My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1356 Extra chapter, the child is gone

Chapter 1357: Extra chapter, the child is gone

Although Qin Yinjian is more sensible than children of the same age and has a higher IQ than many people, no matter what, he is just a twelve-year-old child. He is the same as everyone else. He is made of flesh and blood. He has been hanging upside down for a long time. His head would also be filled with blood, and his vision would be blurred.

When Jirou's vision was blurred, he couldn't see clearly, but he still remembered to help his elder brother protect his sister-in-law, so he tried his best to stay awake.

"Xiaojian, I'm sorry! If I hadn't insisted on riding the roller coaster today, you wouldn't have been hung here with me." Ji Rou regretted not listening to Qin Yinze. If she had listened, Qin Yinjian would not be harmed .

"Sister-in-law, I am the one who should apologize." Qin Yinjian blamed himself very much.

If he hadn't secretly wanted to make his eldest brother fulfill the promise he made many years ago, his eldest brother would not have chosen to come to the amusement park, and then what happened now would not have happened.

"Xiaojian, you are such a good boy, and you still comfort me at this time. You know, I am usually quite afraid of you. I always feel that you, the little guy, don't like me. Now that I think about it, I must be overthinking you. It’s just that I don’t like talking, so why don’t you like me?”

"sister in law……"

"Xiao Jian, you're really good!" Just when Jirou thought she couldn't hold on any longer, she vaguely seemed to see Qin Yinze. She felt him holding her in his arms. She felt When she felt the warmth that belonged to him, she also heard his anxious voice, "Jirou..."

It took a lot of effort for her to call out Qin Yinze's name: "Qin Yinze?"

"Jirou, it's me, it's okay, it's okay..." Qin Yinze kept repeating this sentence. Jirou heard it. She wanted to tell him that she was okay, but she opened her mouth, but She couldn't make a sound anymore, and she didn't know why, she just didn't have the strength to make a sound.

What happened to her?

She didn't know, Qin Yinze should know, he kept calling her name: "Jirou, it's okay, it's okay, believe me, you will be fine."

Ji Rou feels that her problem is not big. She seems to have shed some blood and is a little dizzy. There are no other problems. But Qin Yinze's voice sounds like she is seriously injured.

"Qin Yinze, I'm really fine." Ji Rou wanted to open her eyes and tell Qin Yinze, not wanting him to worry about her, but let alone opening her eyes, she didn't even have the strength to blink her eyelashes.

Later, Jirou couldn't hear anything Qin Yinze said, because her brain became heavier and heavier, and eventually she stopped even thinking.

When Jirou became conscious again, she was in the hospital, yes, the hospital, because as soon as she woke up she smelled the smell of disinfectant and saw doctors in white coats.

She has always been in good health and rarely goes to the hospital. What could be the reason this time?

Ji Rou thought about it and remembered that she had an accident on a roller coaster at the amusement park. She seemed to have been injured and bled a little. It's just a little bit of bleeding, it's not a big deal. She hasn't had bleeding before, so why did she get sent to the hospital this time?

"Ji Rou!" Ji Rou was lost in thought when she suddenly heard Qin Yinze's voice. Qin Yinze hugged her hand and held her hand tightly in his, "You're awake."

Seeing that he seemed to be several years older because he was worried about her, Ji Rou felt a pain in her heart: "Qin Yinze, I'm sorry, I made you worry about me again."

He raised his hand, gently rubbed her head, and said in a hoarse voice: "Are you stupid? I am the one who should be sorry, not you."

"Qin Yinze, don't say that I'm stupid again." Ji Rou withdrew her hand forcefully and said dullly, "The largest amusement park in Jiangbei has an admission fee of several hundred yuan. I thought their facilities were guaranteed. Who knew that his facilities would still break down, but it happened to me. It's obviously not my fault, so why do you think I'm stupid?"

"I'm not talking about this."

"Then what did you say?"

"I..." asked him to tell her the truth.

She had been pregnant twice before. After going to the hospital for a checkup, the result was that she was not pregnant. At that time, she was disappointed. And this time... this thing was too cruel for her, and he couldn't tell her.

Fortunately, Ji Rou's mind was not on Qin Yinze's hesitant answer. She did not see Qin Yinjian: "Qin Yinze, where is Xiaojian? I am lying in the hospital, where is Xiaojian? ?”

"Xiao Jian just suffered a little skin injury. He is fine now." Qin Yinze breathed a sigh of relief quietly, but the worry in his heart became deeper and deeper.

"So, Xiaojian is not in the hospital?"

"He was not hospitalized."

"Then why do I have to stay in the hospital?" Ji Rou looked at it and saw that she had a little scratch on her right wrist. It could be cured without any medicine and she would not be hospitalized for observation at all.

"Because you're seriously injured."

"Where am I injured?" She didn't see any injuries on her body, and she thought of the skin injuries Qin Yinze said just now that Qin Yinjian suffered. "Could it be that Xiaojian suffered skin injuries and I suffered internal injuries?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

Ji Rou said again: "Qin Yinze, I'm really sorry for making you worry about me! But I really have no problem. Go and help me go through the discharge procedures. I don't want to stay in the hospital at all."

Qin Yinze: "The doctor said you must stay in the hospital for observation for a few days."

Jirou: "I'm really fine. Don't I know it myself?"

Qin Yinze yelled: "Who is more professional, you or the doctor?"

Jirou pursed her lips and said with tears in her eyes: "Just say what you say. Why are you yelling and being mean? You are mean to me while I am still lying on the hospital bed. Do you feel sorry for me?"

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't be harsh on you, but Jirou, you are a patient now. You must listen to the doctor and observe in the hospital for a few days, okay?" He didn't want to be mean to her, but he was angry with himself for being so careless and letting her She unexpectedly gave birth to a child, but she lost the child before she even knew she had a child.

He is her husband, but he can't even protect their children. What kind of shitty husband is he? Qin Yinze gritted his teeth and wished he could give himself two stabs.

"You tell me nicely, I'm still willing to be obedient." Ji Rou said with a smile, but she found something was wrong with Qin Yinze's eyes, "Qin Yinze, what's wrong with you?"

She finally discovered that something was wrong with Qin Yinze, but she didn't see what was wrong with him for a while.

"I'm fine." Qin Yinze looked away, not daring to look at her. "You lie down for a while, and I'll get you some food."

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