My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1374 Extra chapter, you are doubting me

Chapter 1375: Extra chapter, you are doubting me

Jirou's sudden confession made Qin Yinze stunned, and his brain was blank for a while.

When he came back to his senses, Ji Rou had already stood up: "Qin Yinze, brother Feng hasn't woken up yet. I have to stay with him. I promised him that I would stay with him and wait for him to wake up. .”

He is her man, but she is always thinking about other men. Qin Yinze, who was originally very jealous, his face darkened: "I have also decided that from today on, I will accompany you no matter what you do." you."

Jirou looked at his changed face, feeling helpless and funny: "Qin Yinze, I'm very happy that you can come to Minluo City to accompany me, but I still hope that you can go back to Jiangbei immediately. The weather in Minluo City is too It's not suitable for you to recuperate. If you fall ill, I can't take care of you by myself. Can you bear to see your wife suffer?"

Qin Yinze: "..."

Now that he is back, he naturally has to wait until Jirou returns to Jiangbei together. It is impossible to go back alone first.

Jirou is happy that Qin Yinze can come, and hopes that he can stay with her, but every time she thinks about his physical condition, she is more worried: "New Year's Eve will be in three days, if you don't go back , I will miss the time to reunite with my family. It is not good to be without you at home.”

Qin Yinze said solemnly: "Jirou, don't forget, you are now also a family member recognized by the Qin family. Without you, everyone will miss you."

Ji Rou was helpless: "That's why I want to stay with Brother Feng, hoping that he can wake up soon. After Brother Feng's injury is healed, I can do what I want to do with peace of mind."

Qin Yinze was jealous and said, "Who knows what you are thinking."

Ji Rou: "All I think about is you."

Qin Yinze: "..."

This woman's brain is getting better and better, and she knows what to say to make him unable to resist.

Jirou hugged his arm and said coquettishly: "Young Master Qin, just listen to my advice and go back to Jiangbei first."

Qin Yinze took her hand away and walked out: "The doctor I contacted has arrived. Let them check on Xiang Lingfeng's condition. After understanding the situation, we will talk about the two of us."

Ji Rou grabbed him: "But Xie Meimei believes that you are the murderer who hurt Brother Feng. She will not agree to the doctor you brought to treat Brother Feng. We should first find a way to get her to agree to the doctor you contacted to treat Brother Feng." Brother, take a look.”

Qin Yinze: "She has agreed."

Ji Rou couldn't believe it: "Xie Meimei has agreed? We have been together since you brought up this matter just now, and I didn't hear Xie Meimei agree. Qin Yinze, this kind of thing cannot be done randomly, you must not mess."

Qin Yinze: "She doesn't need to say anything, because she has already signed the hospital surgery confirmation."

Ji Rou: "When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

Qin Yinze: "yesterday."

Ji Rou was even more confused: "You didn't meet Xie Meimei yesterday, right? Why did you let her agree?"

Qin Yinze: "I asked the hospital to get her autograph yesterday."

Ji Rou feels that she finally understands: "You mean, the expert you are looking for is from this hospital?"

Qin Yinze said happily: "You still know how to think about things with your head, but the person I am looking for is not from this hospital. Instead, I used the name of this hospital to invite several well-known experts in the industry to come and help."

This time, Ji Rou really understood. It turned out that Qin Yinze used his own connections to invite experts, but in name he was hired by the hospital. Such well-known experts in the industry cannot be found in many hospitals. If someone offers them to them, they will naturally accept them happily.

Since it was an expert consultation invited in the name of the hospital, Xie Meimei's consent was naturally not needed.

Qin Yinze holds the stunned Jirou's hand: "the doctors are having a meeting, let's go and observe."

Jirou nodded stupidly: "Oh, okay."

Qin Yinze took Ji Rou to a monitoring room. In the monitored room, the doctor contacted by Qin Yinze and Xiang Lingfeng's attending doctor were communicating about Xiang Lingfeng's condition.

"Qin Yinze, did you invite the two doctors on the left?" Ji Rou pointed to the people in white coats on the left side of the surveillance screen. "These two people seem to be very experienced."

"Shh -" Qin Yinze made a silent gesture and said softly, "Don't make any noise yet. Listen carefully to what they say?"

The two doctors Qin Yinze contacted, the older one surnamed Liu, and the younger one surnamed Hu, are both very famous experts in the industry. They will definitely be helpful to Xiang Lingfeng's situation.

Doctor Liu spoke: "Dr. Li, please tell us about Xiang Lingfeng's injury."

Dr. Li asked his assistant to send a report to everyone here: "Professor Liu, you have the report on Xiang Lingfeng's injury. I just want to say one thing, is he still alive after being so seriously injured? , this is the only case I have seen in my nearly 40 years of medical practice.”

This is the only case I have seen in my nearly 40 years of practicing medicine that someone could survive such a serious injury.

Hearing Dr. Li's words, Ji Rou felt her heart hurt hard. She seemed to feel Brother Feng's pain. If she could, she really wanted to feel the pain for Brother Feng.

Qin Yinze grabbed her hand in time, motioned her not to worry and asked her to continue listening, but Ji Rou couldn't hear a word of what the doctor said later.

Who is the murderer?

Why do you want to kill Xiang Lingfeng again and again?

Could it be Ji Chendong again?

But Ji Chendong has been imprisoned, and his remaining forces have been eliminated. What ability does Ji Chendong have to inflict such serious injuries on Xiang Lingfeng?

If it wasn't Ji Chendong, who else could it be?

At this time, Xie Meimei's roar suddenly sounded in Jirou's mind: "Jirou, I hope you can tell me frankly that you did not tell Qin Yinze that Senior Feng was still alive. Just pretend to be righteous. Say it rightly."

Thinking of Xie Meimei's words, Jirou looked up slightly and looked at Qin Yinze, carefully observing every subtle change in his expression. Because he was so absorbed in looking at it, Qin Yinze noticed it. He turned back to look at her: "Why? Looking at me like this?"

"Qin Yinze..." When calling his name, Qin Yinze hesitated, "Ji Chendong has been imprisoned for a long time, and his power has been eliminated by you. Who do you think the murderer will be this time?"

"Jirou, you are doubting me!" Qin Yinze used not questions but affirmative sentences and a positive tone, because he had just confirmed that he saw the seeds of doubt in Jirou's eyes.

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