My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1345: Extra chapter, I’m not stupid

Chapter 1346: Extra chapter, I’m not stupid

Without Qin Yinze, everyone else is a stranger to Ji Rou.

She looked so out of place sitting among their family. Even the fried shrimp she usually liked to eat had no taste at all in her mouth.

"Xiaorou, the doctor said that Aze can't have a hair dryer now, so I asked someone to send breakfast to his room. You eat quickly. When you are full, you go and see him." Jian Ran saw Ji Rou's thoughts. , tell Ji Rou in advance.

"Yes, sister-in-law, you can go visit your elder brother when you are full, so don't be depressed." Even Zhan Limo, the boy, could see that Ji Rou was depressed because she couldn't see Qin Yinze.

Jirou once again deeply felt that she really had no privacy in front of the Qin family. Her every move and slight change in expression could make them guess what she meant.

If this is the case, will they guess that she is still a little jealous of Qin leran? If they really saw through it, there would really be no place for her face.

Just when Jirou was thinking wildly, the sensible Zhan Limo reminded her at the right time: "Sister-in-law, eat quickly. When you are full, you can go see big brother."

After eating, she can go to see Qin Yinze, and she can go see him openly. Jirou no longer thinks about other things. She sweeps away the previous haze and eats seriously. This time, she feels that everything she eats is delicious.

She finished her breakfast as quickly as possible, and Qin lelan took her to Qin Yinze's room.

On the way there, Qin leran said: "Xiaorou, our family really likes you, and I like you too. We are all very happy that you can come, and we are happy from the bottom of our hearts."

Ji Rou can feel it: "Of course, I know."

Qin leran said again, "then you can tell me, what do you still care about?"

Qin lelan would ask this, did he see something?

Jirou felt a little uneasy: "Ranran, why do you ask that?"

Qin leran smiled: "it's just intuition."

Jirou sighed, women's intuition is really accurate.

But how should she answer Qin lelan? Tell Qin leran that what she cares about is that Qin Yinze liked someone else before? Tell Qin leran that she, Jirou, is jealous of Qin leran?

Of course, none of this can be said: "Of course, I'm just worried about your brother's health."

Ji Rou didn't want to say anything, so Qin lelan didn't ask any more questions: "My brother will be fine, don't worry too much."

Ji Rou nodded.

Soon, they arrived at Qin Yinze's room together. Qin leran knocked on the door. When Qin Yinze said please come in, she just opened the door and went in: "Brother, look who is here to see you."

Qin Yinze looked over, but just glanced at them, and then looked back, pretending not to see them.

Ji Rou feels uncomfortable. This stinky man sneaked up to see her last night. How can he pretend to be cold at this time? There are others present, so how about giving her some face?

Qin leran pushed Ji Rou to stand in front of him: "Brother, Xiaorou came to see you. Are you happy or surprised?"

In fact, they all received the message from Qin Xiaobao last night, but they all pretended not to see it in a tacit understanding, because they all knew that their brother was also a man who wanted to save face.

Qin Yinze still didn't speak. Ji Rou stared at him, wanting to rush over and bite him twice, so much that his mother didn't recognize him.

"Brother will definitely ignore people." Zhan Limo also followed in and said such a sentence. As soon as the words came out, he received a sharp look from Qin Yinze.

Look, look, his eldest brother is such a person, even though he did something, he still doesn't let anyone tell him.

"Xiaorou, my brother is still on the diaphragm. You go and stay with him. Xiaolimo and I are leaving first." Qin lelan took Zhanlimo and left, leaving some space for his brother and sister-in-law.

When they left, they closed the door considerately, but after closing the door, Zhan Li was unwilling to leave, and wanted to stay outside the door to eavesdrop. Qin lelan warned him with his eyes: "Young man, you can't eavesdrop."

Zhan Limo expressed that he really wanted to hear whether his brother and sister-in-law would quarrel again: "Sister Ranran, let me listen for a little while, just a little while, okay?"

Qin lelan smiled slightly: "Xiao Limo, do you really want to listen?"

She smiled maliciously. Zhan Limo knew that he couldn't scheme against her, so he hurriedly retreated: "If you don't want to listen, don't listen. I don't have to listen to the two of them fighting."

Ji Rou and Qin Yinze are the only two people left in the room.

Ji Rou was dissatisfied with Qin Yinze's attitude towards her just now and stood still. In fact, if Qin Yinze's attitude towards her was the same as before, she would definitely turn around and leave. But not now, after all, he is still a sick patient.

Qin Yinze looked at her: "Why don't you come over?"

Ji Rou snorted coldly and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Qin Yinze said again: "Ji Rou, do you want me to go over and invite you?"

Jirou looked at him: "If you ignore me, do I have to pass like a pug if you let me pass? Qin Yinze, you really think that I am a dog you raised, and I will come if you let me go." Go if you call."

Qin Yinze: "The dog is much better than you."

Ji Rou: "Qin Yinze, what do you mean?"

This bitch said she was worse than a dog.

Thinking about it, Ji Rou was so angry that she wanted to turn around and leave. But just when she had this idea, she heard Qin Yinze say: "Hiss..."

Jirou rushed over immediately: "What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

Qin Yinze grabbed her, pressed her hand to his heart, and laughed so hard: "It hurts here."

Jirou: "Obviously you ignored me first."

Qin Yinze: "So you are angry with me and make me sad?"

Ji Rou: "Obviously you made me sad first."

Qin Yinze: "I am sick now and my mood is not under control. Can't you be considerate of me?"

"You can just ignore me if you're sick?" Jirou wanted to withdraw her hand, but he held it tightly and heard him say, "Because I know that I will attract your attention if I am more willful."

This man!


How could she be angry with him when he spoke so well when talking about love?

Besides, he was indeed a patient. Why would she be angry with a patient?

He was half sitting on the bed, with a needle in his left hand and infusion. His face was pale, and his lips were a little chapped. Jirou felt very distressed when he saw it: "I'm sorry, I should be considerate of you."

Qin Yinze: "It doesn't matter."

Jirou holds his right hand: "It's uncomfortable to have a diaphragm injection like this every day, isn't it?"

Qin Yinze looked at her and saw that she was so worried about him that he almost shed tears. He couldn't bear to lie to her again: "Actually, I'm much better. There's no big problem."

"Qin Yinze, I'm not stupid, stop comforting me." His face was so pale, and there was a drip in his hand. How could he be fine? She knew he was comforting her, but she didn't need his comfort. ah.

Qin Yinze's heart: "You're still not stupid!"

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