My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1249 Extra chapter, he is Shengtian’s eldest young master

Chapter 1250: Extra chapter, he is Shengtian’s eldest young master

The woman who picked up the two little guys is named Qin Xiaobao, and she is the sister of Qin Yue of Shengtian Group...

Xiang Lingfeng finally realized the real purpose of Dr. Tong telling him so much: "This woman has something to do with Shengtian and Jiangbei Military Region, and Qin Yinze has something to do with this woman, so that means Qin Yinze and Sheng Tian Does the group have anything to do with it?”

"Not only are they related, Qin Yinze is the eldest son of Shengtian Group." Dr. Tong clenched his fists, his eyes shining with excitement, "I have been with him for several years and have always wanted to find out. But there are no clues about his origins. It’s really effortless to find him this time.”

"I knew that his background must be extraordinary, but I never thought that he was the eldest son of the Shengtian Group." Dr. Tong said enthusiastically, "The money made by the Shengtian Group is enough for generations of the Qin family to squander. The young master actually came out to establish his own business. It seems that rich people are not only satisfied with money, but also need to prove their abilities. "

Xiang Lingfeng said: "He is Shengtian's eldest young master. He came out to prove his ability. Why are you excited?"

"I'm not excited because he is the eldest young master of Shengtian. What I'm excited about is that I have a good eye and can spot people accurately." Thinking of Qin Yinze's excellence, Dr. Tong also looked obsessed, "It doesn't take a long time." With only a penny from Shengtian, Qin Yinze became the richest man in Minluo City in just three years. He used his strength to prove that the second generation of rich people are not salted fish waiting to die... I met such an outstanding man. , can’t I still be excited?”

"Don't forget, he is not your man yet. Don't forget, even though you have been with him for so many years, he has never looked at you." Xiang Lingfeng couldn't see Dr. Tong's proud look. He poured cold water on her.

"He never looked at me directly before. That was because he was blind... From now on, I will make him only see me and never see other women besides me." Dr. Tong has always believed in Qin Yinze will be hers sooner or later.

The longer he works with Dr. Tong, the more Xiang Lingfeng gets to know her. Sometimes this woman is smart, sometimes arrogant, and sometimes self-righteous.

Xiang Lingfeng was not excited to discuss what Qin Yinze would do to her in the future. He only cared about when he could get Ji Rou back from Qin Yinze: "You haven't been able to find out, why are you finding out now?"

"When I first met him, I was very curious about his origins and made countless secret inquiries. However, that man did nothing but work. He had never been in contact with his family. It was difficult to find out his background. Dengtian, so I found nothing. This time, because of the arrival of the two children and Qin Xiaobao, I knew his true identity. "Dr. Tong didn't think about what he could and couldn't say because of his excitement. When Xiang Lingfeng asked, she said everything.

Xiang Lingfeng: "Are you sure he is the eldest young master of the Qin family?"

Dr. Tong: "I'm 80 to 90 percent sure. My people just called me and told me that Qin Xiaobao and his two children boarded a flight to Jiangbei."

Xiang Lingfeng: "There are many people flying from Minluo City to Jiangbei every day. It's not surprising that the three of them fly to Jiangbei. This alone cannot prove that she is Shengtian's person, let alone Qin Yinze's. Young Master."

Doctor Tong pointed to the photo in Xiang Lingfeng's hand: "That's why I let you see those two photos. Of those two photos, one was leaked many years ago when Qin Xiaobao was still acting, and the other is my person at the airport. Photographed."

Xiang Lingfeng picked up the photo again and looked at it: "It is indeed the same person."

Dr. Tong added: "I will contact the person to confirm their identity and give you a 100% sure answer... However, while I am confirming their identity, our response strategy should also be upgraded."

"It should be upgraded." It's already very difficult for them to deal with the power of Qin Yinze alone. Now there is another Shengtian Group... For a moment, Xiang Lingfeng felt that he couldn't see To hope.

But he will not give up easily, he will work hard and strive for everything that belongs to him.

Think about it, when he was wandering on the edge of life and death, if he hadn't gritted his teeth and persisted for a while, his life would have been lost long ago... It is precisely because of his persistence and his efforts that he is still living well now. In this world, you can still see the rising sun every day.

"No, don't come over, don't... don't touch him, don't..."

Jirou had another nightmare. In the dream, she and her brother Feng were seen. Brother Feng, who had been stabbed several times, was lying in a pool of blood and was dying. However, the murderers still refused to let him go. A group of them continued holding knives. Approaching them: "Kill Xiang Lingfeng, the boss will be rewarded heavily."

"Brother Feng, the bad guys are here again. Wake up, wake up..." Ji Rou tried to wake up Xiang Lingfeng, but Xiang Lingfeng was too weak and she couldn't wake him up at all.

She tried to lift him up again, but his body seemed to weigh as much as a thousand pieces of gold. Even with all her strength, she could not drag him. She could only see the murderers getting closer and closer to them.

"Stop, you are not allowed to hurt him..." Ji Rou yelled and shouted, trying to stop those people from approaching, but none of them ignored her. They came to them and waved their swords at Xiang, who had already fallen. Ling Feng slashed with his knife.

"Brother Feng..." Calling Xiang Lingfeng's name, Ji Rou was suddenly pleasantly surprised from her nightmare and broke into a cold sweat. "No, no, don't hurt him... Please don't hurt him."

Even though she had woken up, Ji Rou still couldn't tell whether she was in a dream or reality. She kept muttering in her mouth, asking the murderer not to hurt her brother Feng... When she saw Xiang Lingfeng injured with her own eyes, she couldn't wait to see him. She was the one who was injured, and she wished she could die for him.

I don't know how long it took for Jirou to wake up from her dream. Thinking that everything that just happened was just a dream, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Brother Feng, don't worry, Xiaorou will definitely find the murderer."

She thought that Brother Feng would appear in her dream again, and he must be anxious to find the murderer. However, the information she had was limited, and so much time had passed. The original clues must have been destroyed. She wanted to find the murderer. , It’s really not an easy task. She can only try hard to investigate, but she doesn’t know when she will find the murderer.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Brother Feng disappeared only after he was killed, but she always thought that Brother Feng had abandoned her.

How could she miss Brother Feng so much.

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