My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1246: Extra chapter, a woman’s heart is at the bottom of her heart

Chapter 1247: Extra chapter, a woman’s heart is at the bottom of her heart

In order to make her crying scene realistic, Qin Xiaobao used all the experience accumulated in acting over the years. She didn't believe that she couldn't deceive a little girl with yellow hair.

"You are such an old man, why do you just cry when something happens?" This was the first time Ji Rou saw an adult cry like this because of a quarrel, and she was really at a loss for Qin Xiaobao for a moment.

"Xiao Limo, Xiao Jian, you go and clean up. Let's go to the airport immediately." Qin Xiaobao wiped his tears with his hands, but the tears not only did not stop, but became more and more flowing.

"This..." Ji Rou looked at Qin Yinze anxiously, "Well, that Young Master Qin, my little aunt just arrived in Jiangbei and hasn't had a good meal yet, so she rushed back overnight. How tiring it would be. Do you think things can be slowed down?"

"Little girl, you don't need to pity our mother and son. Anyway, it's not the first day that people named Qin are cruel." Qin Xiaobao only dared to say this in front of his son and nephew. If he said it in front of her wooden brother, Definitely needs to be locked up.

"I'm not pitying you... I just can't bear to leave Xiaojian and Xiaolimo." Although Qin Xiaobao behaved strongly and was looking for trouble at first sight, Ji Rou really couldn't hate her. She even felt that the Qin family This little aunt is a bit cute.

Yes, it's just cute... Jirou often feels that she can see the shadow of Qin Xiaobao in Xiao Limo, which is all kind of quirky and naughty, making people hate her.

Furthermore, Qin Xiaobao is the first elder of the Qin family that Ji Rou has met. If Qin Xiaobao really rushes back to Jiangbei overnight because of her, the elders of the Qin family will probably think that she is an unfilial junior.

She didn't want to leave such a bad impression on the elders of the Qin family...

After being provoked by Qin Xiaobao just now, Ji Rou couldn't control her temper and got into a fight with her. She said everything that should be said and shouldn't be said. Now that she calmed down, she actually regretted it.

People say that impulse is the devil. Ji Rou can really understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Yes, anyway, I am the only one who is not welcome here." Before he finished speaking, Qin Xiaobao's tears burst out again, this time she cried as if the whole universe was bullying her.

"You, don't be like this. Crying can't solve the problem." Ji Rou hurriedly asked Qin Yinze for help, "Qin Yinze, don't say anything. Can you help me think of a solution?"

"My father asked my little aunt to go back. I think my little aunt has to go back too." Qin Xiaobao is a troublemaker, and Ji Rou is not a fuel-efficient lamp. The two of them will definitely not have a peaceful life together. It is best for Qin Xiaobao to go back to Jiangbei. How could Qin Yinze help them find a way to stay.

She asked Qin Xiaobao to go back to Jiangbei to annoy her Commander Zhan. From Commander Zhan's side, no matter what Qin Xiaobao did, it was natural, and Commander Zhan would not find her annoying.

"Heh... little girl, each of them named Qin is more cold-blooded than the other. Please don't plead for me. It's useless." Qin Xiaobao changed the topic and instantly stood on the same front as Ji Rou.

"Little aunt, don't be anxious. It all depends on people. No matter how difficult the problem is, as long as we work hard, we will definitely be able to find a solution." Ji Rou also called her little aunt affectionately.

"Little girl, you don't know that their father, my brother, is a devil. He bullied me since I was a child. When I grew up, I got married. Now that my children are so old, he still bullies me. Anyway, I am just a person who has no pain. Poor person who is loved by everyone." Qin Xiaobao wiped away tears again and cried like a tearful person.

After listening to Qin Xiaobao's cry, Ji Rou said angrily: "Little aunt, as long as you don't want to go back, then we won't go back. I don't believe he can eat you."

Qin Xiaobao continued to use her expertise in crying scenes: "Little girl, you don't know, their father, my brother, does things that are more terrifying than cannibalism. Anyway... wu wu wu..."

Jirou comforted her: "Little aunt, don't be afraid. I'll be with you if anything happens."

Qin Xiaobao said gratefully: "Well, little girl, I didn't expect that you helped me at the critical moment."

Ji Rou: "You are my little aunt. If I don't help you, who will help you?"

"I'm still his biological mother." Qin Xiaobao pointed at Zhan Limo, then at Qin Yinze and Qin Yinjian, "I'm also their aunt, but look at them, who of them has ever taken care of me?"

Ji Rou said: "The consciences of these three people have been eaten by dogs. Let's ignore them."

Qin Xiaobao: "Yeah."

Jirou brought the dishes to Qin Xiaobao: "Little aunt, these dishes are very famous specialties in Minluo City. They must be eaten while they are hot to taste. You should try them first."

Qin Xiaobao generously accepted the dishes Jirou pushed, and then pushed Jirou's favorite pig's knuckles to Jirou: "I heard that you like to eat pig's knuckles, then you should eat more. We women can't treat ourselves badly."

Jirou also happily accepted the pig's knuckles handed over by Qin Xiaobao: "Little aunt, let me tell you that this pig's knuckles are rich in collagen, and women have beauty effects after eating them. You should eat some more often in the future."

Qin Xiaobao looked like he suddenly realized: "Oh... no wonder your face is so tender that you can pinch water. It turns out that you ate pig knuckles to replenish collagen, right?"

Jirou touches her face narcissistically: "Little aunt, is my face really as tender as you say?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Can it still be fake?"

Jirou was very happy to be praised: "Little aunt, is there any place you particularly want to visit when you come to Minluo City? I am familiar with Minluo City and can be your tour guide for free."

Qin Xiaobao: "Yes. I remember that your Minjiang Bar Street in Minluo City is very famous. It is one of the must-visit attractions for many people who come to Minluo City. Let's go drinking together tomorrow."

Ji Rouyue spoke more and more energetically: "Little aunt, I have a friend who owns a bar right here. It's very popular. I'll take you there to drink there tomorrow. We want to drink till we get drunk."

Qin Xiaobao: "Are we going to take them with us?"

They were of course referring to the three men present.

Jirou: "Them? What are you taking them for?"

Qin Xiaobao smiled and said, "Well, I think so too."

Tonight's scene started with Qin Xiaobao and Ji Rou fighting each other. They had just begun to fight with each other, and it seemed that they would never give up until they fought to the death.

The three men have thought about the consequences of Qin Xiaobao and Ji Rou tearing each other apart, but they never thought that after tearing each other up, they would get together and tear them apart again.

It is said that a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea. Men should never guess, but they shouldn't be so fickle.

The two of them were so changeable that the three men present were impressed by them.

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