My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1302 Extra chapter, the person who treats her best

Chapter 1303: Extra chapter, the person who treats her best

The living environment of Jirou's family is far inferior to that of the Xishan Villa District. In this snowy weather, you can see the beautiful snow scenery in the Xishan Villa District, but here at her house, you can only see the snow holes made by the wheels. .

"Mrs. Ji, Miss Ji, we will be at your community soon. It is raining lightly outside. Do you think we should take you outside the community or to the underground parking lot?" The driver was arranged by Pengshan and was very impressed with Ji's mother and Ji Rou. It's also polite.

"Please stop in front of the supermarket outside the community. We will get off the car there." After getting out of the car, Ji's mother politely thanked the driver who took them back and waited for the car to leave. Then they took action.

"Xiao Rou, why don't you accompany your mother to the supermarket to buy some food first? Mom will prepare something delicious for you when you get home later." Ji Rou remained silent and said nothing. Because she knew her daughter's personality, Ji's mother did not persuade her, but she couldn't. Jirou has always been bored, so she has to find something to distract her attention.

"Okay." Ji Rou wanted to cooperate with her mother enthusiastically and not let her mother worry about her, but because she hadn't eaten for three days, her body had little strength and she really couldn't cheer up.

"You haven't had the steamed seabass made by mom for a while, right? Why don't you make steamed seabass for you tonight? Do you think that's okay?" Ji's mother knows that steamed seabass is good for wound healing and is most suitable for Jirou now. eat.

"Okay, mom, I like to eat whatever you do." The steamed seabass made by her mother not only looks good, but also tastes delicious. The fish is so tender that it melts in your mouth, and Jirou's mouth is really greedy.

"Then let's go to the supermarket to buy fish first." Ji's mother led Jirou straight to the fresh food section of the supermarket. When Ji's mother ran away from the sea bass, Jirou saw the lively prawns in the living water tank next to her, and thought of these shrimps boiled It’s also delicious: “Mom, let’s buy some more shrimps.”

"My child, you can't eat shrimps yet. After your wound heals, I will buy shrimps for you to eat." Jirou wants to eat, so Ji's mother wants to make them for her, but considering her wound, she can only Give up.

"Oh... Then I won't eat." Jirou hugged Ji's mother's arm and leaned her head against it, "Mom, I'm so happy to have you by my side."

"I'm so happy to have you by my side." Suddenly thinking of Ji Rou's self-mutilation, Ji's mother burst into tears again, "Xiao Rou, don't do stupid things to scare your mother again."

"Mom, you and dad gave me this little life. I have always valued my little life. The world is so beautiful that I can't bear to die." Jirou never thought about it. He wanted to hurt himself, so the wound on his wrist was not deep. If she really wanted to die, her blood would have been shed before Qin Yinze came.

"Xiaorou, you must not lie to mother." Jirou is mother Jirou's only relative in the world, her only support. She doesn't dare to think about what would happen if Jirou is gone.

"Mom, I'm really fine. Don't worry about me. Look, I'm more energetic." Ji Rou always said that she would take good care of her mother, but who would have thought that in the end, not only did she not take good care of her mother, she also asked her mother to It's so unfilial to be so worried about her.

"Well, as long as you figure it out." Ji's mother smiled, "You must be starving if you haven't eaten well for so long. Let's buy it quickly and go home."

"Mom, don't worry about me anymore. Let's choose something you like to eat."


Ji's mother said yes, but in the end she bought what Ji Rou liked to eat.

After returning home, Ji's mother warned: "Xiaorou, go and lie down in the house for a while."

"Mom, I'm not tired. I don't want to lie down." Jirou has been lying down for three days, and her whole body is weak. If she continues to lie down, she will probably lie down like a useless person, so she can't lie down anymore.

Ji's mother added, "Then you sit and watch TV for a while while mom goes to cook."

Ji's mother goes to the kitchen to cook, while Ji Rou sits in the living room and watches TV.

The TV was playing a news program, saying that the number of tourists in Minluo City doubled after the heavy snowfall, which promoted the economic development of Minluo City.

The news says this almost every year, and Ji Rou doesn't find it interesting. She changed the channel, and this time the TV was playing an ancient costume drama.

It happened to catch up with the scene where the hero and the heroine recognized each other in the play. The heroine pulled the hero and shed tears and asked: "Where is that mole? Where is that mole? I clearly remember that there is a mole here."

The actors and actresses in this drama are all top-notch, and it is extremely enjoyable to watch. Ji Rou has watched it no less than three times, and she can still be emotionally moved by the characters in the drama when she watches it again.

The male protagonist was seriously injured and returned ten years later. He was completely different and the heroine could not recognize him when she met him.

Yinze is also injured. The weather is now good and bad. Will his old disease relapse?

Who will take care of him if he has a high fever again?

Do you want Yang Shicheng to sit next to him and take care of him?

Thinking of these, Jirou felt a little restless.

Why do you think of him again?

She thought that if she left that place and couldn't see or hear him, she wouldn't think about him anymore, but now all she could think about was him.


To him she was just a cheap substitute, so why should she worry about him.

Can't think about it! Can't think about it!

Ji Rou keeps telling herself this, but she just can't get rid of Qin Yinze's shadow.

"Xiaorou, why are you crying? What's wrong with you?" Ji's mother washed some fruits and brought them out, preparing for Jirou to fill her stomach first. When she came out, the little girl was crying like a tearful person.


Did she cry?

Why doesn't she know it herself?

Ji Rou immediately grabbed a few tissues to wipe away her tears and forced a smile: "Mom, I'm fine, I just watched TV."

"Xiaorou..." Ji's mother picked up the remote control panel, changed the channel, and then looked at Jirou worriedly, "Today is the weekend, how about calling the prince and the others to come over for dinner?"

Jirou said: "Mom, I really just cried while watching TV. How about I accompany you to cook."

"Your wrist is injured, you need to take a good rest." Ji's mother pushed the fruit in front of Ji Rou, "You eat some fruit first, and I will continue cooking."

"Yeah." Jirou nodded and watched her mother walk to the kitchen.

Looking at her mother's thin back, bursts of sourness filled her heart.

In Jirou's impression, her mother is a person who pays special attention to her image. Even if she goes downstairs to buy a bag of salt, her mother will dress herself beautifully.

Today, my mother went to pick her up from a place so far away from Xishan Villa. She was wearing a home coat under her down jacket, and her hair was tied up casually...My mother had never gone out like this before.

From what her mother is wearing, Ji Rou can guess that her mother must be worried about her and doesn't care about her own image at all.

——Mom, don’t worry! Xiaorou will never do anything to make you worry again.

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