My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1357 Extra chapter, whether to give birth and whether to give birth

Chapter 1358: Extra chapter, whether to give birth and whether to give birth

Qin Yinze stood up to leave, and Ji Rou grabbed him: "Qin Yinze, you must be hiding something from me."

"Jirou..." Qin Yinze sat down again, clasped his head, pushed her towards him, and kissed her forehead lovingly, "I'm fine, and you will be fine too. Just listen to the doctor. Observation in the hospital for a few days.”

"Qin Yinze, are you really okay?" Jirou still holds on to him and won't let go. "I'm not a child. I hope you can tell us if you have something and we can share it together instead of hiding everything from me. Do you understand? clear?"

"It's really okay." Qin Yinze thought about telling her, but when he thought of her stubborn temper, she would be angry if she knew it. He couldn't risk her life.

"Then go and get me some porridge. I don't have much appetite." Since he didn't want to say anything, Ji Rou knew that no matter how she asked, she couldn't get anything out.

It's better to wait until he leaves and find a way to find out.

"Okay..." Qin Yinze was about to leave when Jianran, Qin Xiaobao and Qin leran came. Jianran was holding a thermos box in her hand, "This is the chicken soup I made for Xiaorou, Aze, let Xiaorou drink it." a little."

"Auntie, thank you for coming to see me. But I don't have any problem. It's just that Qin Yinze made a fuss and insisted on letting me stay in the hospital for a few observations." Ji Rou said with a smile, but everyone seemed to be in a bad mood. How good.

Jian Ran stepped forward, patted Jirou on the shoulder, and said gently: "Xiaorou, you are also a child of our family. We are all a family. Please be more casual and don't be polite to everyone."

"Well, I'm not polite to you." Ji Rou smiled at Jian Ran, then looked at the thermos box in Qin Yinze's hand, "Qin Yinze, why don't you give me the soup that my aunt worked so hard to make for me? .”

Qin Yinze: "Didn't you say you have no appetite and just want to drink porridge?"

This man... is really speechless. Jirou glared at him fiercely: "I wanted to drink porridge just now, but now I want to drink the soup that my aunt made for me. Isn't that allowed?"

Qin Xiaobao snatched the thermos box from Qin Yinze's hand: "Aze, you are a grown man who doesn't know how to take care of people. Leave Xiaorou to us to take care of you. You can do whatever you want."

Jirou: "..."

Can you please not drive him away? She wants Qin Yinze to stay with her. Even if he is always mean to her and makes her angry, she still wants him to be by her side.

Because he was there, she felt at ease.

Fortunately, Qin Yinze understood the desire in Jirou's eyes this time: "Little aunt, it's me who should do it."

Qin Yinze insists on taking care of Ji Rou personally. Firstly, he is worried about Qin Xiaobao, for fear that Qin Xiaobao, a fast-talking person, will accidentally spill the beans. Secondly, he is really reluctant to leave her alone.

Ji Rou smiled sweetly: "Well, let Qin Yinze come. He usually spends a lot of time sick, and I always take care of him. This time it's my turn to be sick, so he should take care of me."

"There's no one like you who seems to be looking forward to getting sick." The more Ji Rou laughs heartlessly, the more Qin Yinze is afraid that she won't be able to withstand the blow after knowing the truth.

"You don't want to take care of me?"

"Sit tight, open your mouth, and drink soup." Qin Yinze said with a calm face.

"You are mean to me again." Although she was dissatisfied with the look he gave her, Jirou still opened her mouth obediently and enjoyed him feeding her soup in person.

Although he was a big man and his movements were clumsy, she could still feel his tenderness towards her. After taking two sips, Ji Rou raised her head and smiled at him: "Master Qin, thank you."

"Don't talk too much, just drink the soup."


doctor's office.

Ji Rou's attending doctor said to Qin Yinze seriously: "Mr. Qin, what caused Miss Ji's miscarriage this time was not entirely the impact of the roller coaster. It was related to the traditional Chinese medicine she had taken for a long time."

Qin Yinze froze and looked at the doctor with sharp eyes: "What do you mean? Tell me clearly."

The doctor handed the examination list to Qin Yinze's hand: "Has Miss Ji been taking Chinese medicine for a long time?"

"Yes." Qin Yinze nodded. When he saw the test results, his hand holding the list was trembling slightly. "Because she is in poor health, the doctor convinced her that Chinese medicine can slowly regulate her body."

The doctor added: "The Chinese medicine that Miss Ji took was supposed to have a conditioning effect on her body. However, one of these Chinese medicines is called Sanleng. Sanleng is what ordinary people take to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, but pregnant women take it." It will lead to miscarriage.”

"Sanleng?" Qin Yinze has personally read the prescription prescribed by the doctor for Ji Rou. He has checked the efficacy of each flavor one by one. They are all tonics... He is 100% sure that he has not seen Sanleng in the prescription. Taste medicine.

Could it be...

Qin Yinze instantly thought of the key to the matter and clenched his hands into fists. Damn it, he was so cautious. He didn't expect that Jirou's medicine had been tampered with.

The doctor added: "Mr. Qin, it was not easy for Miss Ji to get pregnant in the first place, and this miscarriage has done great harm to her. She will probably not have the chance to be a mother again in the future."

Qin Yinze was so excited that he grabbed the doctor's collar and roared with red eyes: "What did you say? Say it again."

The doctor is an experienced old doctor. He usually sees family members of patients who make trouble in various ways, including those who want to chop people with knives. She is not very afraid of Qin Yinze: "Mr. Qin, Miss Ji's condition has improved." That’s it, no matter how excited you are, it won’t help. Besides, does a woman only have the function of giving birth to children? If she can’t have children in the future, will you not want her?”

"What nonsense are you talking about? She is my Qin Yinze's wife no matter whether she can give birth to a child or not. This is a fact that no one can change." Qin Yinze is not worried about whether they can have children in the future, he is worried about Ji Rou Can you accept such a heavy blow?

In this life, as long as he has Jirou, he doesn't care whether he has children or not. But whether Ji Rou has children and whether she can have children are completely different concepts.

The doctor added: "Since you think so, then I will tell you the truth. It is not completely impossible for Miss Ji to have another chance to be a mother, but the chance of miscarriage after pregnancy is also increased. If you really care for her Well, I suggest you don’t have any more children.”

Qin Yinze let go of the doctor, and in an instant he felt that all the strength in his body had been drained.

He didn't even know how he walked out of the doctor's office. He stood alone in the corridor for a long time. After balancing his emotions, he contacted Chu Yuan: "Chu Yuan, go find Aunt Qiao and give her this time to Jirou." Find the Chinese medicines that have been taken and those that have not yet been taken, and bring them all to Jiangbei."

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