My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1408 The Successor, Lu Lu

Chapter 1409: Successor, Lu Lu

After being stunned, Zhan Limo immediately greeted with a smile: "Oh, Master Qin, I told you that you don't need to come to me in person to apologize. Why did you actually come? This really flatters me."

Qin Yinjian still maintained his aloofness and walked in without saying a word. When he came over, because of his cold temperament, the people sitting around Zhan Limo dispersed unconsciously, leaving those around Zhan Limo behind. The position was left to him.

At the end of Zhan Li, he quickly pretended to wipe his seat: "Second Young Master Qin, please sit down."

Qin Yinjian sat down and looked at the wine glass on the table with gloomy eyes. Zhan Limo immediately guessed what he meant: "I'll ask someone to add a glass, will you have one too?"

Qin Yinjian still didn't speak, but Zhan Limo knew what it meant. He had grown up with him and knew him best. He immediately asked someone to bring a wine glass and poured Qin Yinjian a glass: "Qin Er Master, these wines are rare and good, please try them."

Qin Yinjian did not accept the drink, but looked at the people around him. At the end of Zhan Li, he understood what he meant and immediately waved his hand: "That's all for today. Everyone, please go back first. I'll invite you another day." Everyone."

Qin Yinjian's arrival made everyone present feel uncomfortable. They had wanted to leave for a long time, but they didn't dare. Now that they got Zhan Limo's order, they almost ran away.

After everyone dispersed, Zhan Li said casually: "Second Master Qin, look at how nice I am. You are too embarrassed to apologize to me in front of so many people, so I drove them away."

At the end of Zhan Li, he tugged on his clothes, coughed slightly, and put on a serious look: "My dear Second Young Master Qin, since everyone has left, you should start apologizing."

Qin Yinjian ignored him, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. After drinking one glass, he added another glass. He drank three glasses in a row without any intention of stopping. At the end of Zhan Li, he immediately grabbed the wine glass from Qin Yinjian's hand: "I said Qin Yinjian, are you stupid?"

If a person who has never drank drinks drinks like this, it will kill him. Although this person is usually too aloof to understand the fireworks of the world, it's not like he doesn't understand such a simple truth.

Qin Yinjian's eyes shot coldly, and Zhan Limo immediately stepped back, but did not show weakness: "If you drink again, I will call my aunt. Do you want her to worry about being away on vacation?"

This warning really worked. Seeing that Qin Yinjian had calmed down a lot, Zhan Limo took the opportunity to say, "Are you troubled? Tell me and let me enlighten you."

No, you should say it to make him happy.

The second young master Qin has been outstanding since he was a child. He has never encountered anything unpleasant. At the end of Zhan Li, he had been waiting for him to fall down somewhere and then laughed at him.

Qin Yinjian stared at Zhan Limo for a long time. When Zhan Limo was horrified, he slowly said: "Look who you play with all day? Where do you play? Even if you No matter how bad it is, you are also the son of Commander Zhan, can you please stop embarrassing your father?"

Qin Yinjian didn't say anything. He said such a long list of words that were damaging to Zhan Limo, which made Zhan Limo furious: "Qin Yinjian, don't be too self-righteous. Why do you mean I'm worse? What's wrong with me? Already?"

Qin Yinjian: "Look at your whole body. Is there anything wrong with you?"

Zhan Limo: "Ah... No matter how bad I am, I still have a lot of friends around me, but you are the one. Look at you, since you were a kid, apart from me, is there anyone else around you who is willing to play with you?"

Qin Yinjian sneered. He never bothered to play with those naive peers. If it weren't for the fact that the Qin family came to him at the end of the war, he wouldn't have wanted to pay attention.

Zhan Limo said: "Okay, I know you are thinking in your heart that you don't care about having friends at all, but what about your girlfriend? Even your own girlfriend doesn't want you. What do you think you are worth?"

This point pierced Qin Yinjian's weakness. His eyes darkened, and his whole body exuded a chill that made people tremble. Even at the end of Zhan Li, he felt a little scared: "Don't scare me."

Qin Yinjian glanced at him coldly, and stood up suddenly. Maybe it was because he had never drank before, and because he got up too hastily, his brain felt dizzy, his body swayed, and he fell back down.

Usually there are quarrels and quarrels, but if something really happened to Qin Yinjian, Zhan Li was still worried at the end of the war. He immediately supported Qin Yinjian: "Qin Yinjian, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Yinjian took Zhan Limo's hand away, gritted his teeth and warned coldly: "Zhan Limo, if you mention these words in front of me in the future, I will make you die without a burial place."

Qin Yinjian's voice was so cold that Zhan Limo really believed that if he mentioned the word girlfriend again in the future, Qin Yinjian would tear off his head and kick it as a ball.

On the weekend, because there was no Qin Yinjian, Lu Xi took a late nap and didn't wake up until ten in the morning. He was woken up by the ringtone of his mobile phone placed beside the bed.

In the past, she had the habit of turning off her phone to sleep, but after maintaining this relationship with Qin Yinjian, as long as he was not around her, she had to turn on her phone to prevent him from finding her and deducting her money.

The call this time was from Teacher Zhang from Lu Lu Kindergarten. Lu Xi immediately sat up, answered the phone, and said nervously: "Teacher Zhang, did something happen to my Lu Lu again?"

"Mommy, why haven't you come to see me for so long? Don't you want me anymore?" What came from the receiver of the mobile phone was the tender and sweet voice of a child. Lu Xi's heart softened when she heard it, and tears instantly rolled in her eyes. .

Lu Xi took a few deep breaths before she could speak properly: "Baby, no, no... Mommy doesn't want you, Mommy is just very busy, and she will go back to see you when she is done. You are in kindergarten Please listen to Teacher Zhang, okay?"

"But I miss Mommy, I want Mommy to be by my side..." The child on the other end of the phone said pitifully, and became more and more novel as he spoke, "I just miss Mommy."

"Lu Lu, Mommy misses you too, but Mommy still has work. Give Mommy another week, and Mommy will go with you next week, okay?" Hearing the child's tender voice, Lu Xi wished she could She wanted to go back to him immediately, but she couldn't. If Lu Lu was discovered... she didn't dare to think about the consequences after Lu Lu was discovered.

Teacher Zhang took the mobile phone and said: "Lu Lu's mother, Lu Lu is usually very obedient, but she had a high fever last night. The fever didn't subside until midnight. She kept calling mommy when she was in a daze. I really couldn't bear it, so I asked her Got your call."

"Lu Lu has a high fever?" Lu Xi rolled over and got out of bed. When she heard that Lu Lu had a high fever, she couldn't sit still anymore. Even if she risked Lu Lu being discovered, she had to go to Lu Lu's side to accompany him.

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