My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1289 Extra chapter, the play was really well performed

Chapter 1290: Extra Chapter, the play was really well performed

"What's going on?" Qin Yue arrived at the stairs, looked at the couple quarreling downstairs, and asked coldly with a calm face.

When Qin Xiaobao heard Qin Yue's voice, he immediately became more docile, but felt aggrieved and cried again: "Zhan Nianbei, this bastard, went behind my back to find another woman."

Qin Yue looked at Zhan Nianbei: "Did you find another woman behind her back?"

Zhan Nianbei was also angry: "Yes, I just found another woman behind her back."

"What? Zhan Nianbei, you bastard, how dare you admit it!" Xiaobao rushed towards Zhan Nianbei with lightning speed, opened his mouth and bit his face, biting out several bites from his face. There were deep tooth marks, some so deep that they were already bleeding.

After biting Zhan Nianbei, Qin Xiaobao said angrily: "You bastard, I want to divorce you!"

Zhan Nianbei raised his eyebrows, anger flashing in his eyes: "Qin Xiaobao, try saying something again."

Jian Ran hurried downstairs and comforted Qin Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, don't be impatient, calm down and explain the matter clearly. My uncle will not do such a thing, you have to trust him."

Qin Xiaobao yelled and made trouble: "What's there to say to a scum like him? Damn it, you bastard of war, if you don't like it, I won't. If you marry me, you go out to find women. Are you disgusted?"

"You dislike me?" Zhan Nianbei's face darkened, and he took two steps closer to Qin Xiaobao, "Qin Xiaobao, I think if I don't deal with you well today, you really don't know how high the sky is."

Qin Xiaobao pushed him: "Get away! Stay away from me!"

But Zhan Nianbei not only didn't stay away from her, but carried her on his shoulders: "Qin Xiaobao, let's see how I deal with you today."

"Oh... Zhan... Xiaobao, you guys..." Jian Ran was so anxious that she wanted to go out to persuade him, but was stopped by Qin Yue. "They will handle the matters between the couple, so don't interfere."

Jian Ran was worried: "What if they..."

Qin Yue said, "Is this the first time you've seen them quarreling?"

"That's right. It's not the first time I've seen them quarreling. Every couple has their own way of getting along. Why should I worry about it?" Jian Ran smiled helplessly, "Of course, I'll prepare the food, and you can call Everyone has eaten."

outside the house.

Qin Xiaobao, who was hanging upside down on Zhan Nianbei's shoulder, stopped yelling, patted Zhan Nianbei's shoulder, and whispered: "Old man Zhan, the show is over, let me down."

Zhan Nianbei was still angry when the woman suddenly made a big change, and it took him a while to react: "Qin Xiaobao, are you acting? Are you acting to take out your anger on me?"

"Put me down first. It's uncomfortable hanging upside down on you like this." Qin Xiaobao patted his strong back gently and said softly, "Who makes you my most beloved good husband? I'm in trouble. If I don’t ask you for help, who else can I ask for help?”

Zhan Nianbei couldn't stand this woman's tone, let alone her teasing intentionally or unintentionally. He put her back and stood still: "Tell me what's going on?"

"Does it still hurt?" It was her bite just now, and now seeing the teeth marks on his face, Qin Xiaobao felt particularly distressed, "Zhan Nianbei, I'm sorry! As soon as you admitted it, I took it seriously, and I forgot that I was acting. ”

Zhan Nianbei said with a dark face: "Tell me, why are you acting?"

Qin Xiaobao hugged him: "My brother didn't blame me for disturbing Aze when I went to Minluo City. When I came back, he asked me to close the small dark room, but I didn't close it. If he saw me today, he would definitely deal with me, so I had to Put on a show like this in advance to divert his attention."

Zhan Nianbei was furious: "To divert his attention, you slander me that I have another woman. Qin Xiaobao, why are you such a woman?"

"You talk dirty again." Qin Xiaobao rubbed against his chest, pretending to be a shy little daughter, "Go back tonight, if you still have the energy, I will let you fuck as much as you want."

Zhan Nianbei: "Damn it!"

Minluo City.

The heavy snow has stopped, but scattered light snow still falls occasionally, especially the thick snow on the streets, which cannot melt in a day or two.

In the study, Qin Yinze didn't feel cold at all because the heater was on, so Qin Yinze only wore a thin shirt. The shirt is white, but his face is livid, which contrasts sharply with the color of his clothes.

"It's really not you?" Qin Yinze, like Ji Rou, first thought that Pengshan had attacked Dr. Tong, but after thinking about it carefully, Pengshan would not do that.

Although Pengshan is reckless and impulsive, he will be cautious and prudent in everything that concerns Qin Yinze, and will never do anything behind Qin Yinze's back.

Pengshan was so anxious that he raised his hands and swore: "Sir, Dr. Tong poisoned you. I thought about twisting her head off, but that was just a thought. How could I dare to do anything without your order?" .”

Qin Yinze asked again: "Have you found any clues?"

Pengshan replied: "Sir, after Dr. Tong's accident, two people came out of her house, but the clues after the two people left the villa area were completely broken, and they have not been found yet. "

Qin Yinze: "Have you found out the identities of those two people?"

Peng Shan said: "The two people in the surveillance video were wearing thick cloaks. Not to mention that you couldn't see their faces, you couldn't even tell whether they were male or female. The key point is that it was snowing all the time yesterday. Everyone who goes out wears this. Those two people won’t attract any special attention if they go out on the street.”

Qin Yinze frowned: "You mean you can't find those two people?"

Pengshan said: "Sir, I'm still looking hard, but I haven't found any clues so far. Those two people seemed to have suddenly disappeared from Minluo City. I also arranged for people to check around Minluo City, as well as at the airport and dock highway intersections. Arranged people to investigate, but no useful clues have been received so far.”

Jingle Bell--

Pengshan's cell phone rang suddenly. He glanced at it, then looked at Qin Yinze and said, "Sir, this is from the sixth man."

Qin Yinze motioned for him to answer, and Pengshan just turned on the speakerphone and answered the phone: "Lao Liu, are there any new clues?"

Lao Liu's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Brother Shan, we found a suspicious person. The two people came out of the Xishan Villa area and went to the airport. Our people checked the surveillance video of the airport that day and found that the two people were indeed We entered the airport, but at the airport terminal, they disappeared from our eyes again. Now we don’t know if they left Minluo City?”

Pengshan looked at Qin Yinze and waited for his instructions. Qin Yinze said, "Continue to investigate. Whether they stayed in Minluo City or left, I want to know their specific whereabouts."

Although the two people killed Dr. Tong, no need to think about it, Qin Yinze also knew that the person behind this incident must be him, because Dr. Tong was exposed, so they had to kill and silence him, otherwise they would also be exposed.

What on earth are they planning?

Why are you so afraid of letting him know?

Qin Yinze really wanted to think about this problem, but his head was still a little heavy and he had a headache when he thought about it. He didn't want to think about it anymore: "Pengshan, you and Chu Yuan should handle this matter together."

Pengshan hung up the phone: "Yes."

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