My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1375: Extra chapter, who has a motive?

Chapter 1376: Extra chapter, who has a motive?

"I..." Ji Rou wanted to say no, but she couldn't say it, because at that moment she really suspected that Qin Yinze was the murderer who hurt Brother Feng this time.

She obviously believed in Qin Yinze, but she didn't know why she doubted him at that moment. Maybe it was Xie Meimei's words that affected her brain waves.

"Jirou, do you know that your silence is equivalent to you stabbing my chest with a knife?" Qin Yinze grabbed her hand and put it at the heart, "My heart is also fleshy. , will also be injured.”

"Qin Yinze, yes, I'm sorry!" Ji Rou avoided his hurt gaze, "Just now I couldn't think of who would hurt Brother Feng. Xie Meimei's words suddenly jumped into my mind, and I was confused and thought about you. .”

Qin Yinze concealed his hurt eyes, stood up and walked away without saying a word.

Jirou: "..."

Jirou resisted the urge to chase him out, because even if she caught him, she didn't know how to explain to him. It was true that she suspected him, and she couldn't explain it to him.

In the conference room, several doctors were still discussing Xiang Lingfeng's condition. After a long discussion, they came to a conclusion. The conclusion was that the two experts needed to see the specific situation in person.

After discussing for most of a day, they did not come up with a real result, and Jirou did not hear a reason. She felt that there was no need to listen anymore.

When Ji Rou came out of the monitoring room, she didn't see Qin Yinze. Instead, the prince poked his head in the side and said furtively: "Boss, come to the rooftop with me. I have something to tell you."

Because Jirou was worried about Qin Yinze, she had no patience to listen to the prince's words: "If you have something to say that you can't say here, you still have to ask me to the rooftop. Do you have a cramp?"

"Boss, don't ask so many questions first. I'll take a step first. Come and follow me quickly. You must follow me, or you will regret it." After leaving the words, the prince turned and ran away.

Jirou knows the prince well, and he will never joke with her at this time, so she follows her hurriedly, and when she gets to the rooftop, she sees not only the prince, but also the monkey: "You two want to play with me today." Dao?"

The prince said: "Boss, Qin Yinze is in the hospital and may appear next to you at any time. We have no way to approach you alone, so we thought of this method."

Seeing the serious faces of the prince and the monkey, Ji Rou felt vaguely uneasy: "You two, just say what you want to say quickly, don't let your mother-in-law procrastinate. I have to go to accompany Brother Feng, and I don't have time to be here with you. Chatting."

The prince gave the monkey a look, and the monkey handed an envelope to Ji Rou: "Boss, there are two photos here. Take a good look at them. After reading them, we will express our opinions."

Jirou opened the envelope, and there were indeed two photos inside. One was a photo of Brother Feng being hit by a car, and the other was a photo of Pengshan standing next to the injured Brother Feng, looking eerily at the person lying in a pool of blood. Brother Feng in there.

"It turns out that Brother Feng was so seriously injured at the time. No wonder the doctor said this was the most seriously injured person he had ever seen in his 40 years of medical practice who could still survive." Seeing these two photos, Ji Rou felt distressed and panicked. "Why is Pengshan next to the injured brother Feng?"

The prince said: "Boss, why do you think Pengshan is beside the injured Senior Feng?"

Jirou doesn't want to think about the bad things: "No, no..."

The monkey then said: "Boss, the prince and I also thought that Young Master Qin really liked you, and you would be happy with him. We never thought that he was the one behind the injury to Senior Feng."

Jirou angrily scolded: "Monkey, don't talk nonsense!"

The monkey said: "Boss, I also hope that I am talking nonsense, and I also hope that this matter has nothing to do with Young Master Qin, but the evidence is in front of us, how do you expect us to believe him?"

"Just these two photos can prove that Pengshan is the murderer? Even if it can be proved that Pengshan is the murderer, it may not be Qin Yinze who instigated it." Ji Rou didn't want to believe it, but she was still panicked inside. Because she knew very well Pengshan's loyalty to Qin Yinze, and everything Pengshan did was inseparable from Qin Yinze.

The prince added: "Boss, we don't know whether these two photos can prove that Pengshan is the murderer. I think you should know better than the two of us. The most important thing now is that whether Pengshan did it or not, we must Find out the truth."

"Prince, monkey, where did you get these two photos?" Neither of these photos shows Pengshan killing someone, which does not prove that Pengshan is the murderer. Ji Rou quickly calmed down and decided to look at the source of the photos. Check it out. If you find the source of the photo, or find the person who took the photo, you can find the real murderer.

"Xie Meimei gave it to me." The prince answered truthfully, "And we also took the two photos for identification. They are both original photos, not synthesized or processed."

Jirou: "There must be some misunderstanding."

The prince looked at Ji Rou worriedly, "Boss, we all hope that this matter has nothing to do with Young Master Qin, but he has a motive for committing the crime."

Ji Rou asked, "What's the motive?"

"Think about it, he must know that the person you liked before was Senior Feng. Now that Senior Feng is back, he will be worried about you getting back together with Senior Feng." This is what the prince thought when he got these two photos. , and at this time he told Ji Rou his thoughts, "So it's better to kill people and silence them before you know that Senior Feng is still alive. It's just that people are not as good as God. Who knows what they are doing will be caught by others. And took photos.”

After listening to the prince's analysis, Ji Rou is no longer worried: "Prince, after listening to your analysis just now, I am sure that the murderer has nothing to do with Qin Yinze."

The prince was puzzled: "Why?"

Ji Rou said: "Because I have known for a long time that Senior Feng is still alive, and Qin Yinze also knows that I know that Senior Feng is still alive. He also promised me that no matter what happens, as long as his life is not endangered, he will never Hurt Brother Feng.”

The prince said: "He can instruct people to kill people behind your back, and the promises he made to you will definitely not count."

Ji Rou suddenly laughed: "I never thought about this before, but after you made such a fuss today, I think someone deliberately wanted to frame Qin Yinze, and the purpose was to make me believe that Qin Yinze was the murderer. "

Prince and Monkey: "Boss, we just gave you the clues we got. We have never thought about framing Young Master Qin. First, we don't have the ability, second, we don't have the courage, and third, we don't have the motive. ah."

"Yes, you have no ability or courage, and the most important thing is that you have no motive." Ji Rou looked at the gloomy sky and asked, "Then who has this motive?"

When asking this question, a person flashed in Jirou's mind, a person she was very familiar with and trusted - Xiang Lingfeng!

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