My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1283 Extra chapter, Ranran is just a sister

Chapter 1284: Extra chapter, Ranran is just a sister

When Ji Rou said her name, she obviously felt that the man holding her froze, as if her voice shattered the dream he had weaved for himself.

The two of them were in a stalemate like this. After a while, Qin Yinze slowly pushed her away and looked at her again like a stranger with her very unfamiliar eyes.

"You're having a nightmare." Ji Rou felt uncomfortable being stared at by him and turned her face sideways, not wanting to look at him. But he wouldn't let her go. He held her head with his hand and pulled her towards him.

Jirou was angry because she called someone else in her dream: "What are you doing?"

Qin Yinze felt guilty. He didn't know if she had heard anything just now, and if so, how much she had heard: "What did you just hear?"

Ji Rou bit her lip: "What else do you think I can hear?"

Qin Yinze was flustered: "I..."

"I...didn't hear anything." Ji Rou wanted to ask who the person calling in his dream was, but she held back... maybe the answer was not something she could afford, so she pretended that she didn't know anything. did not hear.

"I just had a dream. I dreamed that my sister was kidnapped by bad guys. She asked me to save her, but I couldn't move a step. I couldn't save her. I just watched her being kidnapped by bad guys." Kan Ji Rou looked like she hadn't heard anything. If he didn't explain it clearly to her at this time, it would make her uncomfortable, so Qin Yinze explained it.

He was indeed dreaming just now. He was dreaming about Qin lelan, who had not dreamed of him for a long time. He had not dreamed of her for a long time, and he didn't know why he suddenly dreamed of her?

In the dream, Qin leran was still eighteen years old, with a cute and sweet smile always on his delicate and beautiful face: "Brother..."

"Ranran?" In his memory, Qin lelan had never called him so gently, let alone smiled at him so tenderly, which made him feel a little dazed for a moment.

Unexpectedly, just as she walked towards him with a smile, while he was still in a trance, a group of people suddenly rushed out and separated the two brothers and sisters.

"Brother..." She stretched out her hand and asked him for help, "Brother, save me! Save me!"

"Of course, don't be afraid, brother is here." He wanted to save her, but found that he could not move a step. He watched helplessly as she was captured by the bad guys and eventually disappeared from his sight.

It turned out that the person he was calling in his dream was his sister!

She thought the person he was calling in his dream was his old lover. Fortunately, he took the initiative to explain to him, otherwise she would definitely not sleep well tonight because of this matter.

In an instant, Ji Rou felt that the big stone that was weighing on her heart was pushed away, and her mood improved. She took the initiative to lie in Qin Yinze's arms: "your sister's name is so nice."

Ran Ran!

It sounds really good!

Just now, when she heard him shouting these two words in his sleep, she felt that these two words were the most harsh words in the world. Now just because the owner of this name has changed his identity, Ji Rou feels that these two words are the most harsh words in the world. The most beautiful name ever.

"Do you know her name?" Qin Yinze wonders, has he ever told her Qin lelan's name? Maybe there is, but he just can't remember it.

"You screamed so loudly in your dream, and I'm not deaf, so why didn't you know." Jirou rubbed her arms in his arms, "Of course, well, the more you scream, the louder it sounds. Qin Yinze, can I call her like this in the future? ?”

Qin Yinze: "She is older than you."

Ji Rou: "I know she is a little older than me, but I am her sister-in-law. Of course I can call her by her name, and she should call me sister-in-law."

Qin Yinze nodded: "If you are all willing, I have no interest."

Anyway, he can't control any of these women in the family. He doesn't care what they call them to coordinate with each other.

Ji Rou said again: "Qin Yinze, I am younger than your sister. Do you think you are an old cow eating young grass?"

The last time he introduced her to her about his family, she also said that he was like an old cow eating young grass. Because this girl was several years younger than him, she was so pretentious that she often talked about it.

However, in order to make her happy, he still followed her: "Yes, it was me, the old cow, who ate that tender grass of yours."

Jirou became even more proud and arrogant: "You old cow, remember to be nice to your young wife."

Qin Yinze: "It's getting late, go to bed."

Ji Rou is so excited at this time that she doesn't want to fall asleep: "No, just stay with me for a while and talk about your sister. I really want to know if she is as beautiful as her name."

Qin Yinze: "Everyone in our family is good-looking."

"That's true." Ji Rou agreed. She had met several members of their family, and all of them had outstanding looks. Their Ran Ran must also be very good-looking.

Qin Yinze: "sleep."

Ji Rou added: "I remember you said last time that your sister was married. I was wondering what kind of man could marry her? He must be very good."

Qin Yinze: "Very bad! I have never seen such a bad man."

Ji Rou couldn't help laughing: "Qin Yinze, looking at your jealousy, people who don't know may think that your brother-in-law has stolen your sweetheart."

Qin Yinze: "..."

His face changed slightly, but Ji Rou was thinking about Qin lelan and ignored Qin Yinze's face change.

Ji Rou continued: "Qin Yinze, do you have any photos of Ranran? If so, show me."

Qin Yinze: "No."

He did, but he couldn't let her see it.

Ji Rou rolled her eyes at him: "Stingy guy!"

Qin Yinze said again: "Ji Rou, we are lying on the bed. Do you think it is appropriate to keep talking about others?"

Ji Rou glared at him again: "She is your sister, what's wrong with her?"

Qin Yinze didn't want to talk to her anymore: "Sleep!"

"Qin Yinze, tell me Ranran... Uh-huh..." Qin Yinze blocked her mouth again in the most direct way, forcing Jirou to forget all the people she shouldn't mention, and let her just Can feel him, can only think of him.

I don't know how long it took, but when Qin Yinze let go of Ji Rou, Ji Rou had indeed forgotten Qin leran, but she thought of another thing: "Qin Yinze, Pengshan just came here." , he said that Dr. Tong was dead and was killed."

"Yeah." Qin Yinze responded softly, without any emotional fluctuations because of hearing the news.

"Qin Yinze, don't you think this is strange?"

"You are in such good spirits, it seems I haven't done enough."

In the end, Master Qin used stronger methods to silence Ji Rou. This time she was so tired that she no longer had the energy to think about others. All she could think about was the domineering power of this man.

I don’t know what the structure of this man is. He was unconscious a few hours ago, but now he can be so brave.

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