My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1294: Extra chapter, explain it to me

Chapter 1295: Extra chapter, explain it to me



Cheap alternative!

These words ran through Jirou's mind one by one like a fleeting glance.

Jirou has always known that she and Qin Yinze are too far apart in terms of cooperation.

She does not have Qin Yinze's high IQ, Qin Yinze's courage to strategize, nor does she have a wealthy family like Qin Yinze... She and he are not from the same world, and it is a mistake for them to be together.

She always knew, always understood, but just when she knew that she and him would never be possible, he gave her the tenderness that women all over the world wanted.

He pulled her into his honey jar, making her think that as long as two people like each other, their status doesn't matter and they can be together.

However, how beautiful the imagination is, how cruel the reality is; how good he was to her before, how ironic it is now.

A voice in her head warned her like a curse that it was a fake, a stand-in, just a cheap substitute.

She was never the woman in Qin Yinze's heart, and she was never the woman Qin Yinze wanted.

Jirou still remembers that when she first had a relationship with Qin Yinze, Qin Yinze kept saying things she didn't understand. She didn't understand before, but she understands today.

He said, you are finally here; he said, I have been waiting for you for too long, and I will never let you go this time; he said you brought it to the door yourself; he also asked, do you like Quan or Yao?


It turns out that the reason why he desperately wanted to possess her was not because of how attractive she was, but because he just regarded her as another girl.

Holding her in his arms, but thinking about another girl, doesn't he feel disgusted?

These days, everyone said that Qin Yinze was good to her, and she also felt that Qin Yinze was good to her. Only today did she realize that Qin Yinze was not good to her, but to another girl through her.

The more I think about Jirou, the more ironic and ridiculous I feel. It turns out that she is not only a cheap substitute, she is also a ridiculous joke.

When he was holding her and making love to her, he was thinking about other girls. Didn't he feel disgusted? Doesn't he feel uncomfortable?

Haha - what a disgusting man!

"Who asked you to come here?"

Suddenly, a cold and biting male voice came from behind Jirou, pulling her back from her thoughts.

She didn't need to look back or look at the person, she could tell how dark the speaker's face was.

Of course he would be angry, of course he would have a black face, because she broke into his forbidden area and let her know his little secret. How could he not be angry and black face.

This man has always been aloof and wanted to control her life.

"Jirou, I'm asking you something." His voice was a little colder.

In the past, just by hearing his cold voice, Jirou would be so frightened that she would surrender and immediately go to please him, but today she won't... Not only today, but he will never bow to this disgusting and dirty man again.

Ji Rou quietly wiped away her tears, looked back at him, and showed what she thought was the brightest and most beautiful smile: "Young Master Qin, didn't you keep saying that I am your wife? This is your territory, and I am your wife." Why can’t your wife come here?”

She was clearly smiling, smiling so brightly, but Qin Yinze saw the coldness in her eyes, the coldness of alienation and rupture.

She was looking at him, but her eyes were different from before. When she looked at him, she felt strange, alienated...even disgusted.

At this moment, Qin Yinze knew that what he was most worried about had happened.

He thought he arrived in time to prevent Ji Rou from knowing the truth, but the fact was that he arrived too late and could no longer prevent her from knowing Qin leran's existence.

"Let's go back with me." Qin Yinze wanted to pretend that nothing happened, and wanted to fool him. After all, it was just a photo of Qin lelan, which could not prove anything. He took two steps forward and reached out to grab her hand, but before he could grab her, she swatted it away.

"Qin Yinze, don't touch me!"

Her voice had no fluctuations, and was so calm that it was scary. This is not Ji Rou, at least not the grumpy Ji Rou that Qin Yinze is familiar with.

The Jirou he was familiar with couldn't hide anything when he encountered it, and all her emotions showed on her face. But this Jirou was not as calm as the Jirou Qin Yinze knew in his memory, because she was too calm. , so he felt that things were not good.

Qin Yinze swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Go back with me."

"Qin Yinze, you've seen it all, how can you pretend that nothing happened? Are you blind or do you think I'm stupid?" Ji Rou smiled softly, "Maybe in your eyes, Qin Yinze, I, Ji Rou, am A fool. A fool who was played by you."

"Ji Rou, come back with me and talk slowly." Because of his guilty conscience, Qin Yinze didn't know how to explain to her.

"If you let me go back, I will go back with you. Who am I to you? What do you think of me? Looking at this room full of photos, don't you have something to say to me?" Didn't he? You know, she is waiting for him to explain. As long as he explains, even if he lies to her, she may believe it.

"I told you, I have a sister named Qin leran, and these photos are all of hers." Qin Yinze approached Jirou again and tried to hold her in his arms, but she jumped away as soon as he made a move, avoiding He avoids snakes, scorpions, and ferocious beasts.

"Heh... the girl in these photos is your sister Qin leran. These photos are all of her. So let me ask you, what is this?" Jirou pulled off the big photo and threw it at Qin Yinze, "Qin Yinze, Please tell me what these words mean?"

——Ranran, do you know how much I like you?

"I..." Qin Yinze saw the words behind the photo, which he wrote by his own hand.

He couldn't deny that he had other thoughts about Qin leran. He wanted to get that girl, and even thought about using dirty means to get her.

His silence was undoubtedly acquiescence, which made Jirou so flustered that her body trembled: "Qin Yinze, please explain, please explain to me."

Couldn't he lie and deceive her? She wanted an explanation, but not necessarily a true one.

"Jirou..." Looking at her trembling body, Qin Yinze felt a sharp pain in his heart, but he couldn't get close to her for fear of scaring her away. "Now I only regard her as my sister, just a sister, no matter what There are no other feelings."

"I think of her as my sister now, but what about before? What did I think of her before?" Ji Rou looked at Qin Yinze, her voice getting smaller and smaller because she knew she was afraid of knowing the truth.

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