My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1350: Extra chapter, help me take off my clothes

Chapter 1351: Extra chapter, help me take off my clothes

"Headache?" Ji Rou helped him sit up, handed him a glass of warm water, and said with a worried look, "Qin Yinze, drink a glass of water first, and I'll call the doctor right away."

"No need to call the doctor, I can still bear the pain." He was reluctant to let her go just now when she came back. What he wanted to do now was to hold her in his arms and smell her breath.

"Forbearance? You only know how to endure? Are you a Ninja Turtle?" Ji Rou really wanted to hit this man hard with a mallet, wake him up, and let him know that if he is sick, he should see a doctor instead of enduring.

"Actually, I don't have a headache. It's just that you've been out for a long time and haven't come back. I think it hurts you to think about it." Ji Rou was stunned by the sudden love words. She wondered if she was hearing hallucinations.

"What are you doing so stupidly?" Qin Yinze pulled her, "Sit down and let me hug you."

"Oh..." Ji Rou sat down stupidly and was held in his arms. She heard him say, "Next time you go shopping, why don't you go shopping for so long? Be careful I take care of you."

"You asked me to go shopping." She didn't want to go out in the morning. When she went shopping, she had to think about how he would be at home alone. She didn't feel comfortable shopping.

"I've never seen you so obedient, but you were quite obedient when I asked you to go shopping." It felt so good to hold her in his arms, she was like a small heater, warming his heart.

"Because I was buying something for you, and I was worried that you wouldn't like it. I picked and picked, and picked again, and then I bought it." Jirou felt particularly aggrieved. All she thought about was him, but she was beaten by him once misunderstanding.

"What did you buy me?" She could still think of buying something for him. This woman was finally not so stupid.

Ji Rou breaks away from his arms, turns around and picks up the shopping loan that was just thrown by the bed: "I bought you clothes, a tie and a pair of shoes. Let's make a deal first, you must not like it."

"Take it and take a look." Qin Yinze snatched the bag, as anxious as receiving a gift for the first time, and took out the clothes, ties and shoes in his pocket two or three times. To be honest, this woman is usually stupid, but she has good taste in buying clothes, which is the style he is used to wearing.

Seeing his indifferent expression, Ji Rou was worried that he didn't like it, but she didn't give in easily: "Qin Yinze, I'm warning you, if you dare not like it, I will never buy it for you again in the future."

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows lightly: "Give me a try."

Ji Rou's eyebrows are filled with joy: "Do you want to try it on?"

Qin Yinze glared at her: "How do you know if I can wear it without trying it on?"

Jirou smiled and said, "Then you put it on. I'll go out first. Call me when you've changed."

Qin Yinze grabbed her: "Help me."

Ji Rou was speechless: "You are not a three-year-old child, and you still need me to help you get dressed."

Qin Yinze said of course, "I am a patient."

"Okay, you are the patient, you are the boss." Jirou felt that she had really met an old man. This man took advantage of his illness and bullied her more than before in Minluo City.

Qin Yinze was anxious and wanted to try on the clothes she bought for him: "Why don't you do it?"

Jirou said, "How can I help you put it on if you don't take it off?"

Qin Yinze opened his hands: "Take it off for me."

He really regarded him as his master, and Ji Rou became angry: "Qin Yinze, if you want to try, just try. If you don't try, you will be defeated."

This man, he is sick but he is not disabled.

Jirou throws her bag and wants to leave, but Qin Yinze's face sinks: "I have no conscience at all."

"Conscience? What is conscience?" Ji Rou learned and applied what she just heard from Qin leran. "Don't you know that I am a person without conscience?"

Qin Yinze was so angry that he lay down and said, "Then go and take your things away. I won't wear them anymore."

Jirou: "Are you sure you don't want to wear it?"

Qin Yinze: "Don't wear it."

Jirou: "Okay, I'll give it to other men to wear."

Qin Yinze was so angry that he sat up again: "Jirou, you came to Jiangbei to make me angry to death."

Ji Rou's eyes turned red with anger: "Qin Yinze, don't bully me just because I like you. Let me tell you, I also have dignity. If you bully me again, I will never come to see you again."

Qin Yinze: "..."

This woman always confessed to him when he was so angry that he was about to lose his mind. He didn't know if she did it on purpose. Qin Yinze sighed: "Bring over the clothes."

Ji Rou sniffs: "Are you willing to wear it?"

Qin Yinze: "You bought it, of course you have to wear it."

Jirou smiled again: "Isn't it right to have done this earlier? I have to let people quarrel with you."

Qin Yinze: "If you help me take it off, do I need to be angry with you?"

Jirou: "blame me again?"

Qin Yinze: "Blame me, it's all my fault."

Ji Rou smiled: "For the sake of your good attitude in admitting your mistakes, I will help you."

Qin Yinze: "Will you help me take it off?"

Jirou reaches out to unbutton his pajamas. After unbuttoning two buttons, she sees his strong chest. Something suddenly comes to Jirou's mind, and her face turns red: "You'd better take it off yourself."

"What's wrong?" Seeing her blushing, Qin Yinze had already guessed that she had something impure in her mind, "You have seen everything you should see and shouldn't, and you should touch what you shouldn't. I’ve touched them all. Isn’t it too late to know that I’m shy now?”

"You do it yourself, I'll go to the bathroom." Damn it, it would be nice if this man knew and said it. He is thick-skinned, but she is not as thick-skinned as him.

At this time, Qin Yinze was not willing to let her go. He pulled her hard and laid her on his body: "Now that you have thought about it, as your husband, it seems a little unreasonable for me to not satisfy you. "

Jirou's face hit his chest hard. It had to be said that this man was much stronger than her even when he was sick, especially when his chest was tied hard. The bump was painful: "Qin Yinze, don't If you act haphazardly, someone could come in at any time.”

Qin Yinze smiled evilly: "They are very knowledgeable and will not come in to disturb us."

Ji Rou still shakes her head: "No, you are still sick, so you can't."

Qin Yinze: "No one told you that you can't say that men are not good?"

Ji Rou explained in a panic: "No, I'm not saying you can't do it... I mean we can't do it..."

If his family knew that he was so ill and she was still with him... what would his family think of her? She didn't want to leave a bad impression on his family at all.

In fact, Qin Yinze didn't want to do anything to her. She cared about what his family thought of her. He cared more about what his family thought of her than she did: "Then be obedient and help me take off my clothes."

"Yeah..." Ji Rou nodded repeatedly, as docile as a little sheep, for fear that Qin Yinze would regret it.

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