My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1320 Extra chapter, we are Aze’s parents (1)

Chapter 1321: Extra chapter, we are Aze’s parents (1)

"Of course you want to see Qin Yinze." When she heard Ji Rou calling her sister, Jian Ran smiled so hard that her eyebrows arched, but in order to avoid making Ji Rou feel embarrassed, she did not correct her in time.

"Then can I go up?" Maybe there is a knot in her heart. Jirou always compares herself with this person. When she compares herself, she feels that she is too far behind her, and she can't help but want to escape from here quickly.

Jian Ran looked at Ji Rou, who looked very cute in front of her, and sometimes looked similar to Qin leran, and said sincerely: "can you give me some time to talk to me before going to see him?"

"You want to talk to me? What can we talk about?" This woman is Qin Yinze's relative, and Ji Rou has broken up with Qin Yinze. Ji Rou doesn't think there is anything to talk about between them. .

"It's nothing special. It's just that when I saw you, I felt very friendly and wanted to have a casual chat with you." Jian Ran said as gently as possible, with a cautious look, for fear of scaring her daughter-in-law away.

"But..." Jirou doesn't want to talk, not at all, but she can't refuse. Because she has no resistance at all to beautiful things and people, especially the beautiful sister in front of her.

"Is it inconvenient for you?" If Jirou doesn't want to, Jian Ran will never embarrass Jirou. But she will be somewhat disappointed. After all, her purpose of coming to Minluo City this time is to meet her daughter-in-law.

She wanted to have a good chat with her daughter-in-law, and wanted to tell her daughter-in-law that the Qin family welcomed her to become a member of the Qin family. She hoped that she and Qin Yinze would go back to Jiangbei to gather with their family during the Spring Festival.

These days, Jian Ran has made a lot of mental preparations for meeting Ji Rou. She is really careful and cautious, for fear of leaving a bad impression on her daughter-in-law. She has never been so nervous on a blind date before.

"No." Seeing the disappointment in Jian Ran's eyes, Ji Rou really couldn't refuse Jian Ran.

"Then you are willing to talk to me." Jian Ran smiled and pulled Ji Rou to sit down on the sofa. "Aunt Qiao, please prepare some tea and desserts."

Aunt Qiao knew that Jirou was greedy and had prepared desserts according to her preferences early: "Miss Ji, these are prepared according to your preferences. Eat more."

Jirou smiled awkwardly: "Aunt Qiao, thank you!"

"Miss Ji, you don't have to be polite to me." Aunt Qiao still likes Ji Rou who acts coquettishly and cutely with her. Ji Rou is so unfamiliar with her now, and she is particularly uncomfortable with it.

Ji Rou smiled and said nothing more.

Aunt Qiao retreated, and Jian Ran was busy greeting Jirou: "Xiaorou, I think the snacks made by Aunt Qiao are very delicious. You can try them first. If they are not enough, I will ask Aunt Qiao to prepare them."

"Enough, I'm enough..." Seeing "Qin leran" greeting herself like a master, Ji Rou felt a little sour in her heart. After all, she was once the hostess here.

Jian Ran said again: "By the way, can I call you Xiaorou?"

Ji Rou is called this by people who are very close to her. A stranger who meets her for the first time has never called her this. But the person she is talking to is a beautiful sister, so Ji Rou doesn't object. "Okay."

When Jirou said yes, Jian Ran was happy: "Xiaorou, then you can try it."

"Yeah." Jirou ate the dessert she especially liked in the past, but she found it too bitter to swallow. Not only does it feel bitter in your mouth, but it also tastes even more bitter in your heart.

Ji Rou had to comfort herself quietly. Qin lelan and Qin Yinze's sister are also Qin family members. This is Qin leran's home, and Qin leran must be the owner here.

And she herself is just a cheap substitute, there is no place for her here, and she does not belong here. The purpose of her coming here today is to ask about Brother Feng.

"Xiaorou, do you know that Xiaojian and Xiaolimo talked about you every day after they came home last time. If we hadn't left in a hurry this time, the two little guys would have followed us again." Jian Ran knew that Jirou couldn't bear to leave the two of them. As a little guy, I started the chat with the two little guys.

Sure enough, Jirou's eyes brightened a lot when she heard about the two little guys: "Xiaojian and Xiaolimo are so sensible and cute. I miss them so much."


Qin Yue, who was ignored so completely for the first time, coughed slightly, reminding Jian Ran that he was still here.

When Jian Ran heard his cough, she remembered that Qin Yue had come with her to meet her daughter-in-law, but her attention had just been on her daughter-in-law, and she had forgotten about Qin Yue.

She smiled apologetically at Qin Yue: "I'm sorry, I just forgot about you."

She actually admitted that she had forgotten about him!

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows displeased and said nothing with a sullen face.

Ji Rou's attention just now was all on Jian Ran, and she also didn't notice a man not far behind Jian Ran. This sight was once again shocking.

Are all these people who have anything to do with Qin Yinze so good-looking?

In fact, it's not just about good looks, but each and every member of the Qin family has a kind of temperament from the inside out. That kind of temperament is noble and elegant. You can tell at a glance that they are from a noble family, but it doesn't make people feel distant.

However, it is true that this middle-aged man is good-looking, and his temperament is noble and elegant, but he is the only Qin family member Ji Rou has ever seen who feels a sense of distance - because he feels too Aloof.

Ji Rou stepped back involuntarily, instinctively keeping the distance between Qin and Yue.

Ji Rou's subtle movements were all seen by Jian Ran. This Qin Yue, she had told him before going downstairs not to scare her daughter-in-law, but now he was showing off to her.

Jian Ran tugged on his sleeve: "Hey, enough is enough."

This woman still spoke to him in such a tone, Qin Yue's face darkened.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ji Rou thought that they might have something going on that made them unwilling to let her see Qin Yinze. She said wisely, "If it's inconvenient for you, I'll come visit another day."

"Why are we inconvenient?" Jian Ran tugged on Qin Yue's clothes again, "Qin Yue, I just told you, if you scare my daughter-in-law away, I will never be done with you."

Qin Yue still had a straight face, and Jian Ran was really speechless with him.

She shrugged and said with a look of helplessness: "Xiaorou, that's just the way he is. Sometimes he likes to get angry with me like a child. He's definitely not targeting you."

Having a tantrum like a child?

"I know." Ji Rou thinks of Qin Yinze again. Qin Yinze is like this. Sometimes she ignores him and he loses his temper with her like a child. Do all men like this? Or is it just the Qin family that is like this?

Jianran added: "Xiaorou, we are Qin Yinze's parents. His name is Qin Yue, and he is Aze's father. My name is Jianran, and I am Aze's mother. We are very happy to meet you."

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