My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1295 Extra chapter, it’s over between you and me

Chapter 1296: Extra chapter, it’s over between you and me

"I grew up with her, watching her grow up day by day and become more beautiful day by day. Slowly, my feelings for her were no longer pure. I liked her and wanted to get her..."

These things have been hidden deep in Qin Yinze's heart for many years, torturing him from time to time. This is also the reason why he is worried that Ji Rou will leave him after knowing about it, so he has never dared to face it head-on.

Today, since she knew everything and asked about it, he told her everything. Only then could the knot between him and her be opened, so that they could move forward together in the future.

If he told her everything about the past, he might be able to gain her understanding.

It turns out that he really likes his sister. These are not her imagination, they are all real... Why does her heart hurt so suddenly? It seemed as if someone had pinched her so hard that she was almost suffocating.

"Jirou..." Qin Yinze called her name worriedly.

"Qin Yinze, I just need you to tell me that you chose me in the first place..." Jirou bit her lip and paused for a while before she mustered up the courage to finish the second half of the sentence, "You would have saved me and married me?" , is it because I’m a little bit similar to this girl?”

Is it?

The answer is yes.

But does he want to tell the truth?

After thinking about it, Qin Yinze chose to answer truthfully. He didn't want to deceive her anymore: "Yes."


He answered yes!

Before, Jirou just guessed that she was a cheap substitute. Qin Yinze's word "yes" confirmed it, nailing her to the pillar of shame and making everyone laugh at her. You Jirou is not Qin Yinze. What, you are just a cheap substitute he found.

Doctor Tong told her, you Jirou is just an ordinary girl, why do you get Qin Yinze's love. Xie Meimei also gritted her teeth and asked her, why do you, Ji Rou, get the attention of such an outstanding man, and why do you let someone marry you.

In the past, Ji Rou always felt that she had advantages that others could not see but Qin Yinze could see, so he married her home, pampered her and treated her well.

Now, the truth slapped her so hard that her face was swollen.

After hearing Qin Yinze's "yes", Jirou felt as if her head had exploded and she was in a state of confusion for a long time.

Before she heard his exact answer, she even looked forward to it foolishly, hoping that it was just an accident. In fact, Qin Yinze chose her simply because he liked her.

But Qin Yinze didn't give her a chance to continue her fantasy. Qin Yinze broke all her fantasy like an executioner - such a ruthless and cold-blooded man!

Qin Yinze hurriedly explained: "But..."

But Ji Rou can't listen anymore: "Qin Yinze, there is no but, it's over between you and me, there will be no future. She is your sister, biological sister, how can you do something so nasty to her? Thoughts. How could make me sick."

In an instant, Jirou seemed to have lost all her strength. She wanted to leave but couldn't move her legs. She only felt that her vision was getting blurry and she couldn't even stand still.

"Jirou, no..." Qin Yinze wanted to explain, but Jirou suddenly fell to the ground in front of him, and he immediately stepped forward to hug him, "Jirou, Jirou..."

"Don't call my name! Don't let me hear you call my name... Qin Yinze, I feel so sick when you call it from your mouth." She wanted to push him away, but she had no strength at all. She felt as if she had fallen into an endless abyss of darkness, and the darkness swallowed her up.

"Ji Rou, no matter what means I use, I will not let you go. Even if I have to go to hell, I will hold you with me." Qin Yinze hugged her and whispered softly in her ear.

Qin Yinze never thought that Ji Rou would find out about it under such circumstances, tearing apart the secret he had hidden deep in his heart when he was unprepared.

He had long planned to ask Chu Yuan to get rid of these photos, but he was reluctant to do so. It was because of the reluctance deep in his heart that he had not been able to remove the photos until now, which led to Ji Rou seeing all this. .


he asked himself.

He repented, but not regretful.

Sooner or later, Jirou will find out about this matter. It is better to let her know as soon as possible. The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain. Qin Yinze thinks that as time goes by, everything will pass.

Qin Yinze ignored Ji Rou's character. Ji Rou had a strong temper and could not tolerate a little bit of sand in her eyes.

Ji Rou, a girl, has been protected very well since she was a child. Even though she went through some storms later, she has Qin Yinze's care, so what she wants all the time is pure, and love should be generous and vigorous. , even if you don’t love someone, you should openly say that you don’t love them anymore, so that they can still be friends after breaking up.

She feels the same way about her brother Feng, and so does Qin Yinze.

"Sir, this is because the anger caused the wife to coma." After Yang Shicheng examined Ji Rou, he came to the conclusion, "The wife has a strong temper. Once things are blocked in the heart and cannot be vented, it will lead to such a situation. This is how people It is often said that strong people are easy to break. I think with my wife’s temperament, the same situation must have happened before.”

"A strong person is easy to break? Has the same situation happened before?" Qin Yinze's brain is running rapidly, and he is quickly looking for things about Jirou's past in the storage box of his brain.

Soon, he didn't expect that not long ago, Ji Rou suddenly fell into a coma.

At that time, Dr. Tong told him that Jirou was in coma because of the cold.

People who are comatose due to wind and cold usually have warning signs, such as fever, etc., but Jirou did not have it at the time. At that time, Qin Yinze believed in Dr. Tong very much and was worried about Jirou, so he didn't think too much about it for a while.

Thinking about it now, Dr. Tong must have lied to him at that time. Judging from Ji Rou's situation at the time, the coma should be the same as this time.

"Yes, sir." Yang Shicheng said worriedly, "My wife's temperament is quite unreasonable. If she gets angry, the consequences will be serious. Being comatose like now is the mildest condition. If it is more serious, she may be angry on the spot. die."

Qin Yinze's body was shocked when he heard it: "How to treat it?"

Yang Shicheng said: "Sir, this is not a disease and cannot be cured. The only way is to slowly change her temperament, or never touch her bottom line, and don't make her angry. But obviously, after decades of life, she will always encounter some When things go wrong, no one can be sure. In my opinion, there is only one way, and that is to slowly change my wife’s temperament, so that she can not be so anxious when things happen and learn to deal with them slowly.”

Qin Yinze looked at Ji Rou, who was lying on the bed, and his heart ached: "Is there really such a thing?"

Yang Shicheng nodded: "I have seen a living person get angry to death before."

Qin Yinze clenched his fist: "Is there any other way?"

Yang Shicheng shook his head: "No more."

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