My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1231: Extra chapter, if I don’t buy it for you, who will?

Chapter 1232: Extra chapter, if I don’t buy it for you, who will?

"Sir, I have asked Aunt Qiao to prepare a hot water bottle. I will ask her to bring it to Miss Ji later..."

"You get out first!"

Before Dr. Tong finished speaking, Qin Yinze interrupted her and asked her to go out. Dr. Tong's face changed slightly. She wanted to say something else, but she found that Qin Yinze never looked at her. .

Anger kept boiling in Dr. Tong's heart, and it almost burst out of her mouth several times, but she tried hard to restrain it: "Okay, then we won't disturb you anymore."

Dr. Tong picked up the medicine box and took the last chance to express himself before turning around and leaving: "Ms. Ji, you can use brown sugar and ginger soup to dispel the cold and abdominal pain during your menstrual period. I will ask Aunt Qiao to prepare some brown sugar water and ginger soup for you. You must Remember to drink. Although your body is yours, your husband will also feel sorry for you. You must take good care of your body."

"Thank you, Doctor Tong. I will drink more brown sugar and ginger soup as you told me to prevent my body from getting cold and make Young Master Qin worry about me." The purpose of Dr. Tong's doing this is to show Qin Yinze sees that Ji Rou is also acting with her. Anyway, how can she, the head wife, lose to the vixen outside.

However, as soon as Dr. Tong walked away, the smile on Jirou's face disappeared. She glared at Qin Yinze fiercely, and without saying a word, she got into the bed and pulled up the quilt to wrap herself tightly.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yinze sat beside Jirou's bed, gently opened the quilt, and put the hot water bottle he just got from Aunt Qiao on Jirou's lower abdomen. "Will this really make you feel better?"

"Well." Jirou was still angry with him and didn't want to pay attention to him, but when she saw the man's concerned eyes, she couldn't get angry anymore, "Where did you get the hot water bottle?"

"Aunt Qiao prepared it. I just came back and met her, so she asked her to give it to me." While replying, Qin Yinze lifted the super huge black bag he had just brought back to the bed, and then put the hygienic items inside. The supplies were poured out, "I didn't know what brand you liked, so I took a pack of the brands available in the convenience store. Can you see if there is anything suitable?"

"You..." Looking at these dozens or even hundreds of packs of sanitary products, Ji Rou was so surprised that she couldn't recover for a long time. Is this kind of thing really done by the always aloof Young Master Qin?

If he buys so much at once, isn't he afraid that people will laugh at him?

"What's wrong? There's no brand you like?" Jirou said nothing. Qin Yinze was worried that he didn't choose the brand she usually uses. "If it's not available, just tell me and I'll buy it again."

Seeing his nervous look, Jirou's heart was as sweet as honey: "I bought so much, I might not be able to use it all in a year. You still have to buy it and make it for your old lover." Spare."

Qin Yinze pinched her pink face: "What nonsense are you talking about again?"

Ji Rou nuzzled at him: "Your Dr. Tong is waiting for you outside. Go and ask if there is a brand she commonly uses. If so, just give her two packs."

"Ji Rou, are you itchy again?" This woman has the ability to make him angry with just one sentence. Does she think he has done this kind of thing for other women besides her?

"I'm just kidding you. Why are you so angry?" Ji Rou holds his hand, "I know you won't do these things for other women, but I'm just worried. I'm worried about that guy named Tong. You abducted."

Jirou mentioned Dr. Tong in front of him more than once. Qin Yinze thought that he should talk to her carefully so that she would not continue to be suspicious: "Dr. Tong is a private doctor I hired with money. There is nothing between me and her except There is no other relationship than employment, not before, not now, and even less so in the future.”

In terms of the relationship between men and women, Qin Yinze considers himself a clean and self-sufficient man. He never touches women he doesn't like, and he doesn't even want to say more.

If Qin Yinze is interested in Dr. Tong, what about Jirou? Jirou understands: "You are not interested in her, but she is interested in you. She is a beauty, and she is with you every day. She hangs around and acts gentle and considerate. What if one day you suddenly feel better about her? "

"Dr. Tong only regards me as her employer and has no other feelings. I can still see this clearly." The reason why Qin Yinze is so sure that Dr. Tong has no other thoughts about him is because He has never looked at Dr. Tong, and he has never really cared about Dr. Tong's thoughts. He thought that he had no thoughts about Dr. Tong, and Dr. Tong would not have any thoughts about him.

"Qin Yinze, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?" Dr. Tong's love for him was so obvious, and he was so sure that Tong Sheng was not interested in him.

Is it because he thinks too highly of the woman Dr. Tong, or does he underestimate his own charm? When a good-looking and capable man like him is presented in front of his eyes, many people want to knock her down, okay?

But obviously, Master Qin didn't seem to notice this advantage of his own. He didn't know how good he was or how attractive he was to women.

"Okay, that's it for Dr. Tong. Take a look at these and leave the brand you want. I'll take the other brands and deal with them." Qin Yinze has already made a decision in his heart. Since Jirou doesn't like Tong Doctor, then he absolutely cannot keep Dr. Tong by his side anymore.

Between his men and his wife, Qin Yinze chose his wife without hesitation.

"Since they are all bought with money, let's keep them all. Anyway, I'm not picky, and all these brands can be used." Many times, Ji Rou still feels sorry for Qin Yinze's money. He spends it randomly. , it is better to give her the money.

Qin Yinze said: "Well, I will pay attention to which brand you like in the future, so that I won't make the same mistake next time."

Ji Rou: "Will you buy it for me in the future?"

The prince once said that buying sanitary napkins for his girlfriend is not something that can bring shame for a lifetime. Why is Qin Yinze willing to help her buy it a second time, or even more times?

Qin Yinze said matter-of-factly: "If I don't buy it for you, do you want others to buy it for you?"

Ji Rou: "Go and buy it for me in person. Don't you find it difficult to talk about this kind of thing?"

Vivid pictures suddenly appeared in Ji Rou's mind. The tall and handsome Qin Yinze stood in the convenience store, looking at the sanitary products on the shelves. After looking at them for a while, she really didn't know what to do. Which one to choose, he turned his head and looked at the salesperson next to him.

His sharp eyes scared the salesperson so much that he didn't dare to approach him, so he could only ask him from a distance: "Sir, please, how can I help you?"

He pointed to the sanitary napkins on the shelf: "Pack these all for me!"

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