My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1392 Extra chapter, coming to Minluo City for the festival

Chapter 1393: Extra chapter, coming to Minluo City for the festival

Just as the car Qin Yinze and Ji Rou were riding in arrived home, a small figure rushed to the car, leaning against the car window and shaking his head: "Brother, sister-in-law, you are finally back!"

It was Zhan Limo's childish voice. Just hearing his voice, Ji Rou felt that she was not that sad anymore. She immediately opened the car door and got out of the car: "Xiao Limo, why are you here?"

"I came here because I missed my brother and sister-in-law." Zhan Limo reached out to hug Jirou, but he was much shorter than Jirou, so he could only hold her waist, "I miss you especially."

Jirou rubbed his little head: "Thank you for missing my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law misses you very much."

At the end of Zhan li's life, he hugged Ji Rou and smelled her body: "sister-in-law, you smell so good!"

Jirou knew that the little guy was teasing her, so she couldn't help but smile: "Thank you for your compliment, little guy!"

Zhan Li said sweetly: "I just told the truth accidentally."

Qin Yinze also got out of the car. If he had seen Zhan Limo hugging his wife like this in the past, he would have taken her away, but today he didn't.

The arrival of this brat at the end of Zhan Li successfully diverted Ji Rou's attention. Today he unintentionally made a great contribution and he should be given a small reward.

With Zhan Limo at his side, Ji Rou completely forgot that there was Qin Yinze behind her, and led Zhan Limo away: "By the way, Xiaoli Mo, are you and Xiaojian sneaking into Minluo City again? "

At the end of the war, he asked instead: "Sister-in-law, tell me first, besides me, who else in the family do you miss?"

Jirou didn't even think about it: "I miss everyone in the family, but like you, I want to see you the most. Because in my heart, Xiao Limo, you are the cutest, most sensible and considerate."

Zhan Limo said with a smile: "So in your heart, sister-in-law, I am more cute and sensible than brother Jian, right?"

Hearing Zhan Limo ask this, Jirou almost nodded and said yes, but soon thought that this little guy was digging a hole for her to jump into again, so she wouldn't be fooled: "In my heart, you are the same as Xiaojian. He is a cute and sensible child.”

After digging a hole and failing to bury Jirou, Zhan Limo pouted: "Sister-in-law, you just said you miss me the most. It seems you lied to me. In fact, you also miss your brother, right?"

Jirou nodded: "Well, I miss everyone in the family. It's just that your brother Jian is more aloof and not as lively as you. I like him, but I don't know how to get along with him."

At the end of the war, he came to the conclusion: "So, sister-in-law, your favorite person is still me."

Jirou: "..."

As long as the little guy is happy, he can think whatever he wants, and there is nothing to lose anyway.

Qin Yinze caught up with them in a few steps, and forcefully took Zhan Limo's hand out of Ji Rou's: "stinky boy, you came so far and didn't even say hello to your brother, so you ignored him. ”

Zhan Limo Nunu mouthed: "Brother, I want my sister-in-law to hold me."

Qin Yinze holds Zhan Limo's hand with one hand and Ji Rou with the other: "You hold me and I hold your sister-in-law. This way you are indirectly holding your sister-in-law."

At the end of the war: "How can this be done?"

Qin Yinze: "I have the final say!"

Zhan Limo: "You always bully the young with your big one, aren't you afraid that I will bully you when I grow up in the future?"

Qin Yinze: "Let's wait until you grow up."

Zhan Limo: "I will be twelve years old in a few months after the Chinese New Year. After I am twelve years old, I will be like Brother Jian, who suddenly grows very tall overnight, and then I am no longer an adult."

Qin Yinze smiled and said: "You think you are a grass planted in the ground, and you want to grow taller overnight."

At the end of Zhan Li: "Brother Jian can do it, why can't I?"

Qin Yinze said: "Your brother Jian is also growing up slowly."

At the end of the war, he wanted to say something, but suddenly his sharp eyes spotted Jian Ran, who was coming to pick them up not far ahead. He hurriedly asked for help: "Auntie, the eldest brother is bullying me again. Please take care of him quickly."

When they heard Zhan Li calling their aunt, Qin Yinze and Ji Rou looked forward at the same time and saw Jian Ran walking towards them with a smile: "Aze, Xiaorou, you are back."

Qin Yinze: "Mom?"

Jirou: "Auntie?"

Jian Ran smiled and said, "Why are you staring so wide? We haven't seen each other for a few days and you don't recognize me anymore?"

Qin Yinze: "No...Mom, it's almost the Spring Festival, why are you here too?"

Jian Ran said gently: "I came here because I wanted to spend the Spring Festival with all my children."

"What about dad?" Based on Qin Yinze's understanding of Qin Yue, if Jian Ran is here, Qin Yue must be here too. He will ask, just to confirm with Jian Ran.

"I'm already here, can your dad not come?" Jianran's answer was exactly what Qin Yinze expected. She walked to Jirou and took Jirou's hand, "Xiaorou, is Aze bullying you again? Why do I feel like you have lost weight again after we haven't seen you for a few days?"

"Auntie, he didn't bully me, it's just that I looked thinner. In fact, I was wearing skin." Ji Rou was surprised and happy to see the elders of the Qin family here.

"Well, it's fine that he didn't bully you. If he bullies you, you must tell me and I will teach him a lesson for you." Jian Ran also knew that her son would not bully her daughter-in-law, but she just wanted her to know. The family will not treat her as an outsider.

"Auntie, you don't want me now that you have your eldest brother and sister-in-law." Seeing that he was once again ignored by the adults, the little Zhan Limo expressed that he was very hurt and pouted.

Jian Ran knocked on his little head: "Little guy, you are not the same. When you got home, you couldn't bear to sit down and ran to the door of the courtyard to wait for your brother and sister-in-law. You also ignored us adults."

At the end of Zhan Li, he immediately hugged Jian Ran and acted coquettishly: "Aunt, I'm not ignoring you, it's because I miss my brother and sister-in-law so much, and I want to see them sooner every minute. Aunt, for the sake of me, I miss my brother and sister-in-law. , you won’t blame me, right?”

Jian Ran said: "It's because I missed them that I forgot about you when I saw them. You won't blame me, right?"

At the end of the war, he only nodded and said, "Yes."

"Brother, Xiaorou..." Not only Jianran and Qin Yue came, but also Qin leran and her brother lie. It was their husband and wife who were walking out of the house at this time.

"Ranran?" Qin Yinze could imagine that his father would come to Minluo City with his mother, but he never expected that his sister and brother-in-law would also come. No, it was not just them.

Other family members appeared later. It's Qin Xiaobao and Qin Yinjian, who always looks like a little adult.

Qin Xiaobao smiled nonchalantly and said, "Aze, our whole family is here, so we won't disturb the little life of you two."

Qin leran said: "little aunt, don't make fun of your brother for now. Let your brother and sister-in-law go to see grandpa first."

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