My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1252 Extra chapter, asking for a kiss and a hug

Chapter 1253: Extra chapter, asking for a kiss and a hug

Jirou finished her breakfast and was about to go upstairs to have a good talk with Master Qin. As soon as she walked out of the restaurant, she saw Qin Yinze had changed his clothes and went downstairs.

Jirou hurriedly greeted her, raised a smile to please her and said, "Young Master, are you going out?"

Qin Yinze ignored her and looked at Aunt Qiao behind Ji Rou: "Aunt Qiao, I'm on a business trip and will be back in two days."

Aunt Qiao smiled awkwardly: "Sir, Miss Ji is here, just say whatever you want to her, she is listening to you."

Ji Rou yelled angrily: "Qin Yinze, you are going on a business trip. If you don't tell me to tell Aunt Qiao, what do you mean? Do you think of me as your wife?"

Ji Rou yelled for a long time, but Qin Yinze didn't say anything more, didn't look at Ji Rou more, turned around and walked away.

Ji Rou: "Son of a bitch, are you so stingy?"

Aunt Qiao said: "Ms. Ji, my husband never told me when he was on a business trip. Today he clearly told you. Don't ever get angry with him."

"Who is angry with him? I don't want to be angry with him. It's not worthwhile for me to make myself angry because of a stingy man." Ji Rou said she was not angry, but in fact she was very angry. In anger, she He chased him out, "Qin Yinze, stop the hell!"

If the tiger didn't show off his power, he still regarded her as a sick cat.

Qin Yinze ignored him and continued to move forward with graceful steps. Jirou rushed up, hugged him from behind, and shouted viciously: "Qin Yinze, you are not allowed to leave until you speak clearly today!"

Qin Yinze forced her hand open.

Jirou hugs him again: "I won't let you go!"

Qin Yinze broke her hand again, and Ji Rou held on to him tightly and refused to let go: "Qin Yinze, I said I was joking with you, why are you so stingy? You didn't tell me that you were going on a business trip. , don’t you know that I will miss you when you are not at home?”

Finally, Qin Yinze stopped pushing her away. Ji Rou felt that he had softened: "Qin Yinze, if you were angry with me before going on a business trip, I would be uneasy. Can you bear to look at me? Do people shed tears every day at home?”

"Will you shed tears?" Obviously, Qin Yinze didn't believe her exaggerated words, but he couldn't be angry with her anymore. "Are you going to talk nonsense in the future?"

"I promise you, I will never talk nonsense again or make you unhappy again." Ji Rou shook her head hard and almost raised her hand to swear to promise him.

This kind of flattering promise is not the first time that Jirou has said it, nor is it the first time that Qin Yinze has heard it, but he still chooses to believe her: "Then when I am not at home, you have to be good at home. Yes, you are not allowed to go out to drink or fight. I will ask the driver to pick you up and take you to school on time."

"Well, I will be obedient. I won't do anything you don't let me do." Jirou rubbed her arms and looked up at him, "Master Qin, what do you want?" I’m on a business trip for two days, why don’t you give me a hug before I leave?”

"You are such a silly girl!" Qin Yinze smiled fondly, and at the same time hugged her into his arms and held her tightly. "Okay, it's getting late, I'm going to leave."

"Qin Yinze..." Ji Rou hugged him again and refused to let go. She blushed and stammered, "I've already hugged him. Don't you want to kiss me again?"

"What a clinging little goblin..." Qin Yinze poked her head in disgust, despising her for being a troublemaker, but he approached her honestly and gave her a gentle and lingering kiss. .

Ji Rou pursed her lips that were kissed by him, and smiled shyly but proudly: "I am pestering you because I like you. You should feel happy."

Seeing Ji Rou as happy as a child, Qin Yinze was in a good mood: "Then should I thank Miss Ji for thinking so highly of me?"

"Of course you should be grateful." Jirou put her hands on her hips and issued an order like a proud queen, "Qin Yinze, remember, you must pay attention to your own safety when you go out. How do you go out? Come back without a single hair."

Maybe because of Xiang Lingfeng's incident, Ji Rou has been worrying about gains and losses recently. She is very afraid that Qin Yinze will be like Xiang Lingfeng and suddenly disappear from her side one day.

She has lost her father and brother Feng, and she can't lose Qin Yinze again, so she uses this method to emphasize that Qin Yinze should pay attention to safety.

"You domineering silly girl, I will obey your orders and come back wherever you go!" Qin Yinze rubbed her head, "I'll leave first and ask the driver to take you to school later."

"Well, go early and come back early." Ji Rou watched Qin Yinze get into the car, "Qin Yinze, no matter where you go, you have to take care of yourself. Because there is still someone at home who cares about you."

"Silly girl, you deliberately don't want me to go out?" This girl's behavior today was very abnormal. Qin Yinze had noticed it, but he didn't say anything.

Jirou added: "Anyway, you have to take care of yourself. Don't let me worry about you at home."

"Yeah." Qin Yinze nodded, "Go back and take a shower and change clothes. Don't catch a cold standing in the cold wind."

"You go first, I'll watch you go."

"You go back first."

"you go first."

"You have such a stubborn temper." Qin Yinze couldn't resist her, so he had to let the driver drive first.

Watching Qin Yinze's car go away, Ji Rou didn't look back until she could no longer see it. The moment she looked away, her nose felt sore and she suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Before the tears were about to flow out, Jirou sniffed quickly and forced the tears back.

Qin Yinze will be fine, no, he will always be by her side, grow old with her, and become an old lady and old man with her.

And she will have a tough battle to fight next, so she must work hard!

in the car.

Qin Yinze took out his mobile phone and dialed Pengshan's phone number: "Your people are following Ji Rou. Have you noticed anything unusual about her in the past two days?"

"Sir, everything is fine with my wife. Our people didn't find anything unusual about her. If there is anything, I will definitely report it to you as soon as possible." Pengshan has experienced how much the master values ​​the little girl Ji Rou. Well, he didn't dare to neglect Ji Rou's matter at all.

"Pengshan, are you 100% sure that there is nothing abnormal about her?" Qin Yinze frowned, looked out the car window, and thought about Jirou's performance in the past two days.

He hadn't heard the little girl dreaming about Xiang Lingfeng for a long time, and he hadn't seen her as reluctant to leave her as she was today when he went out... She was not in any condition, it was absolutely impossible, it was probably because people from Pengshan didn't notice.

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