My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1358: Extra chapter, I have thick skin and strong skin

Chapter 1359: Extra chapter, I have thick skin and strong skin

Chu Yuan was trying his best to find the murderer of Dr. Tong. He had just found a strong clue and was about to report the situation to his master. Unexpectedly, his master called. Before he could report the situation, his master hung up again.

Chu Yuan guessed that something happened to Jirou again. Only if something happened to Ji Rou would their master be so anxious.

Chu Yuan has been with Qin Yinze for so many years. He knows Qin Yinze's character very well. At this time, even if there are big things, he has to slow down. The most important thing is to deal with Ji Rou's matters first.

Pengshan was also there. Seeing that Chu Yuan's face was not very good, he said casually: "The murderer has been found, and Xiang Lingfeng has also been found. This is good news. Why do you have such a dark face?"

Sometimes Chu Yuan doesn't like Pengshan. He knows that he can't mess with his master at this time, but Pengshan doesn't know: "The master has asked me to do other things. You are fully responsible for Xiang Lingfeng's affairs. You can call me." Report the situation to the master."

Pengshan, who didn't know anything about it, said happily: "I'll call sir right now."

Chu Yuan smiled: "You go ahead and fight. I'll take the first step."

Two months ago, after Qin Yinze learned that Ji Rou had difficulty in conceiving and that she was likely to have a miscarriage after conception, he had always taken contraceptive measures. The only time was when Ji Rou was about to leave. He was furious. The next time he had her, that was the only time he didn't take any contraceptive measures, so he let her get pregnant.

Counting the days, it has only been two weeks so far. The time for Ji Rou to conceive is still very short, so short that she has no pregnancy reaction, so she does not realize that she is pregnant. But before she knew she was pregnant, the child had already left her.

Every time he thought about it, Qin Yinze's heart felt as painful as a knife... But at this moment, his cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang, interrupting his thoughts. When he saw that the caller was Pengshan, he frowned. I have the urge to kill.

Pengshan had better bring him good news, otherwise he would have to let that elm-headed man spend a few days squatting in an ice cellar: "What's the matter?"

Pengshan said excitedly: "Sir, we have found Xiang Lingfeng. We also found out that Dr. Tong's death was caused by Xiang Lingfeng."

"Xiang Lingfeng?" Qin Yinze read these three words slowly. No wonder Pengshan and others couldn't find the murderer of Dr. Tong after searching for so long. It turned out that the murderer was Xiang Lingfeng who they thought was dead.

A person they thought had been dead for a long time, naturally no one thought that he would come back to life and commit a murder.

Pengshan added: "Sir, you can't guess where Xiang Lingfeng lives now?"

Qin Yinze raised his eyebrows: "You want me to guess? Pengshan, I think you want to eat shit."

"Sir, I dare not let you guess. The reason why we can't find Xiang Lingfeng is because he is hiding upstairs in Miss Ji's house. Miss Ji lives on the 16th floor, and the room he rents is on the 18th floor. Floor, in the same unit. "Pengshan was aggrieved. He didn't dare to let his master guess. He just felt that he had solved such a big case and wanted to get a few nice words from his master.

"Xiang Lingfeng lives upstairs in Jirou's house." Qin Yinze took a breath when he heard the news. It seemed that Xiang Lingfeng came prepared this time and came to settle accounts with him.

Pengshan nodded: "Yes, Xiang Lingfeng lives upstairs in Miss Ji's house, and Xie Meimei lives with him. But we haven't alerted the snake yet, and everything will be at your command."

"You arrange for someone to go there immediately... No, you go pick up Ji Rou's mother in person and take her to the Xishan Villa to settle down." Xiang Lingfeng returned with full of hatred. If he could kill Dr. Tong, then he might also do something to others. Someone is ruthless, Jirou's mother is in danger now that Jirou is gone.

Pengshan rarely used his brain to think about things: "Sir, if we pick up Mrs. Ji now, will Xiang Lingfeng notice?"

Qin Yinze: "What can he do if he notices it?"

Pengshan felt that his master made sense: "Okay, I'll go pick him up right away."

"Send someone to keep an eye on Xiang Lingfeng 24 hours a day. Remember to keep an eye on him and not hurt him." Qin Yinze always remembers Ji Rou's request, and she asked him not to hurt Xiang Lingfeng.

If he did something to hurt Xiang Lingfeng, Ji Rou would never forgive him this time.

Qin Yinze didn't tell Jirou anything, but Jirou still knew what happened. She was not a little girl who didn't understand anything. She knew what her body's reaction meant, but she still pretended not to know.

Since Qin Yinze doesn't want her to know or worry, then she doesn't know anything, and she doesn't want him to worry, so he should feel better.

She could see that Qin Yinze's eyes were full of self-blame when he looked at her these two days. He must be blaming himself for failing to protect her. In fact, how could she blame him? It was obvious that she was stupid. She didn't even know she was pregnant and still participated in such exciting sports.

Just as he was thinking about it, Qin Yinze pushed the door open and came in. Ji Rou quickly put her mind back together and looked at him with a smile: "Master Qin, your work is done."

"Well." Qin Yinze walked up to her, probed her forehead, and pulled the quilt to cover her. "If you feel uncomfortable in any way, you must tell me or the doctor."

Jirou touched her belly: "I'm hungry and want to eat something delicious."

Qin Yinze said: "Ranran just called and said that she is on the way with the soup made by her mother and will be there in a moment. Do you want to eat something else to fill your stomach first?"

Ji Rou looked at the table next to her, which was full of fruits: "Qin Yinze, I want to eat longan, peel it and feed it to me."

"Okay." Qin Yinze took the longan and peeled it for her without saying a word.

Qin Yinze peeled it and fed it to her mouth. She ate one and pointed to the orange over there: "Qin Yinze, I don't want to eat longan anymore. I want to eat oranges."

"Okay." He took another orange and cut it for her. After he cut it, Jirou didn't want to eat the orange anymore, "Qin Yinze, I don't want to eat oranges anymore. I want to drink boiled water. It can't be too hot or too cold. "

"Is she uncomfortable somewhere?" She was acting so nonsense. Not only did he not hurt her, but he was also worried about whether she was uncomfortable somewhere, which made Jirou feel uncomfortable. "Qin Yinze, what's the big deal about such a small thing? I still worry about it." Can't die."

Isn't it just that a child was aborted? What's the big deal? They are both still very young. What they want in the future is opportunities. He shouldn't act as if she is going to die.

When he heard her say this, Qin Yinze's face darkened: "Jirou, don't talk nonsense!"

Ji Rou doesn't like Qin Yinze being like this. She really has nothing to do with her, but he is still nervous: "Qin Yinze, let me tell you, before I met you, I got injured a lot in fights. There is no need to see a doctor after the injury. Just take a nap and be full of energy the next day. I, Jirou, am not a fragile magnetic doll. I am much stronger than you think."

Ji Rou stretched out her arm and waved it in front of Qin Yinze's eyes: "Look, my skin is thick and strong. I never take it to heart about minor injuries and pain."

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