My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1349: Extra chapter, buy clothes for him with your own hands

Chapter 1350: Extra chapter, buying clothes for him with my own hands

"Hello, these two products you are looking at are new products in our store, and they are both limited editions. There is only one set of each size." The salesperson introduced their products enthusiastically.

"The limited quantity is good. My brother lie won't match others when he puts it on." Qin leran handed the shirt to the salesperson, "I want this one. Please wrap it up for me."

The salesperson was very happy to meet such a cheerful customer, and the smile on his face became even brighter: "Okay, you can also take a look at our other styles. The ones here are all new styles that have just arrived."

"Well, let's take a look." Qin lelan turned to look at Jirou, "Xiaorou, you should also look at two more sets. If you like it, we will buy it. Anyway, my brother said he would pay for it, so don't save it for him. "

"You two must be two sisters." The salesperson looked at Qin lelan and Ji Rou. The two looked a little alike. They went out shopping together. They should be two sisters.

Hearing the waiter's words, Jirou's hand holding the clothes froze slightly, and she didn't know how to answer. Qin leran helped her out again: "Yes, we are good sisters. You see, we are all so good-looking." Just know.”

Qin leran dismissed the salesperson with a statement that seemed both false and true, and the salesperson did not ask any more questions. Qin leran was anxious to recommend various styles of clothes to Jirou.

At Qin leran's instigation, Ji Rou bought Qin Yinze a set of clothes, and also chose a tie and a pair of shoes. In fact, there were many things she wanted to buy, but she was worried that Qin Yinze wouldn't like them, so she restrained herself.

On the way home, Jirou was very worried, fearing that Qin Yinze would look down on her in front of everyone. Fortunately, Qin lelan comforted her: "Xiaorou, don't worry, I told you that my brother will like it." You will definitely like it.”

"But... what if he doesn't like it?" Ji Rou holds the shopping bag in her arms and thinks dullly, "You may not know your brother, he has a bad temper and always bullies me. Unlike you Brother Lie is so gentle."

Speaking of brother lie, Qin lelan can't help but raise the corners of his lips: "I have known brother lie since I was four years old, but he disappeared after not staying with me for long. I looked for him for a long time before I found him."

"What happened?" Although Qin leran said it simply, Ji Rou knew that this process must be difficult. Fortunately, Qin leran insisted on looking for him, and later found her brother lie, and finally the lovers got married.

"It's a long story to say, but the bad things are all over. Now brother lie belongs to me alone, and no one can take him away." Qin leran doesn't want to mention the bad things in the past anymore. Every time she thinks about it, she still I will worry that one day I will wake up and brother lie will be gone.

"Well, we just have to seize the present and never regret it until we lose it." After hearing about Qin lelan, Ji Rou is more sure that she must seize the present and Qin Yinze. She will never make concessions again in this life. Something I regret.

"Xiaorou, you are right to think so." Qin leran smiled, "my parents are very loving. I have learned a lot from them. There will be some minor conflicts between husband and wife, but as long as they are considerate and understanding of each other, it is not good Everything will pass.”

"The relationship between uncle and aunt is indeed very enviable. Even though the children are so old, their relationship is still so good." When Qin Yue and Jian Ran were mentioned, Ji Rou couldn't help but think of her parents.

Her parents were also very loving, but unfortunately her father met with misfortune, and her mother was so sad that she was admitted to the hospital because of her father's departure. But now her mother has gradually come out of the shadow of her father's departure, and everything is getting better. It will get better in the future.

"Actually, my father has always blamed himself. He blamed himself for not protecting my mother well and letting her be taken out by caesarean section when I was not yet full term. My mother also left him for three years." In this matter, Qin lelan It was only later that she found out that when she thought of her mother's suffering, she told herself that she must be more filial to her mother.

"Cesarean section to retrieve the baby?" Ji Rou had only seen these things in TV series and never expected that they would happen to people around her. "Of course, are these all true?"

Qin lelan smiled and said: "Xiaorou, don't be scared by me. These things have passed. Now no one can touch my mother or any of my father's relatives."

Ji Rou was really frightened. She thought that what she encountered was already terrible, but she didn't expect that there were many more terrible things in this world that she could not imagine.

Qin leran said again: "by the way, Xiaorou, how did you meet my brother?"

Jirou: "..."

How did she and Qin Yinze meet?

Can she say that she was favored by Qin Yinze because she looked a little bit like Qin lelan?

Seeing that Ji Rou's expression was wrong, Qin lelan knew that he might have asked questions that he shouldn't have asked, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Xiaorou, let's go to other places in Jiangbei another day today."

Ji Rou nodded: "Okay."

Zhan Limo pouted dissatisfiedly: "You two women only know how to talk about your affairs, but you always treat us as transparent. Can your conscience be okay?"

Qin leran: "Conscience? Xiao Limo, you mention conscience to me? Don't you know that I am a person without conscience?"

Zhan limo: "well, I can see it."

Listening to their bickering, Ji Rou pursed her lips and secretly enjoyed themselves.

Before I knew it, the car had arrived home.

The elders all went out to work, and Qin Xiaobao also went home. There was no one at home, but Qin Yinze had been standing on the balcony and looked at it countless times.

He just sent Ji Rou away so that he could do things for himself. Knowing that the woman had been out for nearly a day, she probably had long forgotten that he was there at home.

If he had known that she would be forgotten when she went out, he would have locked her in the house and never let her step out of the door.

After watching countless times, and finally seeing their car coming back, Qin Yinze hurried back to the room, pretending that he had been sleeping in bed to recuperate.

Not long after, there was a knock on his door. Qin Yinze heard it, but closed his eyes and pretended not to hear it. He didn't answer the door. The person who knocked on the door still came in. The person who spoke was Zhan Limo: "Sister-in-law, eldest brother seems to be still sleeping."

Ji Rou grabbed Zhan Limo and said, "he's still sleeping, so let's not wake him up."

Hearing that Ji Rou, that stupid woman, still wanted to leave, Qin Yinze felt very angry. He shouted in pain: "Ouch..."

Hearing his voice, Ji Rou rushed over: "Qin Yinze, what's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

This method has been tried and tested. Qin Yinze was a little proud. He stroked his forehead and said, "Maybe he slept too much. He was drowsy and had a severe headache."

Jirou was deceived, but the shrewd Zhan Limo saw that his eldest brother was pretending and smiled on the side, but when he received a sharp look from Qin Yinze, he hurriedly stepped out of the way.

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