My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1244 Extra chapter, hot and hot

Chapter 1245: Extra chapter, hot and hot

Qin Xiaobao has always been a noisy person since he was a child. His parents and brothers loved him before marriage, and Zhan Nianbei pampered him after marriage. He is already in his thirties, but he never knows how to control his temper.

Many times, she still thinks that Zhan Nianbei doesn't care about her, as long as she doesn't hurt others, and as long as she is happy, Zhan Nianbei will still let her do whatever she wants.

Qin Xiaobao came to Minluo City this time on his own initiative. Without telling anyone, he packed up a backpack and left. The purpose was to help her brother and sister-in-law see their daughter-in-law.

She has a fiery temper and is fearless. This time she met Ji Rou, who had the same fiery temper. When the two collided, neither one wanted to give in to the other, and they were destined to fight.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder between the two people was getting stronger and stronger, Qin Yinjian quickly advised: "Little aunt, you are the elder. My dad said that elders should behave like elders and not be as knowledgeable as juniors."

"Bad boy, I watched you grow up. You have only known her for a few days, and you are all helping her." Qin Xiaobao originally wanted to show off the power of his elders, but who knew that the power of his elders was not shown, but he bumped into her. of ash.

If it were in the past, Jirou would start a fight if she met someone who was deliberately looking for trouble. But the woman in front of her was also Qin Yinze's elder.

She married Qin Yinze, and she was considered a member of the Qin family. Sooner or later, she would go home with Qin Yinze to meet her parents. In order not to leave a bad impression on her future parents, Ji Rou endured it again and again: "Xiao Jian, take your little aunt to wash her hands and get ready for dinner."

Qin Xiaobao stamped his feet angrily: "What is your little aunt?"

Jirou: "..."

Qin Xiaobao: "Little girl, although I am very dissatisfied with you, I am still your elder, and you have to call me aunt."

Ji Rou: "You shouldn't respond when I call you. Now you want me to call you again?"

Isn't this person naive? If he really wanted to cause trouble for her, wouldn't he refuse to acknowledge her identity whether he was alive or dead? Now he takes the initiative to call her aunt, but I don’t know what her intention is?

"Sir, you are finally back." Aunt Qiao has been worried about Ji Rou since Qin Xiaobao came to the house and took the two little guys together to plot to give Ji Rou some color. However, Aunt Qiao knows her identity. It was not her turn as a servant to intervene in the master's affairs.

Aunt Qiao couldn't watch Ji Rou being bullied, so she had no choice but to wait for Qin Yinze at the door, hoping that the master could pass the news to him as soon as possible when he came back.

"What's wrong?" As soon as he got off the car, he saw Aunt Qiao's eager and flirty look, and Qin Yinze frowned.

"Xiao Limo's mother is here, and she and Miss Ji..." Before Qiao Aunt finished speaking, she saw Qin Yinze, who had always been calm in dealing with things, drifting past her eyes like a gust of wind and ran straight to her home. .

Qin Yinze returned home as quickly as possible, walked into the main hall, and immediately observed the situation in the room. Sure enough, he saw Qin Xiaobao and Ji Rou at war with each other.

"Little aunt, you're here." Although Qin Yinze really doesn't welcome the troublesome Qin Xiaobao to the house, Qin Xiaobao is an elder. Now that she is here, he can't drive her away with a broom.

"Aze, you came back just in time." Qin Xiaobao walked to Qin Yinze and said, "Did you tell my little aunt that this little yellow-haired girl is your wife?"

But Qin Yinze chose to stand beside Ji Rou: "Yes."

The careless Qin Xiaobao did not notice this detail of Qin Yinze. She continued: "Aze, this yellow-haired little girl has such a bad temper, how could you choose her to be your wife?"

"Little aunt, uncle and grandpa also chose you." The implication is that Qin Xiaobao also has a hot temper. Zhan Nianbei would choose her, so why can't he choose Ji Rou?

"Boy, what do you mean?" Qin Xiaobao put his hands on his waist, "Tell you, it was me who chased Zhan Nianbei in the first place. If I hadn't shamelessly chased Zhan Nianbei, he would have looked down on me."

Qin Xiaobao admits that she has a bad temper and loves to make trouble, so that stinky man Zhan Nianbei always praises other women in front of her for being gentle and considerate.

Every time she heard Zhan Nianbei say those words, Qin Xiaobao wanted to cut out Zhan Nianbei's tongue, but who made her like that man, she couldn't do it.

"Pfft..." This was the first time Ji Rou heard someone talk about herself like this. She couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing, "Sorry! I didn't mean to laugh, I just couldn't bear it. live."

"Little girl, you, you..." No matter how much Qin Xiaobao likes to make trouble, he can't really do anything to Ji Rou. She can only vent her anger on Qin Yinze, "Aze, you must keep your eyes open. , Never find a master who only wants to cause trouble for you.”

"Little aunt, you are my elder, Xiaorou is my wife, one of you is my relative, and the other is my lover. I hope you can live together in peace." Although Jirou, that little girl, has many problems all over her body Bad habit, but Qin Yinze doesn't allow anyone to belittle her, even if this person is a relative of the Qin family.

Qin Xiaobao: " also want to help her bully me, right?"

I'm so angry. It's been a long time since anyone took her so seriously. Not only was she bullied by this little girl today, but now even her son and nephew didn't help her.

Qin Yinze said: "Little aunt, you are my elder. I love you and respect you, so how can I help others bully you. But Xiaorou is not someone else, she is my wife, and I will not let anyone bully you. she."

Jirou: "..."

The man Qin Yinze must have said these words to her on purpose.

Anyway, these words sound false, and Ji Rou is not willing to believe them.

Qin Xiaobao said angrily: "You also said that you weren't helping her bully me. What you said was clearly to help this little girl bully me. Don't forget, I am your little aunt."

Qin Yinze: "It is precisely because you are my little aunt that you can stand here and talk to me. If it were someone else, there would be no such opportunity."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

what to do?

I'm going to be pissed off by this brat!

All the men in the Qin family are wife-centered. Once they have a wife, they will no longer see her existence in their eyes.

Qin Yinjian quickly stood up to help his brother and sister-in-law: "Little aunt, it's getting late. You must be hungry. Why don't we go to eat first. If there is anything, we can talk about it after we are full."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

She felt like there was a breath stuck in her heart. If she didn't let it out, she would probably be choked to death by it tonight.

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