My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1250: Extra chapter, her family has a good market for men

Chapter 1251: Extra chapter, the market for men in her family is good

"Having a nightmare?"

A low and sexy male voice suddenly came from above the head, making Ji Rou, who had just woken up from a dream and called Brother Feng's name, shudder violently.


This is not the first day that Ji Rou has seen Qin Yinze's stinginess. If he knew that she dreamed about Brother Feng, he would probably cause trouble for her again. She swallowed the words.

"Did you dream about your brother Feng again?"

Jirou kept calling her brother Feng in her dream, shouting at the top of her lungs. She seemed to be experiencing something terrible. Qin Yinze couldn't even pretend not to hear it.

"Well...I'm not, I just..."

Jirou wanted to explain, but she didn't know how to explain to Qin Yinze, because the fact was that Brother Feng appeared again in her dream, no matter what the reason was.

Qin Yinze takes Ji Rou into his arms: "No matter what you dream about, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Xiang Lingfeng can only appear in Jirou's dreams and memories, while Qin Yinze is lying next to Jirou and can hold her soft body to sleep. He doesn't need to talk to a "past tense" "Character calculations.

"Qin Yinze..." This man knew that she had dreamed about Brother Feng, but he was not angry, which surprised Ji Rou. "Qin Yinze, aren't you curious about what I dreamed about?"

"Of course I'm curious, but I don't want to force you to tell me." Qin Yinze patted her back and said softly, "If you believe me and are willing to tell me, then I would be honored."

Jirou lay on Qin Yinze's chest and rubbed it like a lazy kitten: "I dreamed about Brother Feng, that he was being chased, that he was covered in blood..."

At this point, Jirou couldn't speak anymore, and because she was sad, she didn't notice Qin Yinze's body becoming tense after hearing her words.

Does she know something?

When this idea came to his mind, Qin Yinze had already asked: "Ji Rou, why do you have such a strange dream?"

"I don't know either. It's just a messy dream, no reason is needed." In fact, Jirou knew, but she didn't want to tell Qin Yinze the real reason.

"It's just a dream, don't think too much about it." Qin Yinze said again, his tone unchanged, but his heart was no longer calm. What on earth was this girl warning him about by having such a dream?

Ji Rou nestled in his arms: "I know it's a dream."

Qin Yinze patted her back gently: "Then sleep a little longer."

"It's already dawn, and I don't want to sleep anymore." Ji Rou shook her head. Her mind was so messed up that she couldn't sleep even if she wanted to. It was better to get up early and do something else.

Qin Yinze's big palm got through the hem of her clothes and pressed against her lower abdomen: "Are you still uncomfortable?"



"What do you want to do?" Ji Rou immediately looked at him warily.

"If you don't feel uncomfortable and can't sleep, then go for a morning run with me." Qin Yinze felt very uncomfortable when he saw this woman looking at him like an animal.

"So that's it." Jirou's face turned red. Qin Yinze didn't want to do anything to her. Her thoughts were impure.

"What do you think?" Qin Yinze asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I thought you wanted to do something else." Jirou said softer and softer, especially when she met his evil gaze, she was so nervous that she didn't dare to speak.

"Think I want to do something else?" Qin Yinze knew what she was referring to, but he forced her to say it himself.

"It's so cold, do you really want to go out for a morning jog?" Ji Rou couldn't find a good excuse and quickly changed the subject, "The weather is cooling down very quickly. It's easy to catch a cold if you run in the morning."

"Run, I must run." He leaned close to her and whispered ambiguously in her ear, and the warm male breath surrounded her ears, "But before you get up, you have to tell me what other things are, otherwise I will make it impossible for you to get out of bed today.”

"Then I won't get up." Ji Rou turned over and wanted to get out of his arms, but before she could move, Qin Yinze grabbed her and held her in his arms.

She was so nervous that she pushed him: "Don't do this."

Qin Yinze lowered his head and bit her lips: "Is this good?"

Jirou wanted to turn her head to avoid it, but the man bit her lip and wouldn't let go, which hurt her: "Okay, okay, let me go first, I said yes."

"Tell me first." He pressed her down and asked in a low voice.

"You clearly know, why are you still asking me?" This man is really bad to the core.

"If you don't tell me, how will I know?"

"You don't want me to go for a morning jog with you. If you keep pressing me, I won't accompany you."

"Then stop running and let's do some other exercise."

"No... I just said..." Ji Rou blushed, hesitating for a long time, and finally said her words, "I thought you wanted it again."

"What do you want?" he asked evilly.

"Me." Ji Rou is also willing to go all out. Anyway, the two of them have been honest with each other for a long time. There is nothing else she can't say.

"Stupid woman..." After receiving a satisfactory reply, Qin Yinze smiled heartily and then said, "Get up and go for a morning run with me. You will have the physical strength to exercise with me another day."

Ji Rou hides in bed and doesn't want to move: "Can you stop running?"

Qin Yinze poked her forehead: "What do you think?"

"Just go. It's not like you've never run in the morning before. Who's afraid of who?" Jirou didn't want to get up and go for a morning run, but under the coercion of young master Qin Yinze, she had to get up and run with him. .

The Xishan villa area is well greened, and the air in the morning is particularly fresh. There are many people running in the pedestrian area, including tall and strong men, as well as soft and cute girls.

"Good morning!" The beautiful cute girl greeted them enthusiastically.

"Good morning!" Out of politeness, Ji Rou replied, but after replying, she found that the person the cute girl was looking at was Qin Yinze, not her at all.

But Qin Yinze ignored it.

Qin Yinze ignored him, but the woman did not give up. Instead, she caught up with her, squeezing Ji Rou behind her: "Handsome guy, I'll treat you to breakfast after you finish the run."

"If you want to treat me to breakfast, it depends on whether my wife agrees or not." Qin Yinze glanced at the woman coldly, and immediately slowed down, waiting for Jirou who was lagging behind. As soon as Jirou arrived, he immediately held Jirou's hand. Rou's hand said, "Honey, someone asked your husband to have breakfast, do you agree?"

"Agree! Of course I have to agree!" Ji Rou smiled, her tone was very gentle, but her smile seemed to hide a sharp knife, "Every morning when I go out for a morning run, someone invites my husband to have breakfast. That proves that my husband's market is good. I am very happy and proud to have such a husband.”

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