My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1290: Extra chapter, just let me hug you

Chapter 1291: Extra chapter, just let me hug you

Pengshan received the order and hurriedly walked out of the study. When he went downstairs, he met Aunt Qiao who came to deliver tea: "Aunt Qiao, sir, you cannot drink tea while taking medicine."

"I know that sir can't drink tea, so I brought it to you." Aunt Qiao poked her head and looked upstairs, "Mr. Peng, did something happen to Dr. Tong?"

"Aunt Qiao, how do you know?" Pengshan looked at Aunt Qiao, his eyes so straightforward that he seemed to be telling Aunt Qiao, "You are so concerned about Dr. Tong's affairs, are you two in the same group?"

Aunt Qiao felt numb because of Pengshan's eyes, but she didn't know why he looked at her like this. She hurriedly explained: "When I went out today, I saw the police and heard people talking about someone who died yesterday. I I don’t know if it’s Dr. Tong, but I just wanted to get some information from you.”

Pengshan looked at Aunt Qiao: "Aunt Qiao, do you have a good relationship with Dr. Tong in private?"

Aunt Qiao said sincerely: "Dr. Tong often comes to my home to treat my husband, and occasionally talks to me. I feel that she is quite friendly and never puts on airs in front of us, so I was very sad to hear that something happened to her. .”

"Aunt Qiao, you may not know that the reason why our husband couldn't wake up for a long time this time is because of Dr. Tong." Pengshan, like Aunt Qiao, thought Dr. Tong was very good, but who knew what Dr. Tong was doing behind his back? He is so insidious that he is brave enough to attack their husband.

Even if Dr. Tong wanted to deal with him, he would not be so angry. However, Dr. Tong was dealing with his master. Thinking about it, Pengshan felt very angry.

Dr. Tong died too cheaply. If she fell into his hands, he would make her live and die.

Aunt Qiao worriedly said, "Mr. Peng, what did Dr. Tong do to you?"

Pengshan warned: "Aunt Qiao, don't mention Dr. Tong in this family for the last time. Do your job well and don't be meddlesome. You should know your husband's character. He hates when his subordinates talk about him. thing, so you better not ask anything.”

Aunt Qiao also understood: "Mr. Xie Peng reminds you to have a cup of hot tea before leaving."

"I won't drink anymore. Drinking too much tea in this winter will cause trouble in the toilet." Without stopping, Pengshan walked into the wind and snow in a hurry.

Looking at Pengshan's retreating back, Aunt Qiao shook her head gently, what on earth is going on?

Why can't my husband wake up because of Dr. Tong?

She couldn't understand many questions.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, it's not her turn to think about these things.

As long as she does her job with all her heart and soul, it's fine.

When Ji Rou woke up, before she opened her eyes, she thought of touching the thermometer on the bedside table to measure Qin Yinze's temperature. The thermometer was touched, but Qin Yinze was not touched.

Jirou, who was groggy, suddenly opened her eyes and confirmed that the seat next to her was empty. She immediately sat up and said, "Qin Yinze, where did you go?"

There was no one in the room, and there was no bathroom. Jirou grabbed a coat and put it on and wanted to find someone. She just put her hand on the doorknob, and the door was opened from the outside - it was Qin Yinze.

Seeing that it was Qin Yinze, Ji Rou was relieved, but she was angry because she had just been frightened by him: "Master Qin, are you deliberately making me worry about you?"

Qin Yinze was puzzled: "What are you doing again?"

Ji Rou glared at him: "Come here, I'll take your temperature."

Qin Yinze chuckled and said: "If you are worried about me, just talk to me. You are as fierce as a little tigress and you can easily lose me. Do you know?"

"Ha... If you have the ability, just drive me away." Jirou took an infrared thermometer and swiped it on his forehead with a straight face. The temperature showed 38 degrees. "There is still some fever. Go to bed and lie down quickly. I'll ask Dr. Yang to come over and take a look."

"Well." Qin Yinze was rarely obedient. He turned around and lay down on the bed. "I don't have the strength. Come over and cover me with the quilt."

"It's like this, and you're still running around. I really don't want to care about you." She scolded him, but Jirou's speed was not slow at all. Unexpectedly, she just reached out to pull the quilt but Qin Yinze grabbed her hand. "What are you doing..."

Qin Yinze pulled Ji Rou into his arms with a strong tug. He told her with practical actions what he wanted to do: "It's only 38 degrees. No need for Dr. Yang. Just let me hug you and I'll be fine." "

"Qin Yinze, are you sick?" Jirou has never seen a man who doesn't take his body seriously. She was so anxious that she raised her hand to hit him, but she couldn't bear to do it, so she hugged him instead. She stopped him and said, "I'm not a fever reducer. If you hold me, will your fever go away?"

Qin Yinze pressed his chin on the top of her head and smelled the fresh fragrance of her hair: "You are not only an antipyretic to me, but also a panacea for all diseases."

These words of love are so beautiful, and they are very useful to Jirou's ears, but now is not the time for flirting. If his body does not recover in a day, she can't rest assured: "Qin Yinze, let me tell you , If you want to die, I won't stop you, but you should think about it for me. I'm still young and don't want to be a widow."

"Don't worry, I won't let you become a little widow." He gently rubbed her forehead with his chin, as if comforting a small pet, "Stop moving, let me hug you."

What Jirou couldn't stand most was his gentleness. As long as he was gentle to her, she felt that she could immediately soften into a puddle of water, and he could make her into any shape.

"Qin Yinze..." She whispered his name.

"Shh..." He heard it, but motioned her to be silent.

Even though he was sick, his hold on her was still strong. Well, it seems good to have him in my arms like this. If he wants to hold her, let him hold her for a while.

Because Qin Yinze always has a fever, Ji Rou also learned some common sense. A mild fever with a body temperature of 38 degrees can usually be cooled down by drinking more hot water.

She was anxious because Qin Yinze's condition was different from others, and she was worried that he would fall into coma after a fever, so she couldn't let his temper run wild.

"Qin Yinze...let me go and let you hold me in a different position, okay?" She was lying on his chest like this, her posture was a bit uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

But Qin Yinze didn't respond. Ji Rou moved and looked up from his arms. Seeing that he closed his eyes, Ji Rou panicked: "Qin Yinze..."

Qin Yinze hugged her waist tightly and said softly: "Honey, I'm a little tired, let me sleep for a while."

"Go to sleep, I'll be here with you." Ji Rou patted her chest. Fortunately, he was not in a coma. But if she continues to be scared by him like this, he might even scare her out of her heart attack.

"Be good!" he said.

Jirou didn't move anymore and lay quietly in his arms. It wasn't until she fell asleep that Jirou slowly raised her head from his arms.

Looking at his pale face, Ji Rou felt pain in her heart again.

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