My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1232 Extra: My wife doesn’t like you

Chapter 1233: Extra chapter, my wife doesn’t like you

Jirou felt heartwarming and funny when she fantasized about Qin Yinze helping her buy sanitary products. She smiled and looked at him with crooked eyebrows: "When the salesperson of the store sees you buying so many of these things, will he feel that you A perverted weird uncle?"

"Why do you think I'm a weird uncle?" Although the convenience store salesperson did look at him twice, Qin Yinze didn't think there was anything wrong with him buying sanitary products for his wife.

This kind of intimate thing should be done by the husband for his wife.

"Nothing..." Ji Rou looked at him with a serious look, and the sweetness in her heart almost overflowed, "Qin Yinze, come closer."

"What's wrong?" Qin Yinze approached her as instructed. When he approached her, she suddenly reached out and hugged his neck, put her pink lips together, and kissed the corner of his mouth.

After the kiss, Ji Rou quickly retreated, but Qin Yinze refused to let her go. He grabbed her waist, held her close to him, and kissed her forcefully and domineeringly one after another.

Qin Yinze kissed deeper and deeper, and became more involved in the kiss. When he was about to take the next step, he was suddenly pushed away by Ji Rou: "Qin Yinze, we can't continue... I'm inconvenient today, wait a minute, no one is here Help you put out the fire."

The veins on Qin Yinze's forehead protruded, and his face was gloomy. He was obviously dissatisfied with the woman for teasing him when she shouldn't, but he still slowly let go of the hand holding her.

He stood up: "I'm going out for a while."

Jirou wanted to catch him, but her movements were half a step slower than him. He turned around and strode away. Seeing him close the door and leave, Jirou felt uneasy. Will this man go to Dr. Tong? Addressing physical needs?

Dr. Tong's woman must not have left yet. Qin Yinze can easily bump into her when he goes out.

No, Qin Yinze must not be allowed to run into Dr. Tong at this time.

When a man is in that state, he uses his lower body to think about problems. If Tong seizes the opportunity to invite him in some way, if he fails to take the bait, she will regret it then.

This must not be allowed to happen!

Jirou got out of bed, went to the bathroom to tidy up, put on clean pajamas, and went out to find Qin Yinze. She came to his room cautiously, and there was no one in the room.

Jirou moved her position again and came to Qin Yinze's study. She raised her hand to knock on the door, but she heard Dr. Tong's voice coming from the study: "Sir, you are looking for me."

Damn it, Dr. Tong is here!

Could it be that this man really couldn't control himself and came to see Dr. Tong?

Ji Rou wanted to kick the door open, but she heard another voice coming from the study. This time the speaker was Qin Yinze: "Doctor Tong, you don't have to work here anymore."

What does it mean you don’t have to go to work anymore?

Jirou pressed her ear tightly against the door, for fear of missing the conversation between the two of them, and heard Dr. Tong say, "Sir, I don't quite understand what you mean."

"From now on, our cooperative relationship is suspended. I will ask someone to give you a sum of money to compensate me for the liquidated damages for unilaterally breaking the contract." Qin Yinze's voice sounded without any fluctuation, as if he was just saying something. Something that has nothing to do with him.

Is Qin Yinze going to fire Dr. Tong?

Was she fired because she didn't like Dr. Tong?

Because of these thoughts, Jirou's heart boiled with excitement.

Dr. Tong's voice came again in the room: "Sir, are you dissatisfied with my work? Or..."

Qin Yinze said again: "You do a good job, but I don't want to use you anymore."

"Why?" Dr. Tong's voice became sharper. She may have realized it herself, and she quickly returned to her usual gentleness. "Sir, if you want to fire me, can you give me a clear reason?"

"Because my wife doesn't like you." Dr. Tong wanted a clear answer, and Qin Yinze gave Dr. Tong a real and hurtful answer without mercy.

When Jirou heard this sentence, it warmed her heart. Before that, she never dreamed that Qin Yinze would fire Dr. Tong, who had taken care of him for many years, because of her.

What a surprise! What a surprise! If Dr. Tong hadn't been inside, she would have rushed in, hugged Qin Yinze, and bit him twice.

Dr. Tong heard the same words and felt pain in his heart. She thought that as long as she continued to play the role of a good doctor, she could safely stay with Qin Yinze. She never thought that even if she had done nothing, he would still drive her away because Jirou didn't like her. Walk.

She stayed by his side for more than three years, and she tried her best to take care of him. Every time he almost died due to an old illness, she was the one who saved him from hell, but he wanted to do this because of that bitch. The savior kicked away.

What a heartless and ungrateful man!

No, he was not unkind or ungrateful, it was just that his passion was left to others. But even if he was unwilling to give her anything, she was still unwilling to give up on him: "Sir, Miss Ji..."

"She is my wife." Qin Yinze suddenly emphasized this title, letting Ji Rou know that Qin Yinze might have heard what she said to Dr. Tong not long ago, but the man didn't say anything.

"Sir, does my wife have a prejudice against me?" Dr. Tong has been by his side for three years and is unwilling to give up easily. "If so, I am willing to explain and apologize to her."

"This is my decision. I hope you will not appear in front of her again in the future. I have said what I need to say, you can leave." Qin Yinze's words, for an old employee who has been with him for three years, It can be said to be ruthless.

"Sir..." Dr. Tong knows Qin Yinze. Now that he has decided, no matter what she says, he will not change his mind, so she will turn around with the most proud attitude and leave him a good impression. , "In this case, I have nothing to say. But I still hope that sir, you will take your medicine on time and be in good health so that you can take good care of your wife. I will leave now and will not appear in front of my wife again."

Ji Rou, who was eavesdropping outside the room, had to give Dr. Tong a thumbs up. At this time, she could still perform quietly. Her forbearance and performance should not be underestimated.

At this moment, Ji Rou heard footsteps coming from the room. She quickly stepped aside and soon saw Dr. Tong opening the door and walking out. The moment he walked out of the door, the pretended elegance on Dr. Tong's face was no longer there. Unable to hang on any longer, her expression became a little ferocious.

Dr. Tong took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions, but at this moment he saw Jirou beside her. Her face was even more ugly, especially her eyes, as if she wanted to cut Jirou's flesh and drink Jirou's drink. Blood.

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