My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1254: Extra chapter, all I think about is you

Chapter 1255: Extra chapter, all I think about is you

Brother Feng may still be alive!

This is a possibility that Jirou never dared to dream after receiving the news that Brother Feng was dead. At this time, she heard from the prince that her brain had been in a short-circuit state for a long time.

Is it really possible that Brother Feng is still alive?

With such a serious injury, could a miracle really happen?

"Prince, if you don't have 100% proof that Brother Feng is still alive, don't talk nonsense." Ji Rou has never dared to imagine that Brother Feng is still alive, but she hopes that Brother Feng is really alive, but she is also afraid of Brother Feng. The news that he was alive was false, so the hands holding the photo were trembling slightly.

The prince knew what Ji Rou was afraid of: "Boss, I just had such an idea after seeing this photo. Of course, this is just my speculation. The chance that Senior Feng is still alive must be very small if he is so seriously injured. Small."

Ji Rou opens the photo handed over by the prince with trembling hands. The person in the photo is still her most familiar brother Feng. In the photo, his whole body is still stained with blood, but he is lying on the operating table, and someone is saving him... too That is to say, it is really possible for Brother Feng to be alive.

"Prince, is it really possible that Brother Feng is still alive?" Ji Rou asked with a trembling voice. She urgently needed the prince and the others to give her a positive answer.

With a positive answer, she dared to imagine that Brother Feng was still alive...

"Boss, it's really hard to say." The prince regretted giving this photo to Jirou. It was just a photo of the rescue in the operating room, which really didn't mean anything.

"Just tell me that Brother Feng may still be alive. There is no need to say anything else. I only want this answer and nothing else." Ji Rou knew that she shouldn't have such an idea, but she needed this idea. In this way, she can work harder to find clues to find Brother Feng...

However, she didn't need to find clues about whether Xiang Lingfeng was still alive. Xiang Lingfeng had already arranged for someone to deliver the clues to her one by one.

At this moment, the prince's cell phone suddenly rang, and the caller was Xie the school beauty: "Boss, do you want me to answer the call from Xie the school beauty?"

Jirou immediately decided: "Take it. Listen to what else she has to say."

With Jirou's permission, the prince answered the phone: "Xie Meimei, what's the matter?"

Xie Meimei's voice, about to be pulled up to the sky, came from the mobile phone: "Let the girl named Ji answer the phone. I have something to call her."

The prince covered the phone receiver and whispered: "Boss, Xie Meimei said she has something to call you. Do you want to answer her call?"

Ji Rou took the prince's mobile phone and said, "Xie Meimei, just tell me if you have anything to do."

Xie Meimei sneered and said, "Jirou, you know I hate you so much that I want you to die, but there are some things I have to tell you."

Jirou holds the phone tightly: "Say."

Xie Meimei added: "I guess you have seen the photos of Xiang Lingfeng in the operating room. Yes, Xiang Lingfeng was rescued after being injured. He did not die, he is still alive."

Hearing the news that Brother Feng was still alive, Ji Rou clenched her fists with excitement and her nails sank into her palms. She didn't feel any pain: "Xie Meimei, repeat what you just said."

Xie Meimei smiled and said: "What? Are you scared when you hear the news that Xiang Lingfeng is not dead?"

Ji Rou gritted her teeth and said, "Are you sure he is still alive?"

"Jirou, do you want him to live or do you want him to die cleanly and stop disturbing your new life?" Before Jirou could answer, Xie Meimei added, "After all, you have found a big supporter now. Living the life of a rich young lady that everyone envies, in your new relationship, for Mr. Qin, your past relationship is a stain in your life. You should wish that Xiang Lingfeng died cleanly. Bar."

"Xie Meimei, stop talking nonsense. I just want to know if brother Feng is still alive?" Nothing Xie said, the school beauty, could stir up ripples in Ji Rou's heart. She only cared about one answer, whether her brother Feng was really alive. ?

But Xie, the school beauty who knows all the truth, is unwilling to give Jirou a happy life. She continues to talk to herself: "Jirou, Jirou, you also know that I like Xiang Lingfeng."

School beauty Xie likes Xiang Lingfeng. This is no secret in University A. It is also for this reason that school beauty Xie often secretly troubles Ji Rou. Ji Rou must know it, but she doesn't care at all, because school beauty Xie has never been her. Opponent: "Xie Meimei, let me ask you one last time, is he alive?"

"Yes, he is still alive, but he doesn't look like a human or a ghost anymore. He is no longer the bright and sunny boy he used to be." Xie Meimei's voice suddenly became cold and sinister, like a murderous ghost. Roaring, "Jirou, you bitch, the reason why he is like this is all because of you, all because of you... You hurt him so miserably, but your life is so comfortable, why? Why?"

"My Brother Feng is still alive...he is still alive...he is still alive." When she heard that Brother Feng was still alive, Jirou's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and tears blurred her eyes for a moment. , but she was laughing again, "Prince, Monkey, it's not that I heard wrong, you should have heard it, brother Feng is still alive, he is still alive..."

The prince was worried about Jirou and stretched out his hand to support her: "Boss, we heard it. Yes, Senior Feng is still alive. He is still alive. You should be happy."

Jirou shook her head in tears: "But what happened to him? Why did he become like that in the photo? Xie Meimei, tell me where he is, and I want to find him?"

"Tell you where he is? Do you want you to continue to kill him?" Even from a long distance, Ji Rou can imagine that Xie's expression must be ferocious at this time, "Ji Rou, don't you understand? What do I mean? The reason why he is what he is today is all because of you. If it weren't for you, he would not be maliciously harmed. If it weren't for you, he would still be the president of the A college students' union, and he would be the one in the eyes of the girls at A University. The perfect man.”

"What happened? Xie Meimei, stop fucking with me and tell me everything at once. I'll give you whatever you want." An uneasy feeling gradually rose in Ji Rou's heart, but she But I don’t know where the uneasiness comes from.

Xie Meimei's malicious voice came from the phone receiver again: "Ji Rou, to tell you the truth, I don't want to tell you the news that he is still alive, because as long as you are not by his side, I will have the chance to replace him. You. But it’s useless, as long as he wakes up, the person he’s talking about is you.”

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