My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1245: Extra chapter, there is always someone who can calm her down

Chapter 1246: Extra chapter, there is always someone who can calm her down

On the table.

Qin Yinze first took the serving chopsticks and gave Qin Xiaobao some food: "Little aunt, Aunt Qiao saw you coming today and specially made two special dishes of Minluo City. You can try them first."

Qin Xiaobao didn't look at Qin Yinze or the food on the table. He stared at Ji Rou who made her feel sulky...

Ji Rou felt very uncomfortable when Qin Xiaobao looked at her like this. She wanted to ask Qin Xiaobao to stop staring at her, but she felt that as soon as she opened her mouth, Qin Xiaobao would definitely say that he was not looking at her.

So Ji Rou's approach was to use the same method to deal with Qin Xiaobao. She also looked at Qin Xiaobao fiercely. The two people's eyes were entangled, and neither one was willing to give in.

"Little girl, what are you looking at me for?" The two stared at each other for a long time, until their eyes were almost dry. Qin Xiaobao was the first to question Ji Rou.

"You look at me, so I look at you."

"When did I look at you?"

"You're not looking at me, how do you know I'm looking at you?"

"Little girl, do you believe me or not..." Qin Xiaobao really couldn't think of what he could do to this sharp-tongued little girl.

"Believe it or not?"

"Believe it or not, I'm going to beat you up."

"You are also an elder after all, so you have the nerve to say these words."

"You also know that I am your elder. So as a junior, don't you know how to be polite to your elders?"

"As a junior, I naturally have to respect my elders, but look at you, where do you look like an elder?"

"I don't look like an elder?" Qin Xiaobao turned and looked at Qin Yinze, "Aze, your wife said that I don't look like an elder. Should you take care of it?"

"Little aunt, you really don't look like an elder." This was the voice of everyone present, but Da Kong knew that he couldn't say this. If he said it, no one would be able to sleep tonight.

Having Jirou in the family has already given Qin Yinze a big headache. Now there is Qin Xiaobao, who is famous for causing trouble. He wants to throw one out casually, but one is his aunt and the other is him. His wife, no matter which one she is, he cannot throw away.

Since he couldn't throw the two of them out, he could only continue to act like a good person and persuade them nicely: "Little aunt, Jirou is young and doesn't know much about talking. Don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Hearing what Qin Yinze said, Ji Rou was also dissatisfied: "Qin Yinze, she came to my school today to find me and said some inexplicable words to me. When I came back in the evening, I said hello to her, but she ignored me. . She is obviously ignorant, why do you think I can’t speak?”

Qin Yinze: "..."

Qin Xiaobao: "You eat your food, don't worry about us, we will handle our affairs ourselves."

It was Qin Xiaobao who asked Qin Yinze for help, and it was Qin Xiaobao who asked him to stay out of trouble. In fact, she saw that Ji Rou and Qin Yinze were anxious, and was afraid of affecting the relationship between the couple, so it was better not to drag Qin Yinze into it. In the midst of war.

Qin Xiaobao asked him to leave it alone. He couldn't really leave it alone. Qin Yinze looked at Ji Rou again: "Ji Xiaorou, Aunt Qiao has prepared your favorite chicken drumsticks for you. Try it."

"I'm not hungry." With the chicken legs in front of him, Jirou can still say the word "not hungry." Qin Yinze knows that Jirou is also competing with Qin Xiaobao.

Neither of them was willing to give in, so Qin Yinze had no choice but to think of a way out.

To be honest, talking about business in the business world is Qin Yinze's strength. He is really helpless when it comes to dealing with the relationships between the women at home.

Qin Yinze had no choice but to cast his eyes for help on the two little guys at home. Zhan Limo received his gaze and immediately squeezed to Qin Xiaobao: "My beautiful and gentle mother, your little baby is hungry, don't you?" Can I eat with your little baby first?”

Qin Xiaobao: "Smelly boy, mom is in a bad mood, please go farther away."


"Can't you hear me asking you to go further?"

"Oh, okay. Then you continue fighting." After Zhan Li was defeated, Qin Yinze commanded Qin Yinjian again. Qin Yinjian received the instruction, but did not act immediately, but took his time and touched it. Press and hold the No. 1 key out of the phone.

This time he was not joking, but dialed his dad's phone seriously.

They all know Qin Xiaobao very well. Qin Xiaobao is fearless, and Zhan Nianbei can't control her, but she is afraid of Qin Yue...

"Xiaojian?" As soon as the call was connected, Qin Yue's voice came from the mobile phone, confirming that it was his father. Qin Yinjian immediately pressed the speakerphone, "Dad, my little aunt has something to tell you."

Qin Yue's voice came out clearly from the speaker of the mobile phone, allowing everyone present to hear: "What's the matter?"

As soon as she heard Qin Yue's voice, Qin Xiaobao immediately gave up. She didn't want to answer the phone, but the little guy Qin Yinjian had already put the phone into her hand, so she could only answer: "Brother..."

Qin Yue: "When did you run to Minluo City?"

Qin Xiaobao replied obediently: "I just arrived today."

Qin Yue added: "When you arrive in Minluo City, be careful not to cause trouble with Aze."

Qin Xiaobao nodded hard: "Brother, I just came to Minluo City to have a look. How could I cause trouble for Aze?"

Qin Yinjian: "Little aunt, my sister-in-law is my eldest brother's wife and the person I like, so we must also like her. You can't cause trouble for your sister-in-law anymore, otherwise you will cause trouble for your eldest brother."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

She really wanted to block this little guy's mouth. This little guy usually talked very little. Why did he do so many things today?

Qin Yue: "Qin Xiaobao, buy a flight ticket back to Jiangbei immediately. If I can't see you tomorrow morning, you can figure it out yourself."

Qin Xiaobao: "Brother...I..."


The person over there had already hung up the phone, leaving no room for her to negotiate.

Qin Xiaobao looked at everyone at the table with sad eyes: "Tell me, is your purpose just to drive me away?"

"Mom, I will always be on your side." Zhan Limo knew that if he didn't comfort his mother at this time, he would not have a good life in the future. After all, he still had to go home, and he still had to go home. Living under the wings of Qin Xiaobao.

"Little aunt, let's eat first and then talk after eating." Qin Yinze is fairer than anyone else. Qin Xiaobao is not looking for trouble with Jirou. She is a troublemaker and will not feel comfortable if she doesn't cause trouble for a day.

"I came to Minluo City just to see how you are doing, and to see if my niece-in-law is pretty and treats you well, but you guys are trying to drive me away, and I..." Before he could finish his words, Two lines of clear tears flowed down from the corners of Qin Xiaobao's eyes. She cried so pitifully and wronged, as if the whole world was bullying her.

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