My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1253: Extra chapter, Senior Feng may still be alive

Chapter 1254: Extra chapter, Senior Feng may still be alive

Pengshan hurriedly explained: "Sir, I have sent three of my elite men to protect my wife's safety. If something unusual happens around her or someone wants to touch her, my men will never allow it."

With people from Pengshan here, Qin Yinze is not worried about Jirou's safety. He is worried about other things happening: "I mean other situations, situations other than safety."

"Sir, all the teachers and students on the campus of University A know that your wife is yours. Who the hell doesn't want to live anymore and dares to take her idea?" Pengshan is a big boss. Qin Yinze didn't explain it clearly. He could think of it. This level of reason is already considered a considerable progress.

"Did anything else happen in their school, especially about Xiang Lingfeng?" Many times, Qin Yinze disliked Pengshan, his unresponsive subordinate.

But Pengshan is not without its merits. Although Pengshan is not very good at figuring out his master's thoughts, fortunately, he is loyal to Qin Yinze and has absolutely no second thoughts. Qin Yinze can use him with confidence.

When Xiang Lingfeng was mentioned, Pengshan knew what was going on: "Sir, you mentioned this person. News about him has been rumored in University A recently."

Hearing the rumors about Xiang Lingfeng, Qin Yinze frowned even more: "Rumors? What rumors?"

Pengshan said: "Some news about the dead Xiang Lingfeng has been circulating on the campus of University A recently. It does not say that he is dead. It means that he was forced to leave."

Qin Yinze said angrily: "Pengshan, I think you are getting more and more confused. If I don't ask you about such a serious matter, are you still not going to report it to me?"

"Sir, I..." Pengshan wiped cold sweat, "I thought that person was already dead anyway, and it would be useless no matter how much news was spread about a dead person, so I didn't pay much attention to it."

"Bastard thing!" Qin Yinze clenched his fist and punched the leather chair beside him. "Immediately let someone find out where these news came from. I want to know the answer before dark."

Pengshan wiped his cold sweat and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes...I'll have someone check it out right away, and I'll give you an answer before dark."

Qin Yinze added: "From today on, you will send someone to keep an eye on University A and report anything to me as soon as possible. Keep it in mind. Everything about her is a big deal. .”

"Sir, I understand." Before Pengshan could finish speaking, the person on the other end of the phone had already hung up. Hearing the beeping busy tone from the phone, his body softened and he fell down on the sofa.

"Mr. Peng, what's wrong with you?" His subordinates saw that his expression was wrong and rushed over.

"Immediately inform Liu Quan and the others and ask them to keep an eye on University A. If there is any... Forget it, I'll go in person. I won't worry if they are watching me." Pengshan waved his hand and asked his men to step back.

The master emphasized that everything about his wife was a big deal. He really couldn't be careless or make any mistakes in this matter, otherwise he would have no choice but to die.

The wind picked up again today and the temperature dropped several degrees again, announcing that Minluo City, a city with a long history, has officially entered winter.

After getting out of the car, there was a gust of cold wind. Jirou quickly wrapped her coat tightly. She was thankful that she had the reputation of foresight and wore thick clothes today so that she would not get cold.

She turned back to Fan Qitian, the driver in the car, and said, "Uncle Fan, thank you for sending me off! It's so cold, so you should go back and rest early. I'll take a taxi back in the evening, so I won't bother you to pick me up."

Fan Qitian smiled: "Miss Ji, before you go out, sir, please tell me that I must be ready to pick you up and drop you off. With my husband's salary, I have to work for him in a down-to-earth manner. So don't go anywhere in the afternoon. I will pick you up on time. your."

The weather is so cold, Ji Rou feels sorry for the old man running around, but the old man is also stubborn, so Ji Rou can't say anything: "Then I'll bother you, Uncle Fan."

Fan Qitian said: "Miss Ji, come in quickly. My old man is leaving first."

"Yes." Jirou nodded, and when she turned around, she saw the prince and the monkey running towards her. They came to her one after another, "Boss, you are so early today."

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep today, so I got up early, so I came to school early... so that I could feel the feeling of arriving early." Like her brother Feng, who is a well-known outstanding student in the school and often arrives early. , never leaves early, she also wants to experience Brother Feng’s life trajectory.

"Boss, is it because Senior Feng can't sleep?" The prince and the monkey exchanged a look. The two followed Ji Rou closely, and the prince spoke.

"If the murderer of Brother Feng is not found, I will never have peace of mind." Only by finding the murderer and letting Brother Feng rest in peace will she feel better.

The prince added: "Boss, we got two more photos of Senior Feng. Do you want to see them?"

"You're not talking nonsense. If there are photos, can I not see them?" Ji Rou raised her hand and patted the prince on the shoulder, "I'm telling you two, you two have to tell me everything, and you can't hide anything from me. "

The prince and the monkey nodded vigorously.

Jirou added: "Why don't you take out the photos quickly and show them to me."

The prince quickly handed over the photo, and Ji Rou took it and took a look. It was about Brother Feng. In the photo, Brother Feng was not only covered in blood, but even his four legs were in a twisted state, as if someone had broken his muscles. .

Just looking at Brother Feng in the photo, Jirou can feel the pain. This piercing feeling stabs Jirou's heart, making her unable to breathe several times.

After a long time, she finally said: "Prince, where did you get these photos?"

The prince answered honestly: "It was delivered to my home by courier and asked me to sign for it."

Ji Rou continued to ask: "Have you ever asked who sent the express?"

The prince said: "The courier staff handed me the envelope containing the photo and left in a hurry without asking me to sign it. I hadn't seen clearly what he looked like."

"Who is it? Who is it? Why treat Brother Feng so cruelly? Why? Why?" Ji Rou shouted heartbreakingly. She could never imagine who would be so cruel to her Brother Feng. .

Her brother Feng is still a college student. In addition to his family, the people he comes into contact with are teachers and classmates at school. Who has such deep hatred for him?

"Boss, there is another photo, but I don't know if I should give it to you?" The prince and the monkey hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to give the photo to Ji Rou.

Jirou asked anxiously: "No matter what photos they are, give them to me. You are not allowed to hide them in private."

The prince took out another photo and handed it to Ji Rou: "Boss, judging from this photo, it is very likely that Senior Feng is not dead. He may still be alive."

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