My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1393: Extra chapter, the men of the Qin family are cold and cold

Chapter 1394: Extra chapter, the men of the Qin family are cold and cold

Qin Yinze asked: "Of course, grandpa is here too?"

Last time, Qin Yinze was brought back to Jiangbei by his parents in a coma. Before he woke up after returning to Jiangbei, his grandfather went to the temple to pray for him again. Until he left Jiangbei, he could not see his grandfather. Now that he heard that his grandfather was here, Qin Yinze was also extremely excited.

Qin leran nodded: "we are all here, grandpa will definitely come."

"Mom, little aunt, of course, you guys chat first, I'll take Xiaorou to meet grandpa first." After greeting the elders, Qin Yinze dragged Jirou to the living room.

But Ji Rou is reluctant to go to see grandpa with Qin Yinze: "Qin Yinze, please let me go first and let me be mentally prepared before I go to see grandpa, okay?"

Qin Yinze stopped and looked at the coquettish Ji Rou: "The old man loves me and loves my grandfather. You are my wife, and he is your grandfather. What else should you do when you see your grandfather? Prepare?"

Jirou hesitated and said, "I'm a little scared."

Qin Yinze smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? You were so brave that you were afraid of grandpa? Are you afraid that grandpa will eat you?"

Qin Yinze's tone was joking, and Ji Rou actually nodded: "All the men in your Qin family are very cold and cold, even such a small boy. I feel a little overwhelmed every time I see them. . The person you want to take me to see is the senior person in your family and the person you respect the most. I am worried that I will be frightened and say the wrong thing when I see him, which will damage your image. "

Jirou's reason is so angry and funny. Qin Yinze reaches out and pokes her forehead: "You look smart, but you can't learn to use your brain to think about things."

Jirou glared at him: "Don't hurt me."

Qin Yinze held her hand again: "My grandfather is a very kind old man. He loves me and loves me. He has long been looking forward to me taking my wife back for him to see. He is happy to see you now It’s too late, so how can I scare you?”

Ji Rou is still unwilling to enter the house with Qin Yinze: "Qin Yinze, you haven't understood what I mean. It's not that grandpa wants to scare me, but the coldness of your Qin family men makes people afraid to rely too much on you." close."

" turns out that our Qin family men are so scary in my grandson's heart." A slightly older but still loud voice reached Ji Rou's ears. She looked up and saw a man of about six years old. An old man of about ten years old stood at the front door, looking at her with a smile.

No need to guess, this is Qin Yinze's grandfather. Maybe it's because he is older. He has a few white hairs on his head and a kind and amiable smile on his face. Qin Yinze can't be seen at all in him. The aloof look of the man in the family even made Jirou think that this was her biological grandfather.

Qin Yinze immediately spoke for Jirou: "Grandpa, this girl has no other meaning. She just wants to meet her elders. I'm worried that you won't like her, and I feel a little hesitant."

Grandpa Qin said: "Little girl, you are the wife that our Aze has brought home. He likes you, and our family will like you, and I, an old man, will naturally be no exception."

Grandpa Qin is completely different from what Jirou imagined, especially when he talked to Jirou in a joking tone, which relaxed Jirou's tense nerves.

The tense nerves were relaxed, and Jirou felt much more comfortable. She smiled sweetly and said, "Hello, grandpa! My name is Xiaorou. I am very happy to see you!"

"Okay, okay...little girl, grandpa is also very happy to see you." Grandpa Qin laughed heartily, but his eyes were stained with a little sadness when he smiled, because he thought of his late wife.

On such a happy day of family reunion, he shouldn't think about sad things, but when he saw his grandson's wife, he had to think about it. He silently said to his deceased wife in his heart: "Yan'er, I finally met our granddaughter-in-law. She was a very cute girl, a very lovable girl. If you are alive in heaven, you can rest in peace."

Before his late wife died, she spent the whole day thinking about meeting her grandson-in-law. Today he finally met her grandson-in-law. If Zhan Yan is alive in heaven, she should also be happy.

The arrival of the Qin family made the originally deserted Xishan Villa lively.

Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Limo are always the two most talkative and naughty people. The mother and son run here and there, but they are never quiet.

Zhan Nianbei is a man with great prestige in the military, but in Qin Xiaobao's eyes, he is just a paper tiger. The key is that he is also willing to pamper Qin Xiaobao and let her do whatever she wants.

Therefore, when Qin Xiaobao and his son were mischievous, Zhan Nianbei would usually choose to play chess with his brother-in-law or chat with Qin Yue, choosing the out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach.

The little Qin Yinjian still maintained his usual cold style. When everyone was chatting lively, he sat alone, holding a book in his hand.

I don't know if I'm really reading a book, or if I'm thinking of some plot to end the war.

As for Qin lelan and her brother lie, they have been married for several months, but they live every day as if they were newlyweds. When they are together, their fingers must be tightly interlocked, like glue.

The person who couldn't sit still was probably Jian Ran. The day after tomorrow was New Year's Eve, but the decorations in this house were not prepared, and it didn't look like they were celebrating the New Year at all.

From these decorations, Jian Ran could imagine how miserable her eldest son had been spending the Spring Festival alone outside these years. Maybe he didn't celebrate the festival at all.

After walking around the house, Jian Ran immediately took charge and ordered some New Year decorations to be purchased, and personally led Ji Rou and Qin Leran to decorate the house.

Looking at the results of the decorations made by herself and her family, Jirou felt particularly satisfied: "Auntie, you are so ingenious, it seems that nothing is difficult for you. The decoration of this home by you makes people feel much warmer in an instant. "

Jian Ran smiled: "This is the charm of home and family, because the whole family is together, no matter what they do or what they eat, it can make people feel warm in their hearts."

Ji Rou nodded in agreement: "Yes."

Jian Ran said again: "Xiaorou, thank you!"

Jirou doesn't understand: "Auntie, why did you suddenly say thank you to me?"

Jian Ran smiled and said: "Thank you for appearing by Aze's side, thank you for staying with him, and thank you for giving him the courage to truly love someone."

"Auntie, do I have such a big effect as you said?" Ji Rou felt very happy when she heard Jian Ran's words, but she dared to believe that her influence on Qin Yinze was so great.

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