My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1365 Extra chapter, everyone is here

Chapter 1366: Extra chapter, everyone is here

Qin Yinze understood that his father did not want him to come back to work, but wanted to put some of Shengtian's properties in his hands and let him manage them, so that he would not regard himself as an outsider.

In fact, he stopped showing himself to outsiders a long time ago. He left Shengtian's work alone, not because he was afraid of other people's criticism, but because he wanted to prove his ability.

He also wants his family to know that even if Shengtian is gone one day, everyone doesn't have to worry, they still have him, and he has the ability to make the whole family live a good life.

Not to mention himself, the same goes for his mother Jian Ran. After so many years, her mother has never given up her job. She also has her own studio and can make money.

He wanted his mother to insist on working. In addition to her love of design, she also wanted to give her father a small amount of support. Even if she didn't make as much money as his father, she was also using practical actions to tell her father that if anything happens to him, Tian wants to rest and doesn't want to take care of Sheng Tian anymore, but it doesn't matter, his father still has them.

After thinking about it carefully, Qin Yinze said: "Dad, you are here in Shengtian, and the generals you personally trained are here. I think whether I come back or not will have little impact on Shengtian."

Qin Yue looked at Qin Yinze: "So, you are unwilling to take over Shengtian's business?"

Qin Yinze said: "Dad, I came to the Qin family when I was eleven years old. It has been more than ten years now. I have grown up and can stand on my own. Of course, if you hadn't given me the best life, If you hadn’t given me the best learning conditions, if you hadn’t given me the best of everything, I would never be where I am now.”

"It is precisely because you have given me so much, and I always remember how good you are to me, that I cannot bear the heavy burden of Shengtian. I think it is better to wait until Xiaojian grows up, and you can leave it to him. .”

In Qin Yinze's opinion, he has gained too much from the Qin family, but Shengtian was created by the Qin family, so he still feels that it is most appropriate to leave it to Qin Yinjian. Qin Yinze is the real successor of the Qin family. No one will have anything to say if Shengtian is handed over to Qin Yinjian.

Qin Yue said nothing because before talking to Qin Yinze, he had already thought about the possibility of such a result.

Qin Yinze said again: "Dad, if one day you need me, this family needs me, Shengtian needs me, I will come back as soon as possible without you saying it. But now, please continue to give me freedom , let me let go and fight for my own world."

How could Qin Yue not understand Qin Yinze's intentions? He stood up and patted Qin Yinze on the shoulder: "No matter where you go, you will always be my Qin Yue's son."

Qin Yinze smiled: "Dad, of course."

This is the leader of Shengtian, his father, and the role model for him to learn from throughout his life.

The women on vacation at Bihai Villa never expected that they would not only be waiting for Qin leran, but also all the male compatriots of the Qin family who had not come, including Qin Yue of course.

Seeing their arrival, the most speechless person was Jian Ran. Didn't he agree to let her play outside for two days before going out? He chased her so quickly. Was he worried that she would be abducted by others or something?

Qin Yue naturally gave Jian Ran a reasonable answer: "The Spring Festival is in a few days, and the company employees will have a holiday in two days. As a boss, there is nothing wrong with me taking a two-day holiday first."

Jian Ran smiled and said, "Well, whatever our President Qin says is right."

Qin Xiaobao is not happy when Qin Yue comes. With him here, she has to think about the consequences of everything she does, otherwise she will definitely be locked up in the dark room again when she goes back. But fortunately, Zhan Nianbei is also here. She was more happy.

Zhan Nianbei didn't take the initiative to talk to her after he arrived. Qin Xiaobao couldn't help it and squeezed in next to Zhan Nianbei and sat down: "Old man Zhan, you left early yesterday and didn't come to see me off in the morning. Now you're here. , what do you mean if you don’t talk to me yet?”

Zhan Nianbei glanced at her: "There are so many things in the military region, do you think you can handle them without spending time?"

It turned out that he was not angry with her when he was busy going back, but went to deal with business matters. Hearing this, Qin Xiaobao's heart warmed: "Then you should also tell me. You made me think you were angry with me. Woolen cloth."

Zhan Nianbei: "When have you ever cared whether I was angry with you or not?"

Anyway, no matter how angry he was, he would still do what she decided. He was too lazy to argue with a little woman like her.

Qin Xiaobao laughed in his arms: "Zhan Nianbei, who made me your wife? If you don't let me, how can I expect other men to let me."

At the end of the war, he interrupted them inappropriately: "Brother Jian, the dog food is going to start spreading here again. Do you want to go out with me for a walk? After all, the beautiful scenery outside is much prettier than here."

Just after Zhan Li finished speaking, Qin Xiaobao kicked him on the butt: "Smelly boy, if I didn't tell your dad to give you shit, do you think you jumped out of the cracks in the rocks?"

At the end of the war, he touched his little butt that was kicked with great grievance, and ran away quickly: "You continue to play with each other, and if you have the ability, give me a younger brother or sister to come out and play with."

Qin Xiaobao: "You think I can't let it out."

It's strange to say that they haven't taken any measures in these years, and for some reason, she has never gotten pregnant unexpectedly. Is there something wrong with her?

She looked up at Zhan Nianbei. Maybe it was his problem. After all, he was twelve years older than her. Now that he was older, the chance of the seeds taking root and sprouting was smaller.

Little did she know that Zhan Nianbei had learned from his brother-in-law to perform ligation surgery early in order to prevent her from being tortured again. If Qin Xiaobao could still get pregnant, he would chop her with a knife.

Zhan Limo ran and said, "If you can, let it out and see. If you can't let it out, don't yell at me here."

"You brat, wait for me." Qin Xiaobao said and was about to catch up. As soon as he got up, Zhan Nianbei grabbed him back. "You are also a mother after all. Can you calm down?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Zhan Nianbei, how dare you dislike me!"

Zhan Nianbei: "Qin Xiaobao, if you don't shut up, I will throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

Qin Xiaobao: "Come on."

Qin Yue: "If you want to make a quarrel, go back to the room and make a quarrel."

Qin Xiaobao was instantly frightened and hid beside Zhan Nianbei. He didn't dare to speak loudly anymore, but he still couldn't bear to mutter: "You are so mean to me, you have the ability to be mean to my sister-in-law."

Whenever this happens, Jian Ran has to stand up and clean up the mess. She suggested: "Since everyone is here, let's have a small bonfire party tonight."

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