My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1407: The Successor, Give Five Thousand More

Chapter 1408: The Successor Chapter, Give Five Thousand More

On the other end of the phone, Lu Qiming, who was supposed to be the head of the family, responded solemnly: "If Xixi was not filial, she wouldn't have worked so hard to help the family this year. The person named Qin is not a fuel-efficient lamp, so you have to give her more some time."

Every time her stepmother talks about her, her father has such a calming attitude, which makes Lu Xi furious: "If you want me to be filial to you, you feel your black heart and ask, what is it about you that deserves my filial piety?"

Lu Qiming said: "Xixi..."

"Don't call me that." Not wanting to hear the noise of this family, Lu Xi hung up the phone. To be honest, if she didn't have a little blood relationship with this family, she would have wanted nothing to do with them. .

But obviously, the family didn't seem to realize how much they had gone too far. They tried every means to make money from her and treated her like a cash cow.

She didn't want them to drink her blood anymore. After a moment of hesitation, she added the phone numbers of these people to the list one by one. Since they didn't treat her as family, why should she treat them as family anymore.

After doing these things, Lu Xi thought of Qin Yinjian, today's uninvited guest. She came to the restaurant again. The dishes on the table were still well placed and untouched, proving that Qin Yinjian hadn't eaten.

If he doesn't want to eat, then he won't eat. Forget it if he starves to death. Lu Xi really wants to leave him alone, but if he really starves to death, it will be a big loss for her, so she has to ask him what he eats. Don't eat.

Lu Xi gently pushed open the door of the study. In the study, Qin Yinjian was holding a book in his hand. He seemed to be very absorbed in reading it. After waiting, Lu Xi asked: "Well, the food is cold. How about you first?" Go and eat. If you’re hungry, you’re the one doing the hard work.”

Qin Yinjian looked at the book without raising his head.

Lu Xi continued: "Did you come here after dinner?"

Qin Yinjian still didn't speak.

Lu Xi added: "You didn't come to my place on weekends before, and I thought you wouldn't come today, so I ate it without waiting for you. You shouldn't blame me."

Qin Yinjian: "Get out!"

Lu Xi: "Are you really angry?"

Qin Yinjian: "Get out!"

Lu Xi: "..."

Just go out. Did she think she wanted to face his cold face?

To be honest, she didn't want to see his cold face at all.

Lu Xi went back to her room, took a shower and went to sleep. Because she exercised too much, she fell asleep not long after lying on the bed.

She didn’t know how long she slept, but the other side of the big bed sank slightly, and soon a man’s fiery body came close to her. She fell into a dazed sleep: “I’m so tired, can I not sleep tonight?”

"No?" The man's deep voice sounded in her ears. Before Lu Xi could recover, he was about to leave. When she realized something, she quickly reached out and grabbed him, "Yes! I want it." !”

Her compromise did not make the man happy, but made him angry. Qin Yinjian pinched her chin and forced her to look up at him: "Lu Xi, do you like to belittle yourself so much?"

"Being cheap?" Lu Xi smiled, "How many people want to climb into the bed of the new CEO of Shengtian, but they can't even lean on the other side, but they let me climb up. This is obviously because they are so lucky, how can they be called being cheap? Woolen cloth?"

"Since you are so open-minded, then perform your duties well." Qin Yinjian said gloomily.

They were obviously very close to each other, and each could deeply feel the warmth the other conveyed to them, but their hearts seemed to be separated by a mountain, and they could not be close to each other no matter what.

"We agreed that it would not exceed three nights a week. For one more night, you will give me another five thousand." Just when Qin Yinjian was showing off his enthusiasm, Lu Xi suddenly said this, causing him to stop abruptly.

In the middle of the matter, Qin Yinjian's face was as gloomy as Yama from hell. After a few seconds of pause, he turned over and left, turned around and walked into the bathroom. When he came out again, he didn't even look at her, put on his clothes and left. .

He left, but there was still his breath in the room, especially the marks he left on Lu Xi's body, which she couldn't ignore no matter what.

Lu Xi still didn't understand where she provoked him.

Forget it, if you don't understand, just don't think about it. It doesn't matter if he leaves, she doesn't have to serve him carefully anymore.

She told herself this in her heart, but Lu Xi's heart couldn't calm down. Originally, this was not the case between them...

Jingle Bell--

Zhan Limo, who was drinking with a group of friends, suddenly rang his cell phone. He glanced at it casually and saw that it was Qin Yinjian's call, so he deliberately didn't answer it.


He was completely embarrassed in Shengtian today. I wanted to call him to apologize at this time. I'm sorry, but he won't accept it at the end of the war. Unless Qin Yinjian beats him a few more times to calm him down, he might forgive him. .

However, after he didn't answer the call once, he waited and waited, but never got Qin Yinjian's call again: "This man is really serious. Can his apology be sincere?"

Someone said: "Mr. Zhan, whoever provoked you, tell me and let the brothers deal with him."

At the end of the war: "Qin Yinjian, the new president of Shengtian, has offended me. How do you want to help me deal with him?"

The man who just spoke blushed instantly and stammered: "You guys keep drinking, I'm going to the toilet."

Since Qin Yinjian no longer calls, Zhan Limo can call him. Thinking of him, he dials Qin Yinjian's phone: "Second Young Master Qin, are you so insincere when you call me to apologize?"

Qin Yinjian: "Where is it?"

Zhan Lim smiled and said, "Oh, I told my aunt that you could just call me to apologize. There's no need to come to meet and apologize."

It's not like he doesn't understand how sinister Qin Yinjian is. If Qin Yinjian finds him, he might use some means to deal with him, so it's better to listen to his apology on the phone.

Qin Yinjian still has two words: "Where?"

Hearing his gloomy voice, Zhan Limo unconsciously reported his location honestly. After reporting, he felt regretful, but thinking about it, Qin Yinjian never bothered to step into such a place of drinking and sex. What is he afraid of? He should drink well when he should drink and do what he should do well.

Someone added a glass of wine to Zhan Limo: "Mr. Zhan, let me toast you."

Zhan Li raised his glass at the end: "We are all of the same age, no matter how respectful or disrespectful, let's drink together."

Just when they were drinking hotly, a statue as cold as an iceberg appeared at the door, making everyone in the room who was drinking hotly, including Zhan Limo, shiver.

The person coming could not be anyone other than Qin Yinjian.

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