My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1341: Extra chapter, your time at night is mine

Chapter 1342: Extra chapter, your time at night is mine

"Ji Rou, it's because you didn't see me first that I didn't want to see you. Please pay attention to the order of time." Qin Yinze insisted extremely stubbornly.

In fact, at this time, as long as he gave in first and said a few nice words, he could coax Jirou into submission, but he didn't do that and still felt that he had done nothing wrong.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again about who didn't want to see whom, for the sake of Qin Yinze being sick and injured, Ji Rou decided to let him go: "Okay, I was wrong."

Qin Yinze: "I was wrong too."

Ji Rou: "Okay, you are wrong."

Qin Yinze gritted his teeth: "You woman!"

Jirou patted him: "Don't move around. I'll clean your wound first. This kind of injury is easy to get infected if it's not treated in time."

Jirou took medical cotton and dipped it in alcohol to clean Qin Yinze's wounds. As soon as she touched him, he frowned and took a long breath: "Hiss——"

"Does it hurt?" Ji Rou asked anxiously.

"Come and try to see if it hurts?" Qin Yinze said angrily.

When she was injured and almost lost her life, she didn't even utter a sound, let alone such a small injury now. He just wanted to attract Jirou's attention and make her feel more distressed and distressed for him.

"But you can't stop cleaning just because it doesn't hurt." Seeing that he was in pain, Jirou felt very uncomfortable, "Let's do this, I'll be gentler, and you can bear with it a little bit."

Qin Yinze said nothing.

Ji Rou takes action again. This time she just raises her hand, and Qin Yinze "hisses" again...

Ji Rou knew that this man was not in pain at all, he just did it on purpose. Ji Rou simply raised her hand and pressed it hard. This time Qin Yinze no longer hissed, but roared: "Ji Rou, are you a woman?" stupid?"

Damn it, how can any woman be so stupid and clumsy, unable to do even the smallest things well?

Ji Rou: "Yeah, I'm just stupid. If I wasn't stupid, why would I come all the way to find you?"

Qin Yinze felt a hot tear drop on his forehead. He looked up and saw the woman crying: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Jirou shook her head, "Stop talking, I'll give you a bandage to stop the bleeding."

"It's okay, why are you crying?"

"What do you tube?"

"If you don't care about my affairs, who else can you care about?" Qin Yinze said sternly, "Ji Rou, let me tell you, you brought it to your door this time. Without my permission, If you dare to leave, I will break your legs."

"If you don't want to leave, you won't leave. Why are you so fierce?" Besides, now that she is here, she has never thought about leaving alone. If she wants to leave, she must take him with her.

"Really not leaving?" Qin Yinze always felt that something was wrong with this woman, but he couldn't tell what was wrong with her.

"I told you not to move, don't you understand?"

"Is this how you treat a patient?"

"you deserve it!"


"Okay." Ji Rou finished bandaging him.

"Is it ready so soon?" This woman was so clumsy just now, why is she so nimble all of a sudden? He hasn't enjoyed the feeling of being valued by her enough.

Ji Rou confessed: "It's getting late, you should go back and rest early. Be careful not to touch the wound with water."

He came to find her, but she actually asked him to go back. Qin Yinze felt that this woman was not cute at all, so unlovable: "Do you really want me to leave?"

"If you want to stay, just stay shamelessly. If I can't drive you away, I won't drive you away." This was the voice in Ji Rou's heart, but Qin Yinze didn't understand it and thought her silence was an eviction order.

"Just leave." Qin Yinze said dullly.

"Qin Yinze, if I live alone in such a big room, I will be afraid if a thief comes." She made it so clear, Qin Yinze should understand what she meant.

But Qin Yinze didn't: "Nuoyuan's security system is very good. Even if one more fly flies in, someone will know about it, let alone the thief who breaks in. After so many years, there has been no thief If you dare to come to Qin’s house to steal something, I’d really like to see him.”

Ji Rou: "Stop talking nonsense and go back to rest."

If she listened to him any longer, she would collapse.

I have seen stupid people, but I have never seen such stupid people. Maybe it is not that he is stupid, but that he is unwilling. After all, this is the Qin family in Jiangbei, and the person he really likes also lives in this family.

"Excuse me, my eldest brother sneaked into my sister-in-law's room secretly and was beaten by my sister-in-law as a thief." Zhan Limo, who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping on the conversation in the house, picked up his cell phone to send a message to his mother.

"What? Son, if the news is not 100% certain, don't spread it randomly and let your elder brother know that he has to take care of you." Qin Xiaobao had just returned to the end of Zhan Li, and Qin Xiaobao immediately sent the news to a group. , "Except for the nickname, Aze sneaked into Xiaorou's room late at night and tried to plot something against Xiaorou, but Xiaorou treated her like a thief and beat her up."

Qin Xiaobao's news was sent in bulk, and soon all the Qin family members knew that Qin Yinze sneaked into Ji Rou's room in the middle of the night. Thinking of Ji Rou's evil intentions, Ji Rou beat her up as a thief.

"Excuse me. My sister-in-law asked my eldest brother to stay, but he refused again." After Zhan Limo passed the latest news to his mother, he quickly evacuated.

After receiving the message, Qin Xiaobao immediately forwarded the message. It was also a group message, and Qin Yinze was still included in this group message: "Excuse me, Aze wanted to stay in Xiaorou's room overnight but was refused."

"Pfft..." Seeing the message from Qin Xiaobao, Jian Ran couldn't control herself and burst into laughter.

Qin Yue, who was reading a book, heard Jian Ran's laughter and turned around to look: "What's so funny?"

Jian Ran pointed to the mobile phone: "Just now Xiaobao sent a message, Aze secretly ran to see Xiaorou, but unexpectedly, he was beaten by Xiaobao as a thief."

Qin Yue: "So are you women."

Jian Ran: "What do you mean?"

Qin Yue said dissatisfied: "A woman can even admit her man's mistakes. What do you think you women are thinking about all day?"

Jian Ran: "Qin Yue, what do you mean? It was late at night, and Aze sneaked into Jirou's room secretly without saying anything to Jirou. Jirou was not familiar with the environment, so she would definitely think she was a thief. ”

Qin Yue: "It's getting late, go to bed quickly."

These days, the topic Jian Ran talks to him is always Qin Yinze. Even in her dreams, she is worried about her eldest son's condition, which makes Qin Yue feel a little uncomfortable.

Jian Ran: "You go to sleep first. I'm still waiting for Xiaobao to send me the latest news from the front."

Qin Yue snatched the phone from Jian Ran's hand, long pressed the power button to turn off the phone, and then threw the phone away: "It's okay to spend your time around the children during the day. Night is my time, don't you think about it anymore?" They, be careful I get in trouble with you.”

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