My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 1411 The Successor, Sensible Son

Chapter 1412: Successor, Sensible Son

Lu Xi is a woman who wants to be with him because of money. She usually tries her best to please him because of money. Now the person he wants to find her can only contact her because of money.

Besides money, money, what else could there be between them?

Qin Yinjian, who had always been calm, was so angry that he threw his phone on the coffee table with a loud bang. But after calming down for a while, he picked up the phone again and made another call: "Check Lu. Where is Xi’s card swiping record?”

Listening to the busy tone of the phone, Lu Xi put away her phone in disappointment. It seemed that this time she had really touched President Qin's bottom line, so he would cut off all her finances and force her to bow her head and admit her mistake to him.

They had agreed at the beginning that they would not interfere with each other on Sundays. He would do his thing and she would do hers. They have maintained such a "good" relationship this year. Who knows why this man went crazy this time? ah.

Lu Xi sighed, looked down and saw Lu Lu pouting again, looking angry: "Mommy, Lu Lu needs to grow up quickly, get rid of the big bad guys, and don't let the big bad guys bully Mommy."

Every time Mommy calls, she becomes very unhappy. Lu Lu knows in his heart that Mommy doesn't want to answer the phone, so he wants to grow up quickly and get rid of the bad guys who bully Mommy.

"Baby, there is no bad guy bullying Mommy, don't worry." After hearing her son's heart-warming words, Lu Xi's unhappiness disappeared. She pinched Lu Lu's red face and said, "Baby, Mom I have something to discuss with you."

"Mommy, Lu Lu wants to be with you all the time, sleep together and eat together..." Every time Mommy is with him, she will leave when she gets a call. Lu Lu hates Mommy answering the phone. , but he couldn't stop it because he was little, but he would get very flustered every time he saw Mommy answering the phone, always worried that Mommy would abandon him and run away again.

Lu Xi patiently explained: "Baby, Mommy didn't want to leave you. It's just that Mommy forgot to bring a lot of money when she went out today. We can only buy two small toys in the shopping cart. We can't buy this toy car. Do you think it's okay? ?”

Lu Xi thought that Lu Lu would be disappointed when he heard that he could not buy his favorite toy car. Who knew that such a big child was not unhappy at all. Instead, he held her face and comforted her: "Lu Lu only wants mommy, not toy cars." ”

Little Lu Lu was so sensible that Lu Xi felt distressed. She took the child into her arms, held him tightly, and said over and over again: "Baby, I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

When her young son wanted to buy the toys he liked, she couldn't satisfy him and made him worry so much. Lu Xi felt that she was really a useless mom.

"Mommy, it doesn't matter." Lu Lu struggled out of Lu Xi's arms and took the toy car out of the shopping cart. "We don't want it anymore, as long as Mommy stays with Lu Lu Lu."

Seeing that her son, who was just over three years old, was so sensible, Lu Xi felt even more sour and sad. She couldn't help but hug the little child into her arms again: "Lu Lu, without you, Mommy would have lost her life in the past three years." Don’t know how to live.”

Lu Lu's birth was an accident, which changed her life drastically, but it was precisely because of Lu Lu that she was able to survive the most difficult days in the past few years.

Lu Xi also believes that as long as she works harder, her and Lu Lu's life will be better.

At such a young age, Lu Lu was surprisingly sensible. His mood when he returned home was not affected at all by not buying his favorite toy. He was still jumping up and down, not to mention how happy he was.

It was precisely this that made Lu Xi realize that leaving her son in the care of others was not an option. She had to find a way to bring Lu Lu to live in Jiangbei, so that she could be with Lu Lu as long as she had time.

However, Qin Yinjian is so powerful, how can she secretly take Lu Lu with her under Qin Yinjian's many eyes and ears without letting him discover it?

I'm afraid it's difficult.

But in order to be with Lu Lu, Lu Xi was willing to try no matter what.

"Mommy, this is for you." Lu Xi was busy making Coke chicken wings in the kitchen. Lu Lu took out a small bag from nowhere. The small bag contained a lollipop, a few chocolates and some snacks.

"Baby, where did you get all this food?" Lu Xi took the bag. Because the weather was hot, the chocolate melted, but her son's heart was here, and she was very happy.

"The teacher gave it to Lu Lu. Lu Lu should leave it to mommy." Kindergarten does not give out a lot of candies, but occasionally gives out some to the children. After getting these candies, Lu Lu wanted to eat them, but was reluctant to eat them because She was worried that her mother, who was working hard outside, would not have anything to eat, so he left these for her.

Lu Xi was happy and distressed: "Son, thank you for leaving these candies for Mommy, but Mommy is an adult and doesn't like eating these. From now on, if the teacher gives them to you, you can eat them. You don't need to leave them for Mommy, you know. "?"

"I know." Lu Lu nodded and asked again, "What does Mommy like to eat?"

"Mommy likes to eat my baby..." Lu Xi picked up Lu Lu and kissed him. "From now on, as long as my baby eats fat and white, Mommy will be very happy."

"Hehehehe..." Lu Lu was amused by Lu Xi and laughed, "Mommy, Mommy, I love Mommy."

"Mommy loves my baby too, but mommy is going to make Coca-Cola chicken wings now. The baby can play with it by himself first, and mommy can play with you later, okay?" If you don't ignore the chicken wings in the pot, they will probably burn.

"Yeah." Lu Lu also obeyed and went to play by himself, but after not playing for a while, he came to Lu Xi's side, hugged Lu Xi's legs and rubbed against her, which made Lu Xi's heart soften.

Not long after, Qin Yinjian received a reply and learned that Lu Xi's card swiping record was in Yunhai City next door.

Lu Xi was born and raised in the United States. Her family, friends and classmates are all in the United States. She has only been back for a year, and there is no one she knows in Linhai City. What is she doing in Yunhai City?

Qin Yinjian wanted to know. As long as he made another phone call, he would know why Lu Xi ran to Yunhai City, but he hesitated. Should he give her freedom?

Jingle Bell--

While Qin Yinjian was lost in thought, a call came in. The caller was his sister Qin lelan. He immediately answered: "Sister, what's the matter?"

Qin leran's call came from the handset of the mobile phone: "Mom said, no matter how busy everyone is, we must go back to Nuoyuan every weekend to get together. None of us have made an exception in these years. You can't go on a trip because of your parents. Just ignore what your mother said."

"I'll go back right away." Qin Yinjian didn't talk much to his sister, but his tone of voice was still very different from other people, just because he loved his family.

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