My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1366 Extra chapter, barbecue episode

Chapter 1367: Extra chapter, barbecue episode

Qin Yue would naturally not object to Jian Ran's proposal, whether it was good or not. Qin Yue would not object, and Qin Xiaobao had no guts to object.

As for other people's opinions, Jian Ran still wants to hear them: "Xiaorou, Ranran, what do you think?"

Qin lelan raised his hands in agreement: "Mom, this is a good idea. Brother lie and I like it both."

"Yeah, I like it too." Although she had attended many bonfire parties before, this time she was with the Qin family, and Ji Rou was still looking forward to it. She looked at Qin Yinze again, "What about you?"

Qin Yinze said: "As long as you like it."

Ji Rou gave him ninety-nine points for this answer. I also know that I have given her face in front of her family. She has made great progress and is worthy of praise.

"Okay, then it's settled. Give me a list of what you want to eat, and I'll have people prepare barbecue tools." After asking the ladies at home, Jian Ran didn't want to ask the men anymore, because their female companions Everyone agreed, so the men naturally had no say.

"Jian Ran, I'll take care of this, and you can play with everyone." Jian Ran is always preparing for anything at home. Qin Yue feels sorry for her hard work, so naturally he can't bear to have her busy all alone.

"No, I'll just prepare." Usually there isn't much for her to do at home, so for Jian Ran, being busy taking care of her family is a happy thing.

"Dad, don't feel bad for mom, and us too. How can we watch her get tired alone." Qin lelan smiled, "little aunt, don't you think so?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Well, brother, don't worry about sister-in-law, there are still us."

Can she say no?

She didn't want to be busy with these miscellaneous things at all. She just wanted to stick to Zhan Nianbei and follow him wherever Zhan Nianbei went, but she didn't dare because her brother was watching her.

Ji Rou also joined in enthusiastically: "Well, there's me too."

Qin Yinze looked at her and questioned: "You?"

Jirou pinched him quickly and warned him to shut up. If he dared to reveal what she didn't know how to do in front of the Qin family, she would make him miserable.

Jian Ran said: "What's wrong with Xiaorou?"

Ji Rou glared at Qin Yinze. Qin Yinze knew what to say: "Mom, if she wants to help, let her help." As for whether it will be a disservice, it may depend on her aunt's mood.

Jian Ran smiled and said: "Okay, let's get ready now. But Aze, don't forget to call your grandpa and ask him when he will come home. We will pick him up then."

Qin Yinze nodded: "Okay."

Qin Yinze was unconscious when he first came home. He hasn't seen his grandpa since he woke up. He was too busy with Ji Rou's affairs a few days ago to call his grandpa. Now that he is free, he should spend time with his grandpa. Made a phone call.

Grandpa and grandma have a good relationship. He heard Qin Yinjian say that after grandma left, grandpa became silent a lot. Grandpa must have missed grandma very much when he was alone.

At this time, they, as juniors, must spend more time with their grandfather.

Because it was the first Qin family gathering, Ji Rou was eager to show off, but the more eager she was, the more chaos she would cause. The chicken wings grilled by others were all golden, but she was grilled into black charcoal.

She looked at her masterpiece dejectedly. Everyone in the Qin family was so outstanding, but she couldn't even grill well. How could she become a member of the Qin family like this?

At the critical moment, Qin Yinze handed her a steel fork with chicken wings on it, then held her hand and taught her patiently: "You have to be patient when grilling, and the heat must be just right. If you are in a hurry, you may If it’s not cooked properly, it may get burned if you go too slow. Turn it slowly and apply some oil on it from time to time.”

The dignified young master of the Qin family, Ji Rou has never seen him in the kitchen, but he is very skilled at doing this kind of thing, as if he has done it often before: "Have you often barbecued before?"

"Barbecuing is so simple. You can do it once you see it. You don't need to use it often." Qin Yinze despised her hands-on ability, but he still taught her how to grill it carefully.

Ji Rou gritted her teeth: "..."

Huh, isn't it just that she has grilled barbecue? What's so great about it? She must be better at grilling than him.

Qin Yinze quickly bit her earlobe and whispered: "Don't accept it?"

Everyone was sitting together, and he actually bit her. Ji Rou blushed with guilt and looked up at everyone quietly. Fortunately, everyone was busy grilling and no one paid attention to them.

She quietly replied to Qin Yinze: "Bad guy!"

Qin Yinze said softly: "This is bad. What about when I love you?"

He said such ambiguous words regardless of the occasion, and Ji Rou wanted to hit him.

Fortunately, his voice was so low that only she could hear him.

Jirou touched her face and tried to calm down her emotions, then she concentrated on learning barbecue from Qin Yinze.

Under Qin Yinze's patient guidance, Jirou finally baked a decent chicken wing. She was so happy that she wanted to clap her hands and applaud. Unexpectedly, when she looked up, she saw that her family's eyes were all on her, and she was so ashamed that her face turned red again. One red.

Jirou quickly patted her face, trying to cover up the fact that she was blushing again: "Auntie, little auntie, why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face?"

Qin Xiaobao didn't care whether Ji Rou was shy or not, he joked: "Xiaorou, I'm so envious when I see Aze teaching you how to bake barbecue step by step. Aze, when will you be able to teach my little aunt like this?"

Ji Rou quickly handed the baked chicken wings to Qin Xiaobao: "Little aunt, please eat the first chicken wings I baked."

Qin Xiaobao: "You want to shut me up in this way."

Jirou: "No, I just want to eat it for you first. I will bake one for auntie."

"Xiaobao, Xiaorou is thin, so don't laugh at her." Jian Ran put her baked chicken wings into Jirou's bowl, "Xiaorou, I baked these for you, you eat them first."

"Thank you, Auntie!" Jirou felt a cold gaze staring at the chicken wing in her bowl. She looked up based on her feeling, and sure enough she saw someone staring closely at the chicken wing in her bowl.

This person is none other than Qin Yue, the helmsman of Shengtian who is so cold that he can hardly be heard talking. It seemed that the aloof CEO Qin was not satisfied with his wife's roasted chicken wings ending up in someone else's bowl.

After understanding where this cold look came from, Jirou suddenly felt that the chicken wing in her bowl was no longer a chicken wing, but a hot potato.

Being looked at by two cold eyes, Ji Rou felt that she would definitely have indigestion if she ate this chicken wing. Fortunately, she reacted very quickly and quickly used clean chopsticks to send the chicken wings to Qin Yue's bowl: "Uncle , Auntie baked it, you should eat it first."

Well, the chicken wings were delivered, and those two oppressive glances disappeared.

Jirou took a big breath quietly.

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