My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1359: Extra chapter, I like you like this

Chapter 1360: Extra chapter, I like you like this

Qin Yinze grabbed her shaking hand, pulled her into his arms, and called her name in a low voice: "Jirou, Jirou..."

His body was stronger than hers, and his strength was also great. When he held her, he was so strong that he felt like he was going to rub her into her bones and blood. It was so tight that Jirou could hardly breathe.

But Jirou didn't struggle. She understood that he felt very uncomfortable. If it made him feel better, she was willing to let him hold her like this.

After a long time, he slowly let go of her and looked at her eyes full of worry: "Jirou..."

"Qin Yinze, I'm really fine, don't worry." Ji Rou gave him a sweet smile, grabbed his hand and raised it to her face, "Look, I've gained a lot of weight in the past two days. .”

He pinched her face and said, "Well, she seems a little fatter."

"But you have lost weight." Jirou moved to the bed, "Qin Yinze, come up and lie with me for a while. I can't sleep alone. If you hold me, I might sleep better."

She had been in the hospital for two days, and he had been by the bedside for two days. He had not been able to sleep well, and his eyes were red. If it continued like this, he would not be able to bear it.

"Ranran will be here soon, you can eat and then sleep."

"How about you take a nap first."

"I am not sleepy."

"You have dark circles under your eyes. If you don't sleep, you will become even uglier. Be careful, I will dislike you and don't want you anymore." She used her trump card to force him to submit.

"you dare!"

"If you don't sleep obediently, do you think I dare?" Ji Rou took his hand and said softly, "Qin Yinze, not only will you feel sorry for me, but I will also feel sorry for you if you are sick. . If you don’t want me to feel bad, you’d better listen to me.”

"Wait a little longer. After dinner, I will lie down with you for a while."

"Then let's make an agreement first. You must sleep for a while, or I won't eat."

"Okay." He smiled, "I'll do whatever you want."

Ji Rou is also satisfied: "This is so good."

At Qin Yinze's forced request, Ji Rou stayed in the hospital for seven days. She felt like she was almost a cripple before Qin Yinze allowed her to be discharged from the hospital.

Before leaving the hospital, Jirou went to the bathroom to wash up, changed out of the hospital gown she had worn for seven days, and put on the beautiful long dress Qin Yinze prepared for her: "Qin Yinze, are you sure I will wear it?" Does this look good?"

Jirou's previous outfits were all neutral, with mostly denim in her wardrobe. This was the first time she wore such a feminine skirt. The light blue long skirt looked good, but she always felt awkward wearing it on her body.

"Very... very beautiful." Not only was she beautiful, Ji Rou also really surprised Qin Yinze when she came out of the bathroom. He was dumbfounded when he looked at her.

Her long hair was casually tied into a bun, revealing her smooth and plump forehead. The long skirt has a small V-neck, which also exposes her fair neck, making her look more feminine and feminine than a boy's.

"You didn't even look at me seriously and just said it looked good. It seemed very perfunctory at first glance." Ji Rou glanced at him and said, "How about I change my clothes? I feel so awkward wearing this."

She was not awkward, but shy. Qin Yinze hugged her and kissed her: "You look really good like this. Change it later and let me see you like this again."

Not to mention Jirou's awkward dress, Qin Yinze also had selfish motives. He felt that such a beautiful Jirou could only be seen by him, and no one else could see her beauty, so he decided to hide her beauty.

"You didn't like me before." Ji Rou had a temper again, "Qin Yinze, no matter what I am, you must dislike me, otherwise I will never be done with you."

"Aze, are you bullying Xiaorou again?" When Qin Xiaobao's voice came, she had already broken into the ward and saw that this long skirt outlined Jirou's good figure, "Little girl , I can’t tell it usually, but you look quite good at it.”

"Little aunt..." Ji Rou was so shy that she got into Qin Yinze's arms and hid, beating his chest, "Qin Yinze, hurry up and bring me other clothes. I'm going to change. "

"Little girl, it's a waste to buy such a beautiful dress and not wear it." Qin Xiaobao came over, "Just wear this, and let your mother and Ranran see it later."

"What are we looking at?" Jianran and Qin leran also arrived. As soon as they entered the door, they heard their little aunt talking about themselves. Qin leran also came over. Seeing Ji Rou's outfit, she couldn't help but admire, "Xiaorou , you are so beautiful!”

Ji Rou has never been so embarrassed. Her face is so red that it's almost bleeding. She turns around and hides in the bathroom. "Qin Yinze, bring me the clothes."

Jian Ran couldn't help but laugh: "Our Xiaorou is already married, I didn't expect to be so shy."

Jirou: "..."

It's all Qin Yinze's fault. If he had said earlier that all the ladies at home would come to pick her up from the hospital, even if he beat her to death, she wouldn't wear such an awkward skirt and let everyone laugh at her.

Qin Yinze found Jirou's usual clothes and gave them to her. He also told everyone: "Don't laugh at her. If you laugh at her again, she will probably hide in the bathroom and refuse to come out to see people today."

Ji Rou poked half of her head out of the bathroom: "Qin Yinze, don't talk nonsense."

Qin Yinze: "Look, the fierceness is revealed."

Jian Ran also said: "Okay, don't say anything anymore, let Xiaorou put on her clothes quickly, and we will take her home together."

All the ladies in the family came to the hospital to pick up Jirou. It was so grand that it seemed that she was not having a miscarriage, but giving birth to a big fat boy for the Qin family, so everyone came to pick her up and take her home.

It was obviously her fault that the Qin family's first great-grandson was gone, but no one blamed her, and everyone helped Qin Yinze hide her, which made her deeply uneasy.

On the way home, Jirou chatted and laughed with everyone, but she was panicking inside. The better the Qin family treated her, the more she felt sorry for her. She must work hard to get pregnant again and give the Qin family a baby. Big fat boy.

"Xiaorou, you must be bored out of your mind after staying in the hospital for so many days. I have discussed it with my mother and aunt, and the four of us will go out together for two days tomorrow. Instead of them men, just us ladies will go together. "Qin leran holds Ji Rou's hand, "What do you think?"

"I have no problem." Ji Rou glanced at Qin Yinze quietly, "As long as Qin Yinze doesn't care about me, I can go anywhere."

Qin Xiaobao said: "With us here to support you, how can he dare to control you?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

He knew that in the Qin family, women had the highest status, but in front of his new wife, could she, as an elder, give him some face? Otherwise, how would he establish authority in front of his wife in the future?

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