My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1346: Extra chapter, I have many advantages

Chapter 1347: Extra chapter, I have many advantages

He really knew that this woman was sometimes not smart enough, yet he said some angry words to her in a fit of anger. Now that he thought about it, the fault was still his own.

Jirou didn't know what Qin Yinze was thinking, and said worriedly: "If you are sick, treat it well. Anyway, curing the disease is the most important thing. Don't think too much about other things. You still have so many family members. "

Qin Yinze looked at her for a long time: "What about you?"

Jirou doesn't understand what he means: "Me?"

He asked again: "Will you leave me again?"

Will she leave him again?

Ji Rou shook her head firmly: "No."

Qin Yinze didn't believe it: "Really?"

"Then are you willing to try to like me?" Jirou carefully observed his expression and said before he spoke, "I know I have many shortcomings, but I also have my own advantages."

He had already fallen in love with her, but this stupid woman didn't believe it and insisted that she was just a substitute. Qin Yinze couldn't help but hold her head and let her get closer to him: "Tell me, What are your advantages?"

Jirou really didn't know what her advantages were for a moment, so she thought about it: "For example, I can fight. I can help when others bully you and prevent others from bullying you."

She has the skills of a three-legged cat and can hit people. She has the nerve to say this. Qin Yinze doesn't want to tell her. In fact, he can hit more than her: "Pengshan around me can hit more than you." . With him here, I don’t worry about others hitting me.”

After the first advantage was denied, Ji Rou quickly thought of the second one: "For example, if I can eat very well and eat a lot, I won't be afraid that our children will not eat in the future."

Being able to eat can be an advantage. This woman is indeed thick-skinned. Qin Yinze suppressed a smile: "Ji Rou, if you can eat, it can only be said that you can eat. It has nothing to do with whether our children can eat. "

Two advantages were denied in succession, and Jirou said a third advantage: "For example, I'm actually pretty good-looking." She moved closer to him, "Look, these facial features are not only prettier than mine. There’s no one better looking than me.”

This statement is very Ji Rou, Qin Yinze said: "No matter how good-looking a woman is, her appearance will age, and she will always look like that when she gets old, so I don't pay much attention to a person's appearance."

All three advantages have been denied. Ji Rou is really anxious now. In her anxiety, she blurts out a reason that she couldn't explain in the past: "I am very good in bed. You feel so good when you are with me." , you can’t deny this.”

Qin Yinze: "..."

This really can't be denied. If she denies it, she won't cooperate in the future, and he will definitely be the one who feels uncomfortable.

"Qin Yinze, what do you mean by not talking? Do you think I'm worthless?" Ji Rou pursed her lips tightly, tears welling up in her eyes as soon as her nose became sore. "Anyway, I still have many advantages. You are with me Together, you will definitely find out.”

Looking at her pitiful appearance, Qin Yinze turned her head over and kissed her pink lips: "Do you think you are stupid or not?"

Ji Rou pursed her lips and said aggrievedly: "I know my IQ is not as good as yours, but I'm working hard. I will work hard to become better. If I want to be worthy of you, don't dislike me, okay?"

Qin Yinze couldn't help laughing: "Okay, let's see how you perform in the future."

Ji Rou: "What if I don't perform well?"

Qin Yinze: "Who asked me to marry you? No matter how bad your performance is, I can only admit it."

Ji Rou: "Do you regret marrying me? Qin Yinze, don't regret it."

Qin Yinze: "No regrets."

Jirou takes his hand: "Pull the hook!"

Qin Yinze: "Isn't it childish?"

Jirou: "Childish is also your wife, you are not allowed to dislike her."

Qin Yinze: "Domineering."

Ji Rou: "No matter how domineering she is, she is still your wife."

Qin Yinze: "Yes, my wife!"

He thought that after she left, she would never come back, but he never expected that she would come back so easily and confide in him.

This woman pushed him into the abyss, rescued him, gave him beautiful promises, and promised him a bright future. Can he feel relieved?

The answer is no!

Because he knew that there were still some knots between them that had not been opened.

For example, the Xiang Lingfeng incident.

He looked at her and asked again: "Why did you ask me such a question that day?"

This time, Jirou instantly understood what he was asking her: "It's obviously not you, why did you say it was? Why did you admit that you were the murderer?"

She actually believed him!

This made Qin Yinze feel incredible again.

In this way, when she came to ask him that day, she just wanted him to give her a definite answer, but he thought she was doubting him and drove her away in anger, making himself sick.

Ji Rou said again: "Why?"

Qin Yinze looked at her, and it could be seen from her eyes that she was eager to know the truth. If he didn't tell her, the knot would be hard to get through in her heart: "Actually, I know that matter."

Ji Rou looked at him with wide eyes in surprise: "You know? How did you know?"

Qin Yinze: "Because I wanted you, someone knew my thoughts and wanted to give you to me, so they used that method. I knew it but I didn't stop it."

He actually knew that he hadn't stopped it yet.

Ji Rou's eyes are red with anxiety: "Qin Yinze, you know it, but why don't you stop it?"

Qin Yinze: "Why should I stop it?"

That surname has nothing to do with him. Whether he is alive or dead, injured or disabled, what does it have to do with Qin Yinze?

Qin Yinze has never been a kind-hearted person.

And he admitted that he was a little selfish, because only when the man named Xiang Lingfeng disappeared could Ji Rou be willing to follow him and accompany him in the rest of his life.

Just because of this selfishness, he turned a blind eye to that matter.

Ji Rou: "You..."

Yes, he had no reason to stop it, but if he had stopped it, Brother Feng would not be so seriously injured, Brother Feng would not blame him, and she would not carry the heavy burden of guilt every day.

Whenever she thought that Brother Feng was hurt like that because of her, she felt that she was the murderer and her crime was unforgivable.

Qin Yinze said seriously: "Ji Rou, I admit that I once liked others, but that is all in the past. From now on, I just want to like you and live a good life with you. I also hope that you can let go of the people and things in the past. , after all, people cannot be resurrected, let’s look forward together, okay?”

Jirou: "..."

She also wanted to live a good life with him, but she didn't want her and his happiness to be based on the pain of others, and this person was the brother Feng she felt most sorry for.

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