My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1301: Extra chapter, parents come to Jiangbei

Chapter 1302: Extra chapter, parents come to Jiangbei

Jingle Bell--

The mobile phone lying aside suddenly rang. Qin Yinze looked sideways and saw the phone number displayed on the mobile phone, which was a phone number he was very familiar with.

He adjusted his mood before answering the phone: "Mom, it's me."

Jian Ran's gentle and warm voice came from the phone as usual: "Aze, your dad and I came to Minluo City for a trip. If you have time, we will take the time to visit you. If you are here If we are busy, we won’t find time to come out.”

Jian Ran didn't know if Qin Yinze welcomed them, so she said she was visiting Minluo City and tried her best to sound busy. If Qin Yinze doesn't want to see them, he won't feel guilty after refusing.

In order to prevent her son from feeling uncomfortable, Jian Ran tried her best to think of everything she should think about. After asking the question, she quietly waited for Qin Yinze's answer.

"Mom, you, you and dad came to Minluo City?" Qin Yinze was a little surprised when Jianran said that they had come to Minluo City. He never expected that his parents would choose such a snowy weather to come to Minluo City.

Qin Yinze knows very well that his mother is particularly afraid of the cold. In these years, when winter comes, his father will live with his mother in Jiangbei, where the climate is warm, and never go anywhere. Now is the coldest time of the year in Minluo City. Why would my father bring my mother to Minluo City?

Is it because you are worried about him?

Thinking that his parents came for him, the cold heart in Qin Yinze's chest gradually became warmer: "Mom, where are you now? I'll pick you up right away."

Jian Ran said: "We have already checked into the hotel, staying at the Snowy Hotel in Minluo City. It is said that this hotel is the best place to enjoy the snow scenery in Minluo City. Even if you have money, you may not be able to book a room. You can book this hotel Your dad also used some connections to get the hotel room.”

"Mom, I'm here in Minluo City. How can I let you stay in a hotel? Just wait for me for a while, and I'll pick you up right away." Qin Yinze was going to the cloakroom to change clothes, and then he saw Pengshan still stunned here, and he He gave Pengshan a cold look.

Pengshan has been with Qin Yinze for several years and has never seen his master contact his family. He thought he was alone. He was very surprised when he heard this and was so surprised that he forgot to leave.

At this moment, Pengshan was glared at by his master again. Pengshan forgot about finding a doctor just now and ran away for his own safety.

Jian Ran on the other end of the phone hesitated for a while and then said: "Aze, okay, then I'll wait for you here."

"Okay, Mom, please wait a moment, I'll be there right away." After finishing the call with his mother, Qin Yinze took care of himself to make himself look more energetic.

Before leaving, he told Aunt Qiao: "Have someone clean the house, tidy up the largest guest room, replace all the supplies with new ones, and open the windows for ventilation to ensure air circulation."

His father is a very picky and particular person. The first time they came to his house, he made sure to make their parents stay as comfortable as they did at home in Jiangbei.

After the heavy snow, the snow has not yet melted, and the vehicles on the road are moving slowly. It took Qin Yinze an hour to get there today, which used to take half an hour.

After arriving at the Snowy Hotel, he was about to call his mother, but found that his mother was talking to a stranger he didn't know in the hotel lobby.

While her mother was busy, Qin Yinze stood at a suitable distance and waited for her. She also noticed him, smiled at him, and motioned for him to wait for her for a few minutes.

After a while, after Jian Ran finished talking about the matter, he walked up to Qin Yinze and said, "Aze!"

After not seeing each other for several months, Qin Yinze felt that his mother was getting younger and younger. Even an ordinary army green coat could be worn by her like a fashion model: "Mom..."

"Aze, mom misses you so much!" Jianran gave Qin Yinze a hug.

"Mom, I miss you too." Qin Yinze looked around and didn't see Qin Yue, "Mom, where is my dad?"

Jian Ran sighed: "Your dad promised to accompany me on the trip, but he didn't accompany me for a walk when he got here. He went to do his work. But we don't have to wait for him. I just told him, Let him call me when he's done."

In fact, Jian Ran was worried about her son and had to come over now to have a look. Qin Yue was worried about her going out alone, but he was busy, so he brought his work team with him.

No, when he heard that Qin Yinze was coming to pick up Jianran, Qin Yue and his team went to work.

Jian Ran said again: "Aze, dinner time is almost here. Why don't I treat you to dinner here and then go back."

Qin Yinze said: "Mom, I asked my family to prepare the dishes you and dad like to eat. Let's eat them when we go back."

"So, I can visit your home?" Jianran was still worried that Qin Yinze wouldn't let him visit his home.

Qin Yinze: "You are my mother. If you can't go to my house, who can go?"

Jian Ran said happily: "Your father has always disagreed with me coming to Minluo City. He was always worried that I would disturb your life. But when I came to see you, I also wanted to see my daughter-in-law."

Qin Yinze said, "Dad may be worried about you traveling far away alone."

Jian Ran said: "You don't know, your two brothers have been telling me how nice their sister-in-law is every day since they returned to Jiangbei. It makes me think about my daughter-in-law every day these days. I always wonder how tall she is. What? I'm wondering if she will like our family? I'm still thinking about what kind of meeting gift I should give her. After thinking about it, I can't think of a result. I might as well come to Minluo City to meet her. Once you get there, you will naturally know what she likes.”

Ji Rou is gone. No matter how much she prepares, she can't see it. Qin Yinze says bitterly: "Mom... you don't need to prepare anything."

"Aze, what's wrong? Is there any inconvenience?" Jian Ran didn't want to embarrass her son at all. "If she doesn't want to see me, it doesn't matter. I can wait until she is willing to see us. Anyway, you don't want to It affects the relationship between you two because of us.”

"Mom, no, she doesn't want to see you. She told me a long time ago that she will go back to see you during the Spring Festival this year." In Qin Yinze's heart, Ji Rou is a kind and simple child. "In fact, she is easy to get along with." Girl, as long as you deal with her temper, she will be very kind to you. But unfortunately, she went to Europe with her mother-in-law this morning. "

"That's it. It seems to be a real coincidence." Jian Ran really wanted to see her daughter-in-law. She came all the way here, but couldn't see her. She felt unspeakably disappointed in her heart. "Aze, if she is willing, I can go there." You must take her home to see her during the Spring Festival, everyone in our family will like her."

Qin Yinze saw the disappointment in his mother's eyes, but had no choice but to say, "Mom, let's go home first. I'll tell you other things about her later."

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