My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1282 Extra chapter, shouting Ran Ran in the dream

Chapter 1283: Extra chapter, shouting Ran Ran in the dream

The snow continues to fall.

After drinking the medicine, Qin Yinze felt a little sleepy, so Ji Rou asked him to sleep first.

She sat by his bed and stayed with him quietly. After a while, she took a thermometer to measure him, carefully and considerately.

Except for Qin Yinze, she has never taken care of someone so carefully in her life.

In the past, it was her parents and Brother Feng who took care of her in such windy and snowy weather. If she fell ill, they would gather around her bed to ask for help, wishing they could wait on her like their ancestors.

In the past, she would always think that if she troubled them when she was sick, wouldn't they be bothered by her?

Now that she has experienced it herself, she knows that when she likes someone, she only wants to take good care of him and hope that he will get better soon, and she will not find him annoying.

"Qin Yinze!"

She silently shouted this name in her heart, hoping that he could always stay with her, not asking him to stay with her until eternity, but asking him to stay with her for the rest of her life.

Dong Dong——

There was a sudden knock on the door, which made Ji Rou frown. What was she doing knocking on the door at this time? What should she do if she woke up Qin Yinze who had just fallen asleep?

Jirou pulled the quilt and covered Qin Yinze. She just came to the door. When she opened the door, she saw Pengshan who looked anxious: "Madam, I have something to report to my husband."

Pengshan is taller than Jirou. His eyes sweep over Jirou's head, trying to see Qin Yinze in the room, but Jirou gently closes the door to block his view: "Qin Yinze just fell asleep." “Excuse me, if you don’t want him to deal with it right away, can you please wait a little longer?”

Jirou didn't mean to embarrass Pengshan, she just felt sorry for Qin Yinze and didn't want him to sleep well even if he took a nap. After being stopped by Ji Rou, Pengshan would have felt that Ji Rou was deliberately retaliating against him if it had been before, but now that he knows the truth, he won't.

Pengshan took two steps back, kept a proper distance from Ji Rou, and said respectfully: "It's not an urgent matter, but I just need to let you know about it."

Pengshan asked people to go find Dr. Tong. When he went there, he found that Dr. Tong was dead.

His men called the police, who had already arrived, but it was said that the scene was clean and no traces could be found. In addition to the rain and snow, it would be difficult to find the murderer.

Jirou said: "If it's not urgent, you can come back and talk to him tomorrow morning."

Pengshan's impression of Ji Rou has changed, and now he has never thought of hiding anything from her: "Madam, actually I just want to tell Mr. Tong that Dr. Tong is dead."

"Dr. Tong is dead?" Ji Rou was frightened, and then grabbed Pengshan's collar in a hurry, "Pengshan, are you crazy? Even if Dr. Tong wronged me, even if she committed suicide for Qin Yinze Poison, but you can't kill her like this. We should hand her over to the police and let the police deal with it. If you do this, it will implicate Qin Yinze. "

"Madam, misunderstood!" Pengshan was big, fierce and vicious in appearance. Ordinary people would be frightened and run away when they saw him. This was his first time being grabbed by a woman by the collar and taunted him fiercely. ask.

Because she was the boss's woman, and he didn't dare to push her away, he could only let her hold her. Under her fierce questioning, he explained: "Madam, Dr. Tong died, but it was not me who did it. "

If he wants to do it, he will do it so neatly that no body can be seen. How can he possibly attract the police? It seems like he has little experience in calling the police.

"No, it's not you?" Ji Rou let go and smiled awkwardly, "Sorry! I was anxious just now. But if it wasn't you, who could be the murderer?"

Pengshan honestly confessed: "The police are already investigating, but it is said that the scene was cleaned very clean, and the heavy snow has erased all traces. It is estimated that the murderer will not be found. "

"Really dead?" Although Ji Rou hates Dr. Tong and hopes never to see her in her life, it is quite a pity that such a living life is gone.

Life is really fragile. No one knows which will come first, accident or tomorrow.

"Yes, he's dead." Pengshan used to have a good relationship with Dr. Tong because he thought that Dr. Tong was as loyal to his master as he was. Now that he knows that Dr. Tong used poison for Qin Yinze secretly, Pengshan has no regard for this Women have lost even the most basic expression of sympathy with the people.

Jirou didn't answer, and Pengshan added, "Madam, I came here to tell you about this."

Jirou nodded: "Well, he'll wake up soon, I'll tell him for you."

"Madam..." Pengshan scratched his head and hesitated, with a very rare dark red on his face.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that Pengshan's expression was abnormal, Ji Rou said again, "Are you worried that I won't tell Qin Yinze?"

"No, no..." Pengshan waved his hands hurriedly, "I know you will definitely tell sir. I misunderstood you before, but now I have found out. Those rumors about you were spread by Dr. Tong. . Here, I apologize to you, please don’t blame me for my ignorance.”

Ji Rou smiled: "You also believed the rumors spread by others. Now that you have made it clear, it will be fine. I won't take this matter to heart, and you shouldn't take it to heart either."

"Thank you, madam!" Pengshan discovered today that his wife is not only good-looking, but also kind-hearted. He did such a big mistake, but she didn't say a harsh word to him.

"It's getting late, you go and rest."

"Dr. Yang and I are downstairs. If my wife needs anything, just call us." Pengshan respectfully withdrew, leaving Ji Rou standing alone in the corridor.

Dr. Tong is dead!

Living people just die.

And it was an accident, he was stabbed to death.

Ji Rou clenched her fist and turned back to the room. Qin Yinze slept soundly in the room, but he frowned slightly while sleeping, as if he had dreamed of something.

"Qin Yinze... don't be afraid, I'm here." Ji Rou got into the bed, lay down next to him, and reached out to hug him, hoping to give him a sense of security.

But at this moment, she heard two words coming from his mouth, two very clear words - Ranran!

Jirou stiffened and looked up at him. Just when she was staring at him steadily, he spoke again, not speaking, but shouting - Ranran, run!

"Qin Yinze, wake up! Wake up quickly! You have a nightmare." Ji Rou shook him hard for a while before shaking him awake. "Qin Yinze, it's just a dream, don't be afraid!"

But Qin Yinze looked at her steadily, as if he had never seen her before. Just when she wanted to speak, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly: "Of course, are you okay? ?”

"I'm fine..." Jirou was held by him. He held her so tightly that she couldn't breathe. She pushed him hard and couldn't push him away, so she gave up. "Qin Yinze, I'm Jirou."

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