My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1227: Extra chapter, drawing fire to Qin Yinze

Chapter 1228: Extra chapter, draw fire to Qin Yinze

An amazing big shot in Minluo City!

Pay attention to the people around you!

Don't mistake wolves for sheep!

After reading the message from Xie, the school beauty, Jirou remembered these few keywords in her mind.

The most amazing big shot in Minluo City must be the legendary "Mr. Qin", and her family's Qin Yinze and Mr. Qin's biological son are people around her... It seems that the school beauty Xie is trying to The clue that he was the murderer of Brother Feng leads to Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze and school beauty Xie have never interacted. Why did school beauty Xie lead clues to Qin Yinze? Ji Rou couldn't understand, could it be that Xie Xiaohua spent all his efforts to do this just to provoke a relationship between her and Qin Yinze?

Xie, the school beauty, is jealous by nature. She used to find trouble with her because of her title as school beauty. Now Ji Rou does not rule out that Xie's intention is to sow discord between the couple.

After thinking about these reasons, Jirou raised her lips and smiled softly: "Xie, the school beauty, it seems that you are really good at playing chess, but I, Jirou, am not someone you can fool at will."

They had never interacted with Qin Yinze when Brother Feng disappeared. Qin Yinze had no motive for committing the crime. Therefore, Ji Rou was sure that the clues today were all false and that people with intentions deliberately set her up in a trap. , and the real murderer might be waiting in some corner to see her walk into their trap.

Ji Rou slides her fingertips and deletes the message from the school beauty Xie without hesitation, and then adds the mobile phone number of the school beauty Xie to the blacklist. She does not want to hear the voice of the school beauty Xie anymore, nor does she want to receive the messages from the school beauty Xie. information, she would not give anyone a chance to provoke the finally eased relationship between her and Qin Yinze.

After deleting the message, Ji Rou suddenly felt empty in her heart. The clues she had worked hard for several hours today were just cut off. So next, where should she investigate the cause of brother Feng's death?

Jingle Bell--

The ringtone of an incoming call suddenly rang, scaring Ji Rou. When she saw the words Uncle Qin displayed on the phone screen, Ji Rou's hanging heart returned to her chest little by little.

She answered: "Hello?"

Qin Yinze's unfriendly voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: "Jirou, what time is it now?"

Jirou looks at the time displayed on her phone: "It's nine o'clock in the evening."

Qin Yinze: "It's nine o'clock in the evening, don't you know how to go home?"

"I'm not going home." Jirou hung up the phone directly.

Can you please stop speaking to her in a lecturing tone every time? She is an adult, she has her own life and her own thoughts. So what if she doesn't go home a little later?

After packing the information, Jirou picked up her backpack and went downstairs. Who knew that just as she walked out of the stairs, a wall of flesh blocked her way. She looked up and saw Qin Yinze's gloomy face.

She glanced at him and tried to walk away from him. However, as soon as she took a step forward, she was pulled back into his arms by Qin Yinze. His deep voice sounded above her head: "Do I allow you to leave?"

"My feet grow on my body, do I need your permission?" She was already extremely depressed, but now she was yelled at by him again, and Jirou couldn't hold back the anger in her chest.

But just when Ji Rou was about to have an attack, Qin Yinze lowered his voice and said softly above her head: "It's so late and I won't be worried if I don't see you when I get home."

No matter how angry she was in her stomach, she dissipated when she heard his words. Jirou rubbed her arms in his arms: "If you're worried about me, just speak nicely. You have to be cruel to me."

"If he doesn't hurt you, you won't have a long memory." Facts tell Qin Yinze that even if he is cruel to her, she still doesn't have a long memory, and no matter what she does, she will do it casually.

"I will change in the future." Thinking of her deceased father, thinking of Brother Feng who died tragically, and the fear of losing Qin Yinze as well, Ji Rou was so nervous that she reached out and hugged Qin Yinze's lean and strong waist. , "Qin Yinze, hold me tight."

Qin Yinze hugged her tightly: "What's wrong?"

Lying on his chest and hearing his steady and strong heartbeat, Ji Rou felt a lot more at ease, and she could even joke with him: "Do you still need a reason for my wife to let her husband hug her?"

"Did you make another mistake?" Normally, this girl Ji Rou would not act coquettishly to him. When she does, she must have done something wrong.

"Qin Yinze, what kind of person am I in your heart?" She was just afraid of losing him like her father and brother Feng, so she wanted him to hug her and let her clearly feel that he was with her. by her side, and this man thought she had made a mistake again.

Qin Yinze smiled and said, "You are the troublemaker who causes trouble for me all day long and asks me to clean up."

"Qin Yinze, I won't do it anymore." From now on, she will work hard to be a good wife, no longer let him worry about her, and will not do anything that makes him unhappy.

"Ji Xiaorou, you can do whatever you want. You don't have to restrain yourself in everything. No matter how much trouble you cause, your men have the ability to clean up the mess for you." Qin Yinze put down his bold words.

Ji Rou asked back: "If I poke a hole in the sky, can you help me fill it in?"

Qin Yinze replied: "As long as you have the ability to poke a hole in the sky, I have the ability to fill the hole you made."

Ji Rou would never be able to poke a hole in the sky, but Qin Yinze's words made people feel warm in their hearts, as if she could forget all fear and fear as long as he was by her side.

"Qin Yinze, can you promise me something?"

"Say it."

"Don't you even ask what's going on?"

"I agree to everything you do."

"You promise me that no matter what happens in the future, you will not leave this world before me. You said you will take care of me for the rest of your life. I hope you will not keep your promise or break your promise." She does not need him to take care of her. For the rest of her life, she was afraid that he would suddenly disappear from her life like her father and Brother Feng.

"I promise you." After saying that, Qin Yinze lowered his head and kissed Ji Rou's lips. After tasting her taste, he gently let her go, "As long as you are willing, I will take care of you for the rest of my life." The next life, the next life , eternal life.

"Qin Yinze, will you lie to me?"

"I..." Not sure what she was referring to, Qin Yinze paused.

"Qin Yinze, you promised to take care of me for the rest of your life, and you must never break your promise, otherwise I will never forgive you in the next life." Qin Yinze's pause frightened Ji Rou, and she raised her fist and punched him several times.

"I won't lie to you, and I will take care of you for the rest of my life." It turned out that she meant this, and Qin Yinze breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Yinze doesn't know what Ji Rou is afraid of, and Ji Rou doesn't know what Qin Yinze is worried about. At this moment, they only know that no one wants to lose anyone.

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