. But I would like to remind you, take a good look at the people around you, and never mistake wolves for sheep."

After the message was sent, Xie, the school beauty, put away her phone and looked sideways at the man standing beside her: "You have seen and heard it, right? I don't think you can get the effect you want by asking me to make this call."

"Whether you can get the effect I want, you will have the result soon." The man looked at the window, looking at the colorful lights outside the window, his eyes were deep and dark, "Xiaorou, I know you have your difficulties, I know you I don’t want to be with Qin, don’t be afraid, Brother Feng will come to save you soon.”

Xiang Lingfeng looked out the window, and Xie the school beauty looked at Xiang Lingfeng. This man was always what she wanted but could not get...

In the past, even him being able to stand beside her quietly like now was a luxury for her. Now she finally waited, waiting for the opportunity to be alone with him.

Xie, the school beauty, stretched out her hand to grab him, but her hand didn't even touch the corner of his clothes. She retracted her hand shudderingly - she was already dirty and no longer worthy of being with him.

"Thank you Meimei..."

Just when Xie the school beauty took back her hand in disappointment, Xiang Lingfeng suddenly called her name, which instantly sparked hope in her silent eyes. She smiled slightly: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Xiang Lingfeng turned back and looked at her solemnly: "Be more polite to Jirou from now on. I don't want to hear dirty words about her from anyone."

After hearing Xiang Lingfeng's words, the hope ignited in Xie's eyes was extinguished little by little, eventually losing all its luster and becoming as silent as a pool of stagnant water.

Huh...what is she thinking?

When she was clean in the past, Xiang Lingfeng didn't even look at her because of the existence of Ji Rou, that bitch. Now she is just the woman that Principal Tang played with. How can Xiang Lingfeng see her? .

After a moment of silence, Xie the school beauty asked again: "Why did you save me?"

She was defiled by Principal Tang and expelled from University A. Her father, who knew the truth, not only failed to comfort her, but also beat her severely... At that time, she was so desperate that she chose the cowardly act of suicide.

Just when she was dying, Xiang Lingfeng suddenly appeared. He rescued her and brought her back to life. He also gave her advice on how to deal with Principal Tang.

Because of Xiang Lingfeng's guidance, she took the initiative to find Ji Rou, handed over the secretly taken photos of Principal Tang to Ji Rou, and used Ji Rou's surname Qin to put Principal Tang in prison and avenge herself.

After the incident with Principal Tang, she started helping Xiang Lingfeng.

"I thought I had made it very clear to you." Xiang Lingfeng turned his eyes to the window again and said coldly, "Since you still don't understand, I will tell you again. I saved you just to use your help. I'll deal with the one named Qin."

"I understand." Xie the school beauty smiled, hiding her inner sourness very well.

He had told her a long time ago that he was only saving her to use her, but she was unwilling to believe the truth and foolishly hoped that he would change his answer. Facts have proved that she really thought too much.

However, she has no regrets about being used by him in this life!

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