My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1342: Extra chapter, what would happen without you?

Chapter 1343: Extra chapter, what would happen without you?

"Okay, okay, my time at night is yours." Qin Yue threw away the phone, and Jian Ran decided to have a good rest tonight and deal with the children's matters tomorrow.

Besides, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Parents can only help them lead the way. They have to walk their own way.

Qin Yue hugged Jian Ran and held her in his arms forcefully: "Sleep."

Jian Ran's ears were just right against his chest. When she heard his strong heartbeat, she always felt at ease: "Qin Yue, sometimes I always think about what my life would have been like if I hadn't met you. How?"

Qin Yue: "That's not possible."

Jian Ran: "I'm talking about what if. If I hadn't met you, I don't know what I would be like now. Maybe I would have died a long time ago."

Qin Yue said in a deep voice: "Jian Ran, don't talk nonsense."

Jian Ran smiled: "I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just glad that God arranged you to be by my side, I'm glad that I met you, I'm glad that I have three filial and sensible children. Because of you, I have Opportunity to see so much beauty in the world.”

Qin Yue rubbed her head and said softly: "There is still a long way to go, and we can still see many beautiful scenery together."

"Well." Jian Ran slightly raised her head and looked at Qin Yue. After so many years, she saw that his face was still as good-looking and more masculine as when she first met her. She couldn't help but raise her hand and touch it, "Qin Yue, Tell me honestly, of all the women who have courted you over the years, is there any one that you can’t forget or that makes you instantly moved?”

"Yes." Qin Yue gave Jian Ran a positive answer.


She just asked casually, but he dared to say yes. She believed that he didn't, so she asked this question casually. She obviously believed him, but when she heard him say yes, Jian Ran still felt uncomfortable.

She blinked and looked at him pitifully: "Tell me, who is that woman? Is she prettier or gentler than me? Or is she prettier and gentler than me?"

"That woman's surname is Jian Mingran, and she has become my wife a long time ago." Seeing Jian Ran's face turn pale, Qin Yue immediately made it clear that he did not want to make her sad.

"I hate it, you're scaring me." Jian Ran reached out and pinched him.

Qin Yue grabbed her hand, raised it to his mouth and kissed it: "I have to get up early tomorrow, so go to bed quickly."

"Qin Yue, I warn you not to scare me like this again." Jian Ran glared at him, still feeling frightened.

"No more." Qin Yue remembered.

"Good night, dad!" After receiving a satisfactory answer, Jian Ran changed into a comfortable position and lay in Qin Yue's arms, smiling and falling into a sweet dream.

Qin Yinze didn't bring his mobile phone with him when he went to Ji Rou's place. When he returned to his own residence, he just saw two WeChat messages sent by Qin Xiaobao on his mobile phone.

After seeing it, Qin Yinze's face turned dark.

He thought that he went to see Jirou without anyone noticing, but now it seems that there are really only ghosts and gods who don't know. Human beings probably know everything that they shouldn't know and should know.

Based on the fact that he was able to receive these two WeChat messages, his little aunt must have sent the message in a group, probably to everyone she knew in her address book.

Look, Qin Xiaobao's group message also included him as the person involved. I don't know if she was too excited when she sent it, so she forgot about it.

He, the person involved, received it, but what about Jirou?

Didn't Qin Xiaobao also send a message to Jirou?

Qin Yinze really guessed it right. When Qin Xiaobao sent group WeChat messages, she selected the entire address book. She didn't miss any of the friends she added.

At the same time, Jirou was also looking at her phone and saw the WeChat message sent by Qin Xiaobao. Jirou had the urge to pick up her backpack and flee Jiangbei back to Minluo City immediately.

Just when she had this idea, Qin Yinze's call came in, and she answered: "Qin Yinze, look, I asked you to see me well but you didn't see me, and you had to climb through the window in the middle of the night. Now everyone knows. "

Qin Yinze comforted: "It's getting late at this time. Many people have gone to bed. There must be some people who haven't seen the WeChat message sent by my aunt. Don't worry."

Ji Rou asked back: "I've already posted my hair, and it's past the time to withdraw it. So what if others don't see it?"

Qin Yinze said: "I have asked the technical staff to delete this WeChat message. I cannot delete the memory from the minds of those who have read it, but those who have not opened it and viewed it will not see it again."

Ji Rou touched her head: "When did WeChat have such a magical function? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Qin Yinze: "There are still many things you don't know."

Of course, Qin Yinze's deletion of messages does not mean that ordinary users delete messages. He has his professional and technical personnel to track down the two WeChat messages Qin Xiaobao sent at night and delete them quietly. This is not difficult for him at all. No.

As the saying goes, a person's status determines how far a person can see, and what kind of scenery a person can see at what height he stands. Very few people can climb to the top and see beautiful scenery that many people cannot see, so there is a famous saying that it is too cold to be at a high place.

Ji Rou: "What are you pulling on? There are things I understand that you may not understand."

Qin Yinze: "Is there anything in this world that you understand but I don't understand? Tell me?"

Ji Rou said: "Do you know what Enoki mushrooms are?"

Qin Yinze said: "Isn't it food?"

Qin Yinze understands that enoki mushrooms are edible, but if Ji Rou can say that he doesn't know, there must be some special meaning, but what exactly is it?

Ji Rou smiled: "No comment."

Qin Yinze: "What's that for?"

Ji Rou: "No comment."

Qin Yinze: "What exactly is it?"

Jirou: "If you admit that you don't know, I will tell you."

Qin Yinze: "I admit it."

Ji Rou smiled proudly: "You are the Flammulina enoki mushroom."

Qin Yinze: "Dare to tease me."

Fortunately, Qin Yinze has a simple mind and doesn't know what she really means by enoki mushrooms. If he knew, he would definitely be furious.

Therefore, she could no longer let him dwell on the Enoki mushrooms. Jirou immediately changed the subject: "I'm sleepy and want to sleep. You're not in good health, so go to sleep quickly. Keep your spirits up, cooperate with the doctor to treat yourself, and don't think about all the things. .”

Qin Yinze: "Well, good night!"

Ji Rou: "Good night!"

The two said good night, but neither hung up the phone. They seemed to be waiting for the other to hang up first, but they seemed reluctant to hang up, and both wanted to hear the other's voice again.

The two were silent like this. After a long silence, Qin Yinze broke the silence and said, "Jirou, remember what I just said to you."

Ji Rou: "What are you talking about?"

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