My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1236 Extra: The wrong way to kiss

Chapter 1237: Extra chapter, the wrong way to kiss

"My style? What is my style?" Dr. Tong took another sip of wine and said, "I just work hard for the life I want to live. Is there anything wrong with me?"

Dr. Tong smashed the bottle on the ground and yelled like crazy: "There are many people in this world who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. I am just one of many people. As me, they Why can’t my closest relatives understand me?”

"Yes, there is nothing wrong with you working hard for your life goals. Life is like this, no matter what you do, as long as you win, you are the so-called truth." Xiang Lingfeng finally understood why Dr. Tong was obsessed with Qin Yinze Yes, because the two of them are the same kind of people, and they are both people who will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

In order to get a man who is not her own, Dr. Tong did not hesitate to hurt her own sister, who is a compatriot of her own blood, and also blamed her parents and relatives for not understanding her.

The man surnamed Qin used all kinds of insidious and cruel methods to get a woman. If he hadn't been lucky at that time, he might have been like Dr. Tong's sister, and now his bones are rotten.

Thinking of that incident, Xiang Lingfeng clenched his hands tightly at his sides into fists. He would definitely avenge this, and he would definitely let Qin taste the pain he had experienced.

No matter how powerful the forces surnamed Qin are, Xiang Lingfeng always believes that as long as people are alive, they have unlimited possibilities and hopes!

"Because my wife doesn't like you!"

After returning to the room and lying on the bed for a long time, Ji Rou's mind was still filled with the words Qin Yinze said when he fired Dr. Tong. She really thought Qin Yinze's words were so cool.

Not only did she think Qin Yinze's words were extremely handsome, Ji Rou also felt that the image of Qin Yinze as a man in her mind instantly became much taller and more handsome.

In the past, Qin Yinze was a typical rich second generation in Ji Rou's eyes. He squandered his father's money and acted tyrannically, never caring about the consequences, being arbitrary and unreasonable.

In Ji Rou's view, he is not only arrogant, but he is also very good at hurting her, making her worthless time and time again, making her almost doubt her previous life.

This time it was just because she didn't like Dr. Tong that he fired Dr. Tong. Jirou had never dared to think of this kind of super luxurious treatment before. At this moment, she was still a little arrogant and didn't even think about it. Dare to believe this is true.

In order to prove that this thing is true, Jirou reaches out and pinches her thigh: "Ouch!"

It will hurt. It proved to be true. Jirou rolled happily on the bed: "Young Master Qin, Young Master Qin, you are usually venomous. I heard that you are usually venomous. I never thought that you could do something that would make me so happy." matter!"

Jirou was so happy that she was rolling around on the bed. Suddenly she heard the doorknob twisting. It seemed that Qin Yinze was here... She immediately got into the bed, closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Maybe he guessed that she was asleep. The sound of Qin Yinze opening and closing the door and walking was so quiet that Ji Rou could hardly hear his footsteps. It wasn't until he sat on the bed that one side of the bed collapsed slightly that Ji Rou knew he was there. Already sitting next to her.

Because she was pretending to be asleep, Ji Rou was afraid of being seen through by him, so she was a little nervous. When she gets nervous, her breathing becomes uneven. I wonder if Qin Yinze will notice?

Just when Ji Rou was worried about being discovered by Qin Yinze pretending to be asleep, she suddenly felt Qin Yinze's warm breath spraying on her face. It was conceivable that he must be very close to her.

He was so close to her, but he didn't take the next step. What on earth did he want to do?

Because she couldn't see him or guess him, Ji Rou straightened her body nervously and her breathing became increasingly difficult... At this moment, she felt Qin Yinze suddenly reach out and get under the hem of her pajamas. …

This beast, she was so uncomfortable today, and he actually touched her while she was sleeping... Jirou wanted to reach out and swat away his claws, but found that he didn't do anything to her at all.

His thick and warm palms replaced the hot water bottle against her lower abdomen, stroking it gently, as if to drive away the cold for her and pass on the warmth to her.

It turned out that he had no other thoughts, and she had misunderstood him again. Jirou felt a little sorry.

"Ji Xiaorou..." Qin Yinze suddenly lowered his head and called her name into her ear. Ji Rou, who was pretending to sleep, was so scared that her body stiffened. Could it be that he had seen through her pretending to be asleep?

When she was asking Ji Rouyu whether to open her eyes, she suddenly heard him say: "Little girl, you can cause trouble, you can poke a hole in the sky, but you must not get sick."

Tsk, is illness something she can control? Did he think she wanted to get sick? The stomachache just now was as if it was going to kill her, so he thought she was willing.

There was a lot of dissatisfaction in her heart that she wanted to complain about, but Jirou couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips, and her soft body leaned into his arms. She felt particularly at ease listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat. : "Qin Yinze, as long as you are nice to me, I will be in a good mood. People in a good mood will not get sick easily."

"Well, as long as you don't get sick, everything is easy to talk about!" Qin Yinze knew that she was pretending to sleep, but as long as she was happy, he could pretend not to know.

"Then you have to promise me that you will insist on taking medicine on time and take good care of your old diseases." Hearing that the weather was going to change again, Ji Rou was worried that his old diseases would relapse.

Thinking of Qin Yinze's old illness, Ji Rou thought of Dr. Tong again.

Dr. Tong has been responsible for Qin Yinze's old illnesses in recent years. Dr. Tong knows his condition best. Now that Dr. Tong has been fired and there is no new doctor to take over, what should he do if he suddenly becomes ill?

Ji Rou suddenly felt that Qin Yinze, a man who fired Dr. Tong so willfully, was joking with his own life... Was it because she didn't like it that he didn't even care about his own life?

Thinking of this, Ji Rou's eyes suddenly turned red: "Qin Yinze, are you stupid?"

"What's wrong?" She was fine just now, but she was about to cry again in the blink of an eye. As expected, a woman's mood during her menstrual period is more changeable than the weather in June.

"Are you willing to die?"

"What nonsense?"

"If you fire Dr. Tong, who will treat you in the future?" Ji Rou quickly found the phone and put it into his hand. "Hurry up and call Dr. Tong and ask her to stay with you and continue to take care of you." .”

Yes, Ji Rou admits that she hates Dr. Tong and wishes that Dr. Tong would never appear in front of Zuo Yinze. But compared to her own personal emotions, she cares more about Qin Yinze's physical condition. She wants him to take good care of her. of.

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