My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1300: Extra chapter, my heart followed her

Chapter 1301: Extra chapter, my heart followed her

Ji Rou is gone.

There was nothing she bought here, so when she left, she walked cleanly and thoroughly, without even taking a single extra piece of clothing with her.

"Miss Ji..." Aunt Qiao was reluctant to let go of Ji Rou. Seeing that Ji Rou was gone and she didn't know if she would come back, she hurriedly chased after her. "Miss Ji, the weather is not very good. The snow on the road has not been shoveled yet." It’s clean, why don’t you wait for two more days before leaving.”

Jirou stopped and turned back to smile at Aunt Qiao: "Aunt Qiao, you don't have to persuade me, I know what I'm doing. It's so cold, go back to the house quickly, don't freeze yourself."

"Miss Ji..." Unable to keep Ji Rou, Aunt Qiao felt extremely sad and she wiped her tears from her heart. "Come back in a few days. The door here will always be open for you."

The door here is always open for you!

These words should not have come from Aunt Qiao's mouth, but from another man's mouth, but that man was not even visible.

Ji Rou smiled: "Aunt Qiao, thank you for taking care of me these few months. I will miss you."

"Miss Ji, you see the weather is not good. It seems like it is going to snow again. Why don't you stay and have dinner before leaving." After all, Aunt Qiao just couldn't bear to leave Ji Rou.

Ji Rou looked back at the place where she had lived for several months, and then quickly looked away.

She was the one who wanted to escape, but now that she was really gone, she was the one who felt inexplicable sourness in her heart.

Life is really contradictory sometimes!

"Mrs. Ji, Miss Ji, this car is responsible for taking you back. Please walk slowly." Pengshan is responsible for arranging the car to take Ji Rou and Ji's mother home.

"Thank you." Ji Rou thanked her politely.

After sending Jirou and her daughter to the car, and watching the car drive away, Pengshan turned around and saw Aunt Qiao hiding in the corner wiping her tears. He snorted disdainfully: "Aunt Qiao, everyone is gone. Are you there?" What’s the use of crying here?”

Aunt Qiao felt very sad. When Pengshan said this, her temper got worse: "I'm crying, it's none of your business."

Pengshan didn't expect that Aunt Qiao, who was always so docile that she didn't even dare to say a harsh word, could still yell at people. He couldn't help but look at her again and again. When he saw Aunt Qiao's eyes red and swollen from crying, he became even more disdainful: "You women! , These tears just fall away as if they don’t cost money.”

"Mr. Peng, we women's tears are free of charge. Do you men's tears cost money?" Aunt Qiao glanced at Pengshan dissatisfied and said, "When you meet the woman you like one day, you will Do you know if a woman’s tears are worth anything?”

"The woman I like? Huh... I won't like such troublesome creatures as women, not only in this life, but also in the next life." When it comes to women, Pengshan feels overwhelmed.

He had already made up his mind that even if he had no children or grandchildren, he would never have anything to do with a woman in his life.

His master is a lesson for him. Before Jirou showed up, his master was only busy with work every day and was never upset about the love between his children. After Jirou came, his master was sad about the love between his children every day. Clear your mind.

However, now that Ji Rou is gone, I hope the master can forget this woman and return to the Qin Yinze who only knew work, work, and work before.

Qin Yinze stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, his eyes following Jirou's car. Until the car Jirou was riding in had run out of his sight, he still couldn't bear to look back.

Even though he doesn't want to admit it, Qin Yinze knows in his heart that Ji Rou has left and left him.

And she left very completely, as if she had never appeared in his life, as if she was a character in his imagination.

No, she was real, she really existed, and there was still the scent of her that he was attached to in the room.


He called her name, but there was no more naughty reply from her.

"Qin Yinze, let me warn you, if you dare to go out to find a woman behind my back, I will make you miserable."

"Qin Yinze, let me tell you, my temper is like this. I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me. If anyone dares to betray me, I will give him the ancestral graves of the eighteenth generation of his ancestors. Dig it.”

"Qin Yinze, so remember it for me. You must not betray me. You must be good to me all your life."

"Qin Yinze, I am younger than your sister. You are obviously an old cow eating young grass. Let me tell you, you, an old cow, must be nicer to me, a young grass."

"Qin Yinze, you must get better soon, I don't want to be a little widow!"

Her overbearing and arrogant words in the past rang in his ears.

He really wanted to tell her that as long as she was willing to stay by his side, he would be willing to treat her well all his life. As long as she was willing to stay with him, he would do anything.

He really hopes that this girl Ji Rou can be angry with him like before, take out her anger on him, and warn him not to think about other women again, so that he can only think about her in his life.

But...she didn't. She used the most extreme method to escape from him. He could no longer hear her overbearing warning to him, and could no longer see her heartless smile.

Jirou, Jirou!

Did she know that she was the only one in his heart.

"Sir, I have arranged for Miss Ji and her daughter to be sent home." Pengshan came to the room on the second floor as quickly as possible and reported the work situation to his master. Unexpectedly, he disturbed Qin Yinze.

Qin Yinze's thoughts were disrupted. He turned around and stared at Pengshan coldly.

Pengshan felt numb when he saw him: "Sir, if you have no other instructions, I will go down first."

Pengshan wanted to run, but he heard Qin Yinze say: "Send more people to protect the mother and daughter. Don't let anyone hurt them."

Pengshan nodded repeatedly and said: "Sir, everything has been arranged. No one will hurt my wife. I have also given instructions. Don't let my wife find out that anyone is following her."

Qin Yinze asked again: "Have you found the two people who killed Dr. Tong?"

When this matter was brought up, Pengshan was very annoyed: "After the clues were cut off at the airport, no other useful clues have been found so far, so we still can't find out who those two people are."

"Continue checking!" Qin Yinze increased his voice slightly, and his body suddenly swayed. He immediately grabbed the chair next to him to stabilize his body.

"Sir!" Pengshan hurriedly went to help Qin Yinze, but was stopped by Qin Yinze with a wave of his hand.

Pengshan said worriedly: "Sir, please rest for a while. I'll ask Yang Shicheng to take a look at you."

Qin Yinze didn't like troublesome subordinates and couldn't help but frowned: "Can't you understand me?"

Pengshan either didn't understand, or was worried, or because he was worried about Qin Yinze's body. Even though he was afraid of Pengshan, he didn't turn around and run away.

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