My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1237 Extra chapter, peeking openly

Chapter 1238: Extra chapter, peeking openly

Originally, she suddenly became angry because she was worried about his health.

How could this stupid woman be so cute?

Qin Yinze pressed her into his arms and held her: "Ji Xiaorou, I said you were stupid, but you still don't admit it. Doctor Tong is not the only doctor in the world. Without her, I can hire other doctors."

"There are many good doctors in the world, but there is no one other than Dr. Tong who understands your condition." Ji Rou took his hand away, got out of his arms, and said angrily, "You fired Dr. Tong so hard. It's so urgent that she doesn't even let her talk to other doctors. This won't work. Please call her and keep her."

Qin Yinze said: "Tomorrow I will ask someone to get the medical record from her, and I will also cooperate with the new doctor to do a comprehensive physical examination. I promise you that I will get better as soon as possible."

"Qin Yinze, do you think that seeing a doctor is just a business deal? You said that if you let it heal, it will heal?" This man often calls her stupid. She thinks he is really stupid.

If he is ill and does not cooperate with the doctor's treatment or take the medicine prescribed by the doctor, even if he is an iron man, he will become a piece of scrap metal if he is so wantonly tortured by himself.

"I will try my best." He knew very well about his own physical condition. In the past, he had a fever when the weather changed. That was because he gave up treatment. Now that someone cares about him, he also has someone he wants to cherish. If he wants to take good care of his old disease, he will actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment, and his condition will naturally improve significantly.

Seeing that he was not in a hurry, Ji Rou jumped angrily: "Qin Yinze..."

"Be good!" Qin Yinze rubbed her head, "I am sensible about this matter, go to bed quickly, I have to get up early tomorrow."

Ji Rou slapped his hand away and said aggressively: "Qin Yinze, I'm talking to you about business. Don't talk to me in a coaxing tone, I will be very angry."

Qin Yinze explained seriously: "I am serious too. Dr. Tong has been fired, so I will not let her come back. I have also contacted the new doctor, and he will do a physical examination for me tomorrow."

Ji Rou asked: "When did you decide to fire Dr. Tong?"

"Tonight." It was when he heard Ji Rou asking Dr. Tong to call her Mrs. Qin that he decided to fire Dr. Tong and never hire him again.

Ji Rou questioned: "You decided to fire her tonight, so you have already found a doctor?"

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "Do you doubt your husband's ability?"

Ji Rou said: "What does this have to do with ability? Where are you going to contact people this late at night?"

"Of course someone will contact me for me, don't worry about it." Qin Yinze pressed her into his arms, patted her back gently, and coaxed her like a child to sleep, "Ji Rou, when you have enough With enough money and enough power, you will find that many things are much easier than you think.”

In Ji Rou's view, it is difficult to find a suitable and good doctor, but for someone at Qin Yinze's level, finding an excellent doctor is just as simple as making a phone call.

As soon as he called his assistant, someone would naturally go and do the work for him.

"Oh..." Jirou responded softly. He was right. Because she had not reached his level, many things that seemed difficult to her were not difficult at all for him.

Hiring a good, full-time doctor is really just a matter of seconds for a rich and powerful person like Qin Yinze, but she didn't think carefully enough.

After thinking about this, Jirou stopped worrying. Lying in his arms and listening to his steady heartbeat, Jirou gradually fell asleep.

When Ji Rou woke up, the seat next to her was empty and cold, which proved that Qin Yinze had been up for a long time.

Ji Rou was a little disappointed when she didn't see him when she got up, but this little disappointment disappeared when she saw a note left on the bedside table.

——Ji Xiaorou, I went for a run and will be back to have breakfast with you later.

For example, when she went out for a morning jog, she left a note telling her that this man was becoming more and more considerate.

Ji Rou packed up and went downstairs. She just met Qin Yinze running back in the morning. He was sweating in such a cold day. Ji Rou quickly handed him a dry towel: "dry the sweat quickly. This kind of changeable The weather is the easiest to catch a cold, so you must pay attention to your health.”

"Well, I'll pay attention." Jirou wiped Qin Yinze's sweat with her own hands, and unknowingly got very close to him. The pink and white face dangled in front of Qin Yinze's eyes, and Qin Yinze's Adam's apple rolled. , lowered his head to kiss her lips, and tasted them carefully.

"Well..." Ji Rou wanted to push him away, but the result was the same as every time she tried to push him away. He was like a wall of flesh. As long as he didn't let go of her, her strength couldn't push him away. Push away.

Kissing and kissing, Ji Rou was brought into emotion by him. She closed her eyes to cooperate with him and lingered with him...

I don't know how long it took, but when Qin Yinze finally let go of her who was about to suffocate, Jirou lowered her head and saw two little guys staring at them with four eyes. She didn't know when they came over, and she didn't know when they came over. Not sure how much they saw.

How can children see this inappropriate scene? What should I do if I teach them bad things?

She knew clearly that there were two children at home, but he hugged her and made love to her regardless of the occasion or time. Now, let him go and explain to the two little ones. Anyway, she had no shame to say anything.

Ji Rou casts reproachful eyes on Qin Yinze.

Who knows that the two little guys did something that shocked Ji Rou.

Zhan Limo stood up, looking like a young adult: "Brother, you don't kiss girls like this."

Qin Yinze's face sank: "Little guy, who told you to peek?"

"Brother, you are wrong. We are not peeping, we are watching openly." Zhan Limo nuzzled, "This is the living room, not a private space. You are kissing here. We don't blame you for bringing up the children." , you still blame us for peeking."

Qin Yinze: "Xiao Limo, is your butt itchy again?"

Zhan Limo said: "brother, when did you learn to be like Old Man Zhan? Old Man Zhan warns me like this every time, but he never attacks me, so now I don't fear him anymore."

"You boy, you are so capable." Qin Yinze grabbed Zhan Limo and raised him with both hands. "I will let you see today, am I joking with you or am I serious?"

"Qin Yinze, don't scare the child." Ji Rou was afraid that Qin Yinze would throw Zhan Limo away.

At the end of Zhan Li, he thought about it and turned his dissatisfied eyes to Ji Rou: "Sister-in-law, you don't cooperate enough."

Jirou: "..."

Zhan Limo added: "When our old man Zhan kissed Qin Xiaobao, Qin Xiaobao was even more powerful than old man Zhan... Sister-in-law, if you don't understand, I will teach you another day."

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