My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1321 Extra chapter, we are Aze’s parents (2)

Chapter 1322: Extra chapter, we are Aze’s parents (2)

Qin Yinze’s parents?

Are they Qin Yinze's parents?

And what did she just do?

She actually called Qin Yinze's mother sister.

But this can't be entirely her fault. Who made Qin Yinze's parents so young and good-looking?

It is precisely because they are too young and do not look like Qin Yinze's parents at this age that Ji Rou mistakenly identifies her mother as Qin Yinze's sister.

However, although she was not entirely to blame for admitting the wrong person and calling the wrong person, after knowing the truth at this time, Ji Rou was still so embarrassed that she wished she could dig a hole in the ground so that she could hide.

"Xiaorou?" Jirou was stunned and didn't say anything. Jianran was a little worried, worried that they would scare Jirou away.

Jirou woke up, stood up immediately, and said respectfully, "Auntie, hello! Uncle, hello! Auntie, I didn't recognize you just now and called you by the wrong name. Please don't take it to heart."

Ji Rou looks so cute like this, which makes Jian Ran want to laugh: "You call me sister, which proves that I am young. I am too late to be happy, so how can I care about you."

"Thank you, Auntie!" Ji Rou knew that Jian Ran was trying to resolve her embarrassment. It seemed that the elders of the Qin family had their own characteristics, and in short, they were all very easy to get along with.

Sigh...what was she thinking about?

No matter how easy it is to get along with the Qin family, what does that have to do with her? She should not forget that she and Qin Yinze had broken up, and she should not forget the purpose of coming to Qin Yinze this time.

Qin Yinze, a man with such a bad temper, how could he have such good-looking and excellent parents?

Ji Rou's eyes fell on Qin Yue. It turned out that this man was Mr. Qin, a man of influence in Minluo City whom she had admired for a long time. He was not only much prettier than she had imagined, but also much younger.

In the past, she thought that Mr. Qin must be a wretched and perverted old man. But now that she saw him, she realized that not only was he not wretched, but he was also so good-looking and so young.

Qin Yue felt particularly uncomfortable being stared at by his daughter-in-law. He said, "You guys chat slowly while I go to the study to do some work."

Jian Ran is worried that he will scare Ji Rou here, and she has long wanted him to leave, but he is the father of the child after all. If she drives him away, he will definitely show off her face to him.

Qin Yue left, and Jian Ran took Ji Rou to chat again. The topic still did not leave Xiaocutai and Xiao Limo, and Ji Rou would only relax when the two little guys were mentioned.

While talking, Jian Ran turned the topic to Qin Yinze: "Xiaorou, this child Aze suffered a lot when he was a child. It's really not easy for him to get to where he is now."

Ji Rou thinks that she has nothing to do with Qin Yinze, but she can't help but want to know about Qin Yinze: "Auntie, what has Qin Yinze experienced?"

Jian Ran said: "Aze's biological parents left him in a car accident when he was very young. He didn't come to our home until he was eleven years old. Because of past events, he has always been more sensible than his peers."

"It turns out that his biological parents left him a long time ago." Because Qin Yinze is not a child of the Qin family, that's why he is attracted to Qin leran. For some reason, Jirou's heart ached when she heard this. She wanted to hug Qin Yinze and comfort him, "but fortunately, he has aunties and uncles like you to support his parents."

From Qin Yinze's previous attitude when he mentioned his parents and the current concern of Qin Yinze's parents for Qin Yinze, Ji Rou can know that Qin Yinze's parents should respect Qin Yinze as a child.

Jian Ran said sincerely: "Xiaorou, I am telling you this because I want to tell you that Aze is a person who particularly longs to be loved, but he may not be very good at expressing his love, which may lead to some misunderstandings. But I believe that since he got a marriage certificate from you, he really wants to spend his life with you. No matter what he did to make you angry, please give him a chance to explain."

"Auntie...I..." Qin Yinze's parents probably didn't know about Qin Yinze's liking for Qin leran, so she couldn't talk nonsense about it or destroy the warm and harmonious relationship between their families.

"Xiaorou, if you have any concerns, you can tell me." Jian Ran can see that Jirou, the little girl, still has intentions for Qin Yinze, otherwise she would not behave like this when she heard about him. Uncomfortable.

"I don't have any worries, it's just that we are not suitable. I am a very ordinary girl, and he should find a good girl who can match him." This is Ji Rou's excuse.

Jian Ran patiently explained: "Xiao Rou, each of us is very ordinary, but in the eyes of the one he loves, each of us is the best and irreplaceable. A Ze has you in his heart, you In his heart, there is no one else but you."

"No..." If Qin Yinze really has her in his heart, if he really likes her, even if a hundred trains pull her away, she will not leave him.

It's a pity that Qin Yinze has another girl in his heart.

"Not what?"

"He doesn't like me at all."

"Why do you think so?"

"Because that's what it is."

"Xiao Rou, sometimes the truth is not seen with the eyes." Jian Ran raised her hand and placed it on her heart, "but you have to see it with your heart and feel it with your heart."

"I..." Ji Rou was a little suspicious. Could it be that what she saw was not real?

But since it's not true, why didn't Qin Yinze deny it? Not only did he not deny it, he also admitted it, which proved that what she saw was the truth, the ironclad fact.

"Then you go upstairs and see him." Jian Ran has already said what needs to be said. As for whether she can figure it out, it depends on Ji Rou herself, and of course her stubborn son.

"Auntie, I'm going up." Jirou stood up, straightened her clothes, and then went upstairs to find Qin Yinze.

When his parents went downstairs to see Jirou, Qin Yinze's heart was hanging on Lao Gao. He was always paying attention to the situation outside the room. After waiting for a long time, he finally heard the movement.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he saw Jirou pushing the door open. He didn't know what kind of psychology it was because of it. He immediately closed his eyes and listened to Jirou walking gently to his bed. .

Jirou came and walked to his bedside. She said, "Qin Yinze, I know you are awake."

When did this girl become so smart?

Now that she had seen through it all, Qin Yinze had no point in pretending. He opened his eyes and looked at her. It had only been a day since she had seen her. The girl seemed to have lost some weight.

"You're back," he said.

He wanted to hear her affirmative answer, but Jirou didn't answer him.

Jirou said: "I came to you today, and I just want to verify one thing with you."

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